USE DR.CRAIG'S ORIG [NAL KIDHEY M LIVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. Tliey are only Safe Remedles'to use for those aflllcted wlth Bright's Dlsease, Liver Uomplaint aud Urinary Affectlous. Only those preparcd ID tlie dky form are tlie Original and tlie Only KUlney and Livcr Cure tbat wlll restore you to perfect health. ALL LADIES USE o. :b. :Ft. ja.. 20LD BT ALL DBO3SI2TS. THE CRAÏoTmÈdICINE CO., PAÈSAIC, N. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. C. H. M1LLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Hurón St., 2 doors W. of Harris Gulld. The oldest agency In the city. Estabtished over a quarter of a eentury ao. Represeutlug the íollowlng flrst-olass corapanles, wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and AM'. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CXJNTINENTtVL 1NÖ. CO., f New York. NIAUARA IN8. CO.. of New York. Q1RARD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and ÖLOBE. Ratea Low as tlie LowpsI. Lomee LUxtally Adjiistptl and promptíy Pafd. (' II. MII.f-KN. F.IIKKRK 11 A SOHM, NN AKBOH KI.I.I. II MIW 1-HI.L.S. T ATkTTTC? T'iY DR LADU1KS " PKJ_iÜ.JJXÜlö RIODICAL" IMi.l.s rr.mi 'iiriK, trance. ïetabllsbod in Barop la 1886, Canada In 1878. Kor ttnppiemlon, rrrrgniarities, ndMontbly I)iTiina'"aniiii A reliablu monlhly medicine. Tht-y alwaya relieve. A y drncrlit. f-i. l'ill i ., Prqpriotor, Bpeooer, owa. Robert Stepheneun Co., wtiolesaJe isri'iits. nd all otbor rlrnfeNte in Ann Arbor, TUesi-' plllö are warranted to b'Hnar nn ihe"cbaniie. ' F&iwfrVc i - L jL 1 %y %f p Shoes Fám'iily Ygs í "Box Tip" School Shoes Ís%X tor Boys and Girls. t IPÏfeeX, Heeled or Weáge Heel. p 'tSVr&iv a-8toioH 1.25 & GOjnrtaFl "toi34 1.80 Wip-"' TlPtó Ito3 1.75 ■K'Sísí-í1 854 to r,-5 .oo í FARCO'S "iMV $2.50 Calf Shoe Vlov for Gentlemen, E-wA I T_ Uncqualed by any shoe jy p qïTa f vin America at the mino jW;i5riJtrprite, In Congres, líut--L'' iiKf ton and Lace. Meu'uoiid Boy's sizes. tf FARCO'S fl ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT íí" x Congola or Goat. Button, tJVSo Opera, or Common Snse. PCfl 4e Tackless and Flexible. f '"LÏJS&Èïw Warranted the most Va I ''ígBjjSiílfxl'-iíLBdieBuudMfciaf OURNANIEISON THE BOTTOM OFEVERY SHOE. Aslc your dMte for FurffoV shocu. If he dot-s not k" l thcín TOUdtouBaiid wowill fumisli vmiaiioiruu C. H. FAEGO & CO., Chioaso. IU. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANX ARBOR. jg+oolLi'B Cottoaa. noot f gïïi COMPOUND C ?fomposed of Cotton Root, TansT and Lv nJ l'ennyroyal - a recent discovery by an ■Juld physician. I metvsafuUu uted montlUy- Safe, Elfectual. Prlce $1, by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask ynur druegist lor Cook't Cotton Root Compound and take no substituto, or inolosc ' stamps for sealed particular. Address POND liLy company, No. 3 Flher Block, V)l Woo4ward ave., Detroit. Mlch. THIS PAPERA" se I IIIV I ni kll HuWELL COS Kewspaper Advcrtisingf Bureau (10 Spruce Street) .wliereadver. ■■■Mlf ItAIII tisingeontraetsmay NLUI VIIKK lie mude íur U in lili II I U lili
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