Sad But True
X Weiril of Ixrve and MUery In Uh World' Fair Town. Bvening in Chicago. The lake beating a mnnnnrous tattao on the lonely shore. A great house in the süent sfcreet, witfa the wind liowling outeide. The young Count of New York whispering swoet somethings to the lTly Lady Northsido insóde. "Dear lady," he says in tremaloni tones, "I have known you only a, short Mme, but love is not a slare of tima or circumstaiice, and, lady mine, I - I" - he hesitated only an instant, "I would ask your hand." She blnshed and let her beautifal brown eyes f all. He picked them up qnickly and handed them to her, as she said: "What yon ask is very great, dear Eeginald, and" Bat Reginald was gone. And Lady Northside was converstng to herself. On the outside the count halted. "By Zucks!" he exclaimed, in cold, Btechanical tones, "she thought I waa askinp; for her foot." And the next moment he had disappeared in the gatheng gloom. - Washington Star. One of the Hotel Clcrk's Trial. Tho summer resort hotel clerk is bginning to find his speech af ter the past season's campaign. And if yon will let him teil the story he is a much abused individual. "For instance," saya one ol them, "the clerk schednles on getting up at 7 o'clock. Well, at 6 a boy hammera on his door and saya a lady wand to see him at once down in the offioe; can't wnit a minuto, and nobody else will do. Up jumps tne clerk and falla down to the ground floor to find the occupant of Suite A, for example, laying for him. 'Good morning, madam,' says the clerk. 'Dear! how you h&v kept me waiting!' she replies. 'Very sorry,' says the clerk, wiahiug in his soul that lie had kept her half au hoor. Then ahe begins again: 'I intend to spend the day in town, and got up early to see if you thought the 10 o'clock train was better than the 10:20. What do you thinkT He's just got to grit his teeth and smile, and say that the 10 train is f aster by two minutes, but that he thinks she woold find less einders in and better viewB from the 100. Then she'll thank him and take the 11:56 train."- New York Tribune.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier