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Montana, Oregon and Washington. The Northern Pacific Rallroad passing through Minnesota, Dakota, Montan, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington was the llrst line to bring the región occupled by I líese 8tateS uto culiililll II ii'ut un wítll tlie ensi. lis iiiiLt 11 line and branches penétrate all sections of these states, reaehing nine-tenths of the chlef cities. It is the short line to Helena aud Butte, Mont , Spokane Falls, Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Ore., and the only line running through train service from the east through the status of Montana and Washington. Pullman Sleepers and furnisbed Tourists Sleeping cars are run vla the Wisconsln Central and Northern Pacitie, and Pullman Palace Sleeping Car vi;i Chicago through to the Pacilic Coast without change. Thls is the DiaIng Car and Yellowstone Park route. The laige travel on the Northern Pacific line necessitated the inauguiation in June 1890, of a second through train to the 1 'urine coast t luis enabling tliis road to otl'er the public the advantasje of two through traln8 dnily to Montana and poluta in the Pacific Northwest, carrying complete service of sleeping cars, dining cars and regular day coaches. The train leaving St. Paul in the morning runs via the recently completed Air Line of the Northern Pacific through Butte, Mont., making this the shortest line to the latter poiut by 120 miles. Colonista tor Washington. Oregon and British Colombia pojntt should tiike no other line than the Northern Pacilic, as Ly this line only, can all portions of the state of Washington beseen. Stop-overs are allowed on second class tiokets at Spokane Kul Is and all points west, enabling settlers to inspect the country without extra expense. For Mnps, Time Tables and Illustnited Pamphlets, or auy sp 'ciul information desired, address your nearest ticket agent, or Chas. S. Fee, Qen'l Pass. and Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Mimi. A yisit to a eemetery ia calculatod to impresa n man tliat it ia a great plty lie can't have bis epltaph w ritten on bis blrthday nstead of so much later. - Washington Poit. The Buccaneers of Oíd Flaunted the kuil and cross bones, thelrenslgn, defiantly at the masthead. Your modern pírate, not on the high seas, but npon the high reputation of standard remedies skulks under viirlmis dlsgulses. Hls hole and corner traillo has never to any degree affected Hotstetter's Storaach Bitters, although that standard lnvlgorant and correctlve hes long been the shining mark at whlch hls shaftn have been dlrected. Cheap local bitters, componed offlrey unrectlfled stlraulants, wlth an Infusión, or extract posslbly, of sorae tonlc bark, are sllll sometimos recommended as ldentlcal wtth. or similar to, or posesslnt; virtut's kindred to those of Amerlca's ohosen famlly raedlcine. These perish speedlly. white the great subduer and preventlve of dlsease pursues lts snccessful career. overcoming malaria, dyspepsla, nervonsnesx, kldney trnublett. conHtlpatlon and rheiimatic allments, nol only on ihls, but on many contlnents. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BERBY PLANTS, FRUIT AND ORRAMKRTAI. TREEB Poars and Grapevines a Specialty! SYRUPS AND HOME MADE WINK. Syrnps of Raspberry and of Bartlett l'ears Bonexett, Dandelion and Kanpberry Wlnns and shrnliK. Sweet Red and White Concord, and MarthaQrapft Wlues,e8pectalïy propared Tor Invalida. Order trees and plants early is we get most of them frum the best Eastern Nurnerles. K. H VI II. WKM HIIKOlt HTKKKT. Honest Work ?eLm!a?.,? earnest men and womeu. we furnlNh ( Incapital ! ir you mean buslnens, drop us a oard and gel Home facts tliat wlll open your eyes! A legitímate line of gooda, and honesi men wanted to Introduce tbem In town and country. Iton't Vlt! Address at once, P. O. Box 64, Clnclnnatl, O.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier