Later News
Ar Uu' Ici'Sinv uiDaring-hoii.ies in the United Suitos the i-xi'h itigos during the week (.'inlil on Un: I5th aggregated tl,5ü2,s:4,4T;t. bgalnst I,a84,ftöa,874 the previous week. As compared with the sorrespondiiif; week of Is8! the insrease amouiited to S&& At I!c luii-lc. t'la., a shooting affray occurred in which two mtm were killed and thiG6 or fuut othors mortally wonnded. Coiipí.kTk bfflelal returns show that the new Nörtli Dtkota Legislatura will be eomposi'd of 54 Kepublicans, 81 Democrats and U Independents, giving the Republicuns a majority of 13 over all. At Utica. 111., l'hil Smith shot his wife dcad and then killed himself. Domostic troubles caused the deed. John Dawsox, of Torre Haute, celebrated his lOlst birtliday on the 15th. He was in good health. Mr. Dawson Í3 the father of lifteon children, four of whora are living. Tuk Kansas City Packing & Refrlgerating Company of Hoston made an assignment, with the liabilrtles estimated at upward of 81,000,000. Thiktt Turkish soldiers were killed and forty injured in a railway accident near Salónica. The Atlas sulphate milis at Appleton, Wis., were bumed. Loi , $100,000. (jKNKKAI, John C. Stakkwkatiíkk, forraerly of Wisconsin, and a prominent división commander in the late war, died at his home in Washington. Tuk Wyoming Logislatureelected exCongressman Joseph M. Carey as United States Senator. Nf.ak Huntingdon, Tenn., Constable Ross and his nuphew, James Ross, were shot dead by a farmer named Waddis, from whom tboy wore tryiiijf to colloct a debt. At a mass-meoting in Lincoln, Neb., Governor Thayer said $100,000 would be required to relieve the destitute people in the western part of the State. Tiikf.k boys, Charles Osterman, Edward Brown and Fay Uartoe, broke through the ico while skating at Pnillips, Wis., and weie drowned. Mr GitAV, of Colfax, Wash. , ran a foot race and boat the world's record by making 125 yards in 11% seconds. Setti.kus on the farms and ranches South of Mandan, N. D. , were on the 16th fleeing from thoir homes, believing that an Imlian uprising was near at hand. Tuk revolution in Honduras ended with the capture of Genoial Sánchez and othcr leadera of the revolt, and they were shot in the public square at Tegucigalpa.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier