Hereditary Nerve
Oíd Crisp - Ah, yon youngrascal, what do you mean by helping yourself to my cigars? Young Crisp - Tm curing myself of the cigarette habit, sir. - Puck. Resigna tion. He (delightedly) - So yon will marry me? She (calroly) - On mature consideration I think I will. You don't amount to mach, you're homely and awkward, bnt in Massachnsetts you know we have to put up with anything that comei along. - Yenowine's News. "Time ís Money." Teacher (to class in grammar) - Wliat is that familiar short sentence which brings time and inoney into close connection? Voice in Back Seat - I know. Teacher - Well, Tommy, what is US Tommy- Ten days or tea dollars.- Mnnsey's Weekly. One Kxception. He (gettiug up from bis knees) - I dont believe, Miss Eissburgg, you have a particle of affectiou for a human being. She (much shocked)- Dear me. Mr. Sm He (bitterly interrnpting) - True. I forgot. There is one. - Chicago Tribon. In the History ClaM. "What was the greatestactof Thomas Jefferson's life?" inquired the teacher. And the shock headed boy that hadn't studied the lesson scratched his left shin with his right foot and said he guessed it was the last act of "Bip Van Winkle." - Chicago Tribune. Her Letter. The postman's leatber sachel he carriea oarolessly, The good or woe be may bestow he cares In do desree, He's letters for good toren, he's lettera Ulied wfcb bilis, And circulara of soap, cigars, la B C'uttiins, corn cures, pills. Down in the postman' saebei, wei) bid trom prying eyes, And buried deep beoeatb tbe heup a litUe letter lies. Does it brinjf a wuitlng mtdtm lore (rom a lover goue afar? No; beuer iliáu tUat. It bringg ber fat, 1mx baak trom hr éattr it.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier