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JoH.f Meybbs, oiof the wealthy citizens of Lojiansport, Ind., died from th effects of a rat bite. Mus. Waciitf.k, tho Whitehall (Pa.) faster, had on the llth gone 221 days without tasting foul. Official returns from the Iowa eleotion show the suecess of the entire Republican ticket by pluralities rangin from Söö for Railroad Commissioner to 2,800 for Seerètery of State. Official returns from the recent eleotion in California gire the Republicana four of the six Congressmen, niakinj; the deleg-uiiüii the same ast he previoua onn. The Alabama Le;rslature convened on the 12th. Wyominos first State Legislatura met at Cheyenne on the 12th. Thera were forty-nine memberü, nine of whom were Democrats. W. R. Schnitjrer, of Cheyenne, was elected president of the Senate, and O. P. Kellogg, of Cook County, was chosen speaker of th House. ïiif. polden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fisher, of Elkhart, Ind., was celebrated on the 12th. Tuk returns from all the counties in Indiana give the followin? as the result of the recent election: Matthews (Dem.), for Sucre tary of State, 283,881; Trusler (Rop.), 214,:JU; Blount (Pro.), 11.934; Prindle (People's), 17,851; Matthews' plurality, 19.579. Official returns from the recent eleotions show that the Democrats elected the entire fourteen Congressmon in Missouri and oioven of the thirteen In Indiana. In Pennsylvania the Conjressional delosation stands eijfhteen Republicans and ten Democrats. Enwiv Hoorn, the reat actor, was 57 years old on the 13th. The 77th birthday of Allen O. Thurman was celebrated in Columbus, O., on the lüth, prominent persons from all over the country boing present. Mr. Thurman has livod in Ohio seventy-one yoars. Rev. Dk. II. M. Dkkter, editor of the Congreationalist, of Koston, died suddenly at his home in New Bedford, ageH 6U years. Rkv. Cini;i,t S. Akmsit.oxo, a Presbyterian minister of Jackson, Micb., died on One ntreet of heart failure at Click, Mtoh. Ho was 67 years old and li:il been i" the ministry forty years. The l'rolnbition party of Missouri havinff fiiilo l at the recent election to poll the :í per cont. vote requisita under the Atistialian law to preserve the party's otTicial standing, have deterininod lo adopt the name of National party and to embody additional issuos in thí'ir pial forro. Tuk official returns show that Pattison (Deni ) was elected (overnor of Pennsylvania by 16,554 phirality. The Repiiblicans olected the remainder of the State ticket by pluralities ranging from 83,806 to -5,491. Daniki. i. Appi.ktom, head of th publishin firm of D. Appleton & Co., died at nis home in New York, aged 08 years. It was estimated that 26,000 ballots were tbrown out for alleged defects in th recent elcction in Indiana.


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Ann Arbor Courier