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Mack & Schmid

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OUR INCREASED SALES ÜATE LEID TJS TO LOOK FOB Larger Drives and Special Sale Bargains! We will Continue Our Weekly Sales ! However, of late, having found too many such Bargains we quote some that will be sold until January 1, 1891. Dress Coods Department. 100 pieces Fancy Dress Plaid (new colorings) 8 cents per yard. 100 pieces AllWoolFancy Plaids and Stripes, 36 inches 20 pieces Fancy, All Wool Black Stripe 40 cents per yard. 200 " AllWool.double-foldFlannels.inthelatest wide, worth 60 cents 35 cents per yard . 45 " " " " very fine; regplain and mixed colorings... 25 " " 55 " French Imported $1.00 Broadcloths 85 " " ular price $1.00 75 " 100 " 36inch width, All Wool Flannels 25 " " 200 pieces Extra heavy Silesias to be sold at 12 " ': 5000 yards (in remnants) good quality Silesias 6 " " ( Above in Mixtures only.) 10 Pieces Black Silk Warp Henriettas 80 cents per yard. Five bales Heavy Unbleached Sheeting, at 4 Cents per yard. 200 Ladies' All Wool Flannel Skirts, worth $1.35 $1.00 each. No. 9 all Silk Ribbons (worth 20c) lOcpery'd. 200 dozen large, all linen, knotted fringed Towels 12 ets. each. 500 Men's Outside heavy Flannel Shirts, sold at $1.00 each, 20 pieees all Linen, 62-in. wide, Table Damask, col'd bor'd 22c :' " 500 dozen assoited 25 cent Fancy Towels 18 " in ereys and browns 50c " 10 dozen Ladies' Combination Suits 90 ets. each. 200 dozen Men's 20 cent Woolen Socks (very heavy) 10c per pair. 200 dozen Men's $1.50 heavy Scots Wool Underwear $1.00 " 200 dozen extra ñne Fringed Doylies 10 " 200 good, large Bed Comforters, made by thé Ann Arbor la100 dozen Men's best 50c Overalls (blue only) 35c " 100 dozen all Linen white Table Napkins 50c per doz. dies, of choice materials $1.75 and $2.00 each . 5 bales good, heavy Comforters, cheap at $1.50 for $1.00 each. ■ 2000 yards Unbleached Gotton Flannel, 4c per yard. 0 yards 25 cent Black Imported Sateens (in renanants). 15c per yard. 100 dozen large, fast colors, red Bandana Hd'kfs worth 15c. 5 ets. each. 500 pairs full size 10-4 Blankets - slate and white 75c per pair. 0 yards fine twilled, plain and striped Nankeens, form1000 yards plain blue, brown and slate, also assorted check 200 pairs extra heavy coarse Blankets 80c " erly sold at 25 cents 10c " Denims, worth 18c to 20c (in remnants) 12cperyard. 3000 yards best 12c unbleached Cotton Flannel 9c per yard. 20 pieces all wool Scarlet Flannel 15 cents per yard. 500 good, full-size Jute Curtains, in Old Gold, Wine and Blue, with Fancy Borders, $1.65 per pair. 500 Ladies' and Children's Newmarkets, Jackets, Jerseys, etc, some worth from $10to$lö, at = - $5. OO E-A-CH I - 2000 yards good Ticking (in remnants) 6c per yard. Coates or Clnrk's Spool Thread (both kinds kept, in all 100 job Misses' Gossamers at 55enteeach. Big job in colored Hosiery and Gloves- choice 25c per "pair. sizes. to accommodate customers), choice 4c per spool. 500 " Dandy " good strip Corsets, worth 75c, in ecru, late üOO dozen Men's Flannelette Shirts 25centseach. 500 to 1000 Fashion Sheets (Butterick's Metropolitan, a and white 35 Muslin ünderwear, in all kinds, at 25 " thoroughly reliable kind), given away the lOth of 15 pieces Lockwood (our best selling Cotton) 9-4 Sheet1000 Curtain Sr.ades- complete with brackets, sticks and each inonth. ing- bleached, at 2?e Per vard ecrew?, fully ready for use 35c and 45c Two cases (Shorts) 4-4 Bleached Langdon G. B. Cotton, Two cases yard-wide, heavy 12$c Prints 7c 1000 extra strong black, light-colored and cherry Curtain (wortli 2c per yard more than Fruit or Lonsdale). . 10c per yard. 1000 yards Fancy Drapery Fringes- new shades 12ic Poles, with ends,brackets, rings, etc 25c 2000 balls ot' good Ann Arbor Toilet Soap 3 ets. each. All Wool single'Mittens- all sizes 1Oc per pair. 100 pieces heavy mixed pink Flannels 14c per yard. 300 Gazellc Corsets - all sizes, at 20 " " doublé Mittens - all sizes 25c Five good Lead Pencils for lc Two cases remnants Hill Cotton (same as Fruit) 7c per yard. 1000 yards Assorted Laces - job lot c per yard. 100 good Gents' Night Shirts 50 cents each. -OUR NEW KID GLOVE DEFARTMEUT I- Bvery pair Warranted. Gloves fitted to the hand, making fit certain. $1.25 Kids for $1.00. $1.50 Kids for $1.25. $1.75 and $2.00 Kids for $150 =ZTRY OUR CELEBRATED RICHELIEÜ GLOVES! Oarpets! -. Cárpete! -. Cárpete! Hemp Carpets, 11 cents per yard. All Wool Heavy Ingrains, 58 cents per yard. New Designs in Ingrains, 21 cents per yard. Cocoa Matting (best kind), -yard wide, 20 cents. All Wool Ingrains- except warp, 37 cents per yard. Cocoa Matting (best kind), 1-yard wide, 40 cents. (Above all Spring Styles.) Good Cocoa Door Mats, 38 cents each.


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Ann Arbor Courier