IIow to save money is a problem tliat nterests everybody. One wsy to do it i to invicorate the nystem with Ayer's Sarsapatllla. Beinp a higlily concéntrate] blood medicine, It is the most powerful and ecorxunical. It is sold for a dollar a bottlc, but worth flvp. It is better to be right tlian to he left - Boston Herald. I Wished I Was Dead t Afler sufl'erlng eeverl years with Leueon hoea, aiul no doubt I would huve been, onlv a lady indnced me to try Sulptuir Bitters. Ñow I ani well. Three bottlet curt-d me. - Mrs. Copps, Newport, H. I. _____ The wnrth of a man is not incrpased by addlng to the worth of bis money. - Ñew Or'eans Picayune. Ment WIus. We deslíe to say to our cltlzen, that for years we have been celllnir I)r. King'sNew Discovery for Consuinption, Dr. Kiug's New Life Pi lig, Bucklen's Árnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and huw never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universa! satisfaction. We do not hesitute to jjunrantee them every time, and we stand reaily to nfund the purchase price, if satisfactory resulta do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Eberbach & Sou Druegists.
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