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A i.m:i.i: tobáceo Iactory valuea ai 3200, ooo was burued at Madrid, and 10,000 men wore thrown out of employment A fki:i!y boat capsized in the river VVajg, near Biztrioe, Austria, and fiftyflve passenger were drowned. OvEit 200 Jbwb expelled from Russia sailed from lSremen for the United States. Tkn porsons ere killed in a colusión betweon a passenger train and afreight train near Tatmton, Enj. tíiiKA i diimage has been done on th Welsh and Irish coasts by violentóles, and shippin? has sulferedseverely. Kino UvslfBEUT, of Italy, has refused to ask the usual appropriation for th heir to the thrune, saying that the country is too poor. Pbbsidbnt BooraK, of Honduras, was forced by Sánchez to evacúate Tejtuclifalpa, tho capital, and temporarily set up his governmont at Támara. Five mii.i.ion dollars' worth of newly dlscovered pino timber is the result of the Candudian (iovernment expedition of exploration that has returnod from the northorn portion of the Prorince of Quebec. Titp. British torpedo cruiser Serpent founderod off tho coast of Spain, and out of a totul of 378 sou W on board ooly three were saved. Qurrv Bmha has been appointed repjent to goevn Holland durinj the illness of Kinff William. SlNCE Mr. Halfour returned to Enlland from his Irish tour his guard of detectives has been increased. R. M. Wankki:& Cu., sewin?-machin and lamp munufacuirtus at Hamilton, Ont., failed for SriOO.OOO, and J. EL Gondron, flour merobu'nt at Sherbrooke, Que., failed for Sf25,'00ü. Thk rebullion in Honduras, headed by Uouurul Loiiifinos Sánchez, was practicall; endpd, the revolutionary torces havinjf bi on uttorly routod by the arniy which rrcsiJcnt Honran had tfathered from all portions of the tty. Anvir-ES from Zanïibar say that tho Sultan's dt;cruo abolixliitii; the slava tradu was almost a dtuid letter, tha Arabs persisting in the traffic under th ver.y eyos of the authurities. Rkoinw.d I$ihi.i.. who deeoyei Frederurk C. üonwall, a follow countryman, froin Enjjland on a pretensa of helpinir ii i tu to learn farniinpf in Canada and murdered him on Fcbruary 1" last in a swamp aöar Woodstouk, Ont., was hanged in thu jail-y.ird at that pluce on the Mth. Mu. .loiis 1). Dki.i.ii.k, the American Consul at Bristo:. Üng., died in that city.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier