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!IANO1( DIRECTORY. A.N A KIIOK CO.MMANDKKY. No. 1Ü HleelS flrst Tuesrtay of each mouth. B. F. Watts, E. C.; John R. Mlner, Recorder. Wasiitekaw Chahter, No. 6, R. A. M.- Moets flrst Monday each month. L. C. Oondricb, H. P.; Z. Roath. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. MISS IEÏ. IE. BUELL MODISTE, MAKKS FIXE LOSTU.VES, TAYLOll 8ÜTT8, AI..SO MISSK3' AND CllILDltENS' 8ÜITS Cloaks Made and Repaircd. 11 1-3 V Kin h St., AnnArbnr. -82 D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISEASES OF TUK EYE, EAE, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFiCE AHD BESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET HOCKS : 1 to 4, and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M . OZHZS. W. VOGEL DKAr.KK IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NE AT and CLEAN No. 9 E. A mi NI., mi Arbor. v. W. vmioi.s DE1TTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR Adminletored. It Is agreeable and ea; to take, and no proetrating eflects follow, whlle tceth are extractcd without pain. WIJLLIADI IIERZ, House, Sifjn Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Glazlng, Gilding, and Calciminlne, and work of every deecrlption done in the boet etyle,and warranted to glve eatfefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. lumbee: LTJMBERI LTJMBERI lf you contémplate building, cali f-t FERDON Liinr Yari ! Corner Pourth and Depot Sts., an(3 get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarar.tee VERY LOW PRICES 4VGive u a cali and we will makt lt to Tour Interest, as our large and well eraded slock lully eustains our assertion. Telepnone Connectiona wlth Office. T. J. KfiECH, 8upt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop. "Wood's F3aosï)li.oa-iixeTHB GRBAT E(;i,l-H REMEDV. Cod ror 35 years _ of Youthlul f olly by KK and the expensen L-cssfully. flaSsJ of later years. uniMd to curr all %lV] Otveê immediatc rurnis or NerToua %yt3 strenuth andviaWeakness. tJtMt „r. AskcIruKulsta lons, WmWm f„r wood'e Vhmffisfiiiïïsasa sy sïsi'giunss package. tl; six, 5. ty mail, Writu for pamplilet Addrei The, W ooj Cneiulcal Co.. 131 Woödward kve., Detroit, illcli. I THE GREAT Germán RemedyJ nTRUTHS FORTHESICK.n II lor t)u..-o ili-athlyl 1,000 will !. fiiill lnilioussi)ollsilv]ipnl forftcaaowhereoi i II I louSrM'iiiatlinrEUS i'Hi.u BITTERS willll Bilt wlll cure jon. notassiator euro. Ii tl i,... „in-, .,,„ -ever fail8. p Ithat Üredandallgone cleanse the vitiatedlTI feelins; lf 60, use iiood when yon seo II SüLi'UUR BlTTEKS; ta impurities l.iirst I Lt will cure yo. iiijrthrough the skin II Operativos who are in limili-s,IJlt.-.heB, I dosel v confinad in :""! 1;olv onJ rtfho ,,,Tll Ur 1 SCI.PIIUR BlTTEUS.M not procure sufficient Ü. .Hl exercise, and all who ct-i mm M ,.j IJf YUU llll lint Wisll Jjl'I.I'Ilt'R l'ITTI!KSl wil' 1-ml'l you upant 1 1 atism, use a bottle of ?? 'ou Btrougauül I Sulpiil-r Bitters ; 'althy. iti-j-vcrfailslocmv. BolfiroB ):IrrKRSlll □ l)i)U't bewitliuut a will mnkeyour ijlooiiïS -.bottle. Try it; you strong.Ld H will not rejtrct it. aml your tlesh hard. ITI l.atiius in aollcate Try srj.i'init IiiT-lll lllhcalth, wlni are all teus to-night, and III Illrunilown, should use you will sleep welllll lllSf i.riiru lin ii:ns. aml f-H fm-it III Do you want the best Medical Work published? Send 3 2-t-cnt stamps to A. 1'. Ordway & Co Boston. Wiiss., and receive a copy, free. CAPITAL $50,000. SU3PLUS $10,000. Aflflitional LiatilitiBs of Stockholflers $50,000. Report of the oondltlon of the FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK at Aan Arbor, Michigan, al Ihe close of business July 18, 18U0 KKSOUIÍCES. Loans and dlscounu $ 213,981 72 Htiicks, bonds, mortgages, etc 72,201 51 Overdrafts I,8ï9 08 Due frora banks in reserve cities.... 19,883 45 Due froin Washtenaw County 11 .501 T llills In transit 3,500 23 fr'urnlture and flxtures 3,0 0 ( Current expenses and laxes pald.... 72 38 Interest paid 432 18 Checks and cash items 159 77 Nickels and pemiles. fö 51 O'ild 8,131 70 Sil ver 2,912 IS U. S. and National Bank Notes 14,358 00 Total $ a51,62 39 I.IABILITIKS. Capital stock pald in $ 60.000 00 Surplus fund 10 000 00 Undlvlded profits 3,259 S" Dlvidends unpaid :l"i (K) Commercial deposita 242.667 68 Savings deposita 4"),5 o 01 Total 1851,682 88 STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 County of WaMhiennw. ) I. F. H. lSKI.siii;, ('asnier, of the above named Bank, do solcmnly swear that the iibove stiitement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. II. BELSER. Cashler. Subscrlbed and sworn to before me, this 29tU day of July, 1890. W.M. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Corhect- Att est : A m brose K earn ey , Chas. E. Greeue, D. F. Schairer, Directors. lllü r dl lilblh & ITlübJldlliüú rSdílK. havlngflled thelr certificate wlth the State Hanking Department are now authorlzed to do business as a Savings Bank, and in pursuance thereof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings department on all depostls of SI and upwards, interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The savings departineut is open tiaturday nlghta from 7 until H o'olook. Mouey to loan In sumsof $25 to f 5,000 se - cured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securilles. IIRKCT(I!W ItreVin Kni)f ('lian. . Ureene. K. Ituiiv, Ambrooe Kcar"■}■, Win. C. Mcv,-.., W. K. Krcukcy, J. I'.. Bcal, Jolm lïurt, U. lf. SvluirT. It. KK.tlI'F, lrH. K. 1HJKKY, Vlce-Prea. F. II Itl l.sill ('iiKhler By All Odds The most genet&Hy usefnl medicine is Ayrr's Pills. Asaremedy foi the various riiscasrs of the Btomach, liver, :uid Imwrls, theso Pilis hscve no equal. Their sugar-coatinj OAUSes t!u:m not only to be easy ainl ple&s&nt fcp t&ke, imt preserves thelt medicinal integrity iti all climates aiut for any reasonAble lengthof time. The best famíly niLvliriin', Ayrr's l'ills are, also, unsurpassed for the use of travHrrs, BOldieif, sailors campers, anl ploneers. In BOme of Ihe m ai critica! cases, win-n all otiicr remedies have tattedj Ayer's Pilis prove elleetivc. in thé Bummer of isc.l I was sent to Uie Ainiapolis hospital] BoSering witli chronic dlarrhea. Whlle there, I becamc so reduoed in atrengfh thst I could not spcak and was coini)elleil to write cvcrything I wantcil tu say. I was tlu-n havlng gome 26 or 30 stoob per day. The doctors ordered ;i medicine tliat I was satlsfled would be of no benefit to me. I did not take it, but perBuaded my mirse to get me some of Dr. Ayer's l'ills. Alnmt twoo'Clook in tlie aftcrnoon I took six of these pills, and by mldni;;lit begau ti feel better. In the niorniiip; doctora carne agaln, and aficr dedding tliat my symptoms were more favorable, gave in ■ a different medicine, which I did not use, but took four more of the pills instead. Tlie DBlt day the doctors came to see me, and tlmiiglit I was dolni; nicely, (and so did I). 1 tlien took one pill a day for a wrok. At tbo end of tliat time, i considerad myself cured and tliat Ayer's l'ills had saved niy life. I was thi'ii weak, luit had no return of the disease, and gatned In strength as fast as could be erpected."'- F. C. Luce, Late Lieut. B6th Regt Mass. Vol Intantry. "Ajit's ï'iiis are The Best I have ever iised for headaclies, and they ael likc a charm in relieving any disagreeable Bensatton inthestomach after eating." - Mrs. M. ■). Fergoson, Pullens, Va. " I was a sufferer for years from dyspepeta and liver troubles, and foimd no permanent relief anti] I commenced taking Ayns l'ills. They have effected a coinplete cure."- George v. Uooner, Walla Walla, W. T. Ayer's Pills, PRKPAKKl) BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Süld liv all VraggMM iind DMlsn in Mrdiciue.


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