His Rise
He boughta brand new pair of sboes, Se Üiought he'd get some spata; Be then discovered that be lacked The latest thing in hats. Be bojAgbt one. Tlien his trousers bagged; Hu onVivd two new pair, And then, strane fact: bo noticod that Ris coaJ was quite threadbaro. He bougbt anuther. Theu saw ■ waisl -oals. JusL 'liingl H ■ oie ties to f aatcN; }h' bougbt a diamond rir He j ■ i : i ' tl tbree clubs. He bougbt a boem, ;ed it for a team ! i 'it fl saiimi yaebt, at flrst, Aml ii, i, moved nptostcam. He h ■ Uiings, anti maiiy more, Thfs i. i so tjreatand wis: Por tí ■ ■ liis carcer ho had I udvertisc.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier