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Pianos And Organs

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HA Little Common, Every-day Sense" ABOTTT A. WAY WE HAVE." If you intend buying a Piano or Organ within the next five years, we have about 200 words we wish to say to you " right now.' We believe that in buying a Piano or Organ there are just three things to be settled : First- Is the Dealer responsible, and can I rely on the representations he makes. Second - Is the Piano reliable, of good tone and durable? Third- Is the price right and terms just ? We have put the dealer's responsibility first - for the best instrument may prove defective, and to the dealer you must then look for an honest, liberal fulfillment of the guaran tee. And a reliable,dealer, with a ooon name to guard, will always do what is right. Our Company was established in 1872, by David P. AllmendingehIncorporated in 1888, with $25.000.00 paid in capital. Among our principal stockholders are : F. Schmid, of Mack & Schmid, President ; H. Hutzel, of Hutzel & Co., Vice Pres.; F. Belser, Cashier Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank, Treas.: G. Frank Allmendinöer, of Allmendinger & Schneider, millers; Gustavk' Bkehm, County Treasurer, ;1Dr. W. F. Breakey, Dr. John Kapp, and several others of equal standing. We have a large and well equipped Factory for the manufacture of Pianos and Organs in Ann Arbor, and our reputation ie for square and liberal dealing. Are We Likely to be Responsible? - m i Our stock of New Uprïght Pianos : 1 CHICKERING- STYLE K, ROSEWOOD. 1 BOARDMAN & GRAY- STYLE 10, WALNUT. 1 BOARDMAN & GRAY- STYLE 10, EBONY. 1 HAINES BROS- STYLE 7, LIGHT MAHOGANY. 1 HAINES BROS- STYLE 7, EBONY. 2 HAINES BROS- STYLE 7, ROSEWOOD. 1 HAINES BROS-öTYLE (i, RO8KWOOD. 1 IVERS & PONP-STYLE S, MAHOGANY. 1 IVERS t POND-STYLE P, EBONY. I IVKRS & POND- STYLE ü. ROSEWOOD. 1 WEGMAN- STYLE A, LIGHT MAHOGANY. 1 WEGMAN- STYE C, WALNUT. 1 WEGMAN- STYE ONE, KBONY (The Wegman has an excellent Patent Tuning Pin devloe.) 1 PEEK & SON'8 " OPERA " PIANO- STYLE 3.A, EBONY. 1 ALLMENDINGER- STYLE A, ROSEWOOD. 1 ALLMENDINGER-STYLE C, WALNUT. 1 ALLMENDINGER- STYLE D. EBONY. And Last, and Best of All. 1 " MEHLIN-STYLE M, FANCY WALXUT. I "MEHLIN "-STYLE H, FANCY MAHOGANY-Light. 1 "MEHLIN"- STYLE P, FANCY MAHOGANY- Light. 1 "MEHLIN- STYLE P. WALNUT. &" Wefconsider the " MEHLIN " one of the very finest and best constructed Pianos made. We would like you to see them Do you think in this assortment of Superior Pianos - and some 27 second hand and slightly used Pianos - you could find sornething to please you ? Price, you will observe, we put last ; as it makes little difference how little money you spend if you buy an article with which you are never satisñed. We own our own Factory. We buy on Cash Terms. We exchange our Organs with many manufacturera for Planos. We do a large Wholesale as well as Retail business, and get the best wholesale rates in buying. We are under small expenses, and pay no commissions or agente profits from our store. Is Our Price Likely to be Right? We have everything in the Music Line. Are Wholesale Dealere in Guitars, Banjos, Violins, etc., etc., and we want your trade. We have not " The finest store in - well - the United States," - but we have the finest, largest and best selected stock of Pianos and Organs, small Music Goods, etc., ever shown in Washtenaw county, if not in the State. We can and will SAVE YOU MONEY, and give yod absolute guáranteos with everything eold. Can we not see you at our Warerooms, 38 S. Main-st. It will do you no harm - may do you much good, and if you buy we we know wjs wm, SAVE VOU MONEY. We are not saying much about our Organs ; we furnish them to our agents in all parts of the State. They are as fine as skilled labor, abundant capital and honest endeavor can make them, and our prices are right. If you contémplate buying, cali and we will take pleasure in showing you through the factory, and you can see how they are made. This doee more to effect a sale than all the printers ink, as when once you see them made, and examine every part, you see why they are called THE BESJ OROAN IN THE WORLD. Wejwant to see you, any way- -any time. We will do you good ; will you give us the chancero provejit? ALLMENDINGER PIANO AND ORGAN OO. D. F.gALLMENDINGER, Sup't. 1 DTrtD wTnr L. H Clement, Manager. j ANN ARBOR, MIOH. Factory- First and Washington-Su. Salesroomg- 38 S. Main-St.


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