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The Lady Godiva muft lmve liad excpptlon...

The Lady Godiva muft lmve liad excpptlon... image
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The Lady Godiva muft lmve liad excpptlonally long liair since it compltely onncpaled her lovely person. Since Ayer's Hnir Vigor eame into ue such examples are not so rare as formerly. It not only promotes the growth of the hair btit gives it a rioli, silken texture. He- Let us go and git in the park for a while. She (DRively) - How brijchl the electrlc üt'litu ii ! He (reassurinjrlv) - Bn' t It. y flicker and go out occapionaïly. - Muusey's Weekly. The Ladieo' Favorito. TIn' ncwest fasliinn Ín Indies' liats wlll doubtless ciiuse a fiwtter of plensnrable excitement innoiit; tbe fair sex. Lidies are always suspectible to t lie chances of a tasbion píate; and tbe more startling tbe gosslp over the new mode. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a positlve cure for tbe IIIh wliicli iifflict fetnales and iniiki; their lives miserable. Thla sovfrciaii punncea can be relied on in cases of dipiacementH and all functinnal derantrements. It builds up tbe poor, haggard and dmgeel-nut victlm, and )?ive8 her renewed hope and a ftnh lease of life. It tbe only medicine for woman'8 peculiar wcikness nnd ailments, sold by drugaists, under a posItive (ruariintee f rom the manufacturere, tint it will gire satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. Read printed guarantee on bottle wrapper.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier