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Mosi s 8 MARK8, formerly noto teller In ...

Mosi s 8 MARK8, formerly noto teller In ... image
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Mosi s 8 MARK8, formerly noto teller In the i'iour City Bank at Rochester, N. Y., securod $20,000 in money sent to the bank by expvosa and made his escape. Joii.v P. Br.AKE, mayor of Cantón, (., a lcading miller. made au assignment. with Habiüttes ot 850,00ft The business f allures in tho Unltod States flurlng the seven days ended on the 'ilst numbered 274, agalnst '2ii the procodinij week and 277 the corresponding1 weel; lost yi-ar. Tin; deatb ot Maria Perry at Whitman, .Mass.. dlsclosed tho faut that for twenty years sho and Luoy A. Lobdell had boon living together a- man and wife. Hebman Beckkrts, one of therichest and best known dlstillera In Kontucky, droppod doiul from heart diseaso at Louisville. Am Eastern commercial agency reported that notwiths tanding tho tinancial troubles in New York the general business of tho country continuod largo. Dr. Charles C. Aiihott, of the University of Ponnsylvania, in a lecturo in Chicago gave many instances that had come under his observation of the alility of animáis to think and even reason. Eigiit freight cars woro hurled over a trestlo on tho Meriden railroad noar Meriden, Conn., threo men boing fatally hurt. At Webster, Fla. , Deputy United Statos Marshal Samuel Le Strange was shot to death by R. E. liurford, whom ho sought to arrest For violation of tho postal laws. Dispak nis of the 8l8t from tho Pine Ridge agoncy in South Dakota reported an extromely oritioal condition of affairs. Tho Indians coTitinued thoir crazy dances, and several chiefs had uttored thrcats agalnst tho whitos. The fow hundred troops that had reached tho agency were said to anticípate an attack from O.uOO to 8.0UO well-armod redskins at any moment. It was reported that Jay Gould had securod control of all the great railways west oí tho Mississlppi river. Jack Maim,i:s (colored) was hangod at Knoxvillo, Tenn.. for criminal assanlt, and Dorsey Edwaids (colored) was executed at Yazoo City, Miss., for the murderof biswlfe Septembor5 last. The Treasury Defnrtment at Washington lias decided tht grain taken to Canada to bo grouncl can not be returned to tho Unitod Statos without payment of duty. Thk flrm of Ragsdale & Co., of Oklahoma City, O. T.. who havo banks at Guthrie, Norman, Ki'iglishor and El Reno, in that Torritoi'v. failed to open their doors, and announced that all payments were suspended. lx a battle with horse-thloves near Cairo, Kan., two of the robbers were shot dead by the officers. A PECUXIAB and fatal di-e.ise was raging among cattlo and liorses In Oregon and adjoining COUUties in Missouri. Over 100 horses had died, and the disoaso baffled the skill of the veterinary surgeons. At New Orleans tho grand jury reporteil finding true bilis against the scventfon men under arrest cbarged with tbe murder of Chief of Polico r llennessyon Uclober 1". ( i:r I'ih.iü.I!. of tho ordnance Uio Navy Department, repons that tests of nic'.cel-stoel have provd 8ucces8ful, and tliat it may be contidently antiolpated that nickel-steel will en tui1 into the composition of proyectiles. Uxrnni STA1K8 M AKS II AT, WiiiTii and his deputies returned lo Charleston, S. C, from a bift raid on the moonshiners of the Interior mount-un countlès and brou;bt In forty-throe prisoners. Tuk boiler In Luptoa'a saw-mlll near Catlettsbuig, Cv., ezploded and killed James Lupton, VV. E. and Smith liosnuM-. In a drunken row at Eagle Rock, ldaho, Jasper Yarber complotely tramped the eyes out of John IJayliss, an old citizen. TüE Tiventy-sixth Ward liank ín Urooklyn, N. Y., was robbed of S",000 in broad daylight by the old trick of calling the cashier out.side on the plea that a customer had a nervous horse whlch he could not leave. Tbr base-ball losses during the past seasonwere: Plajers' League, $12.5,000; National League, táSl.OOO. Nkakly a million dollars in Austraiian gold soveroijjus were deposited and meltcd down at the San Francisco mint. 'J'iif. Census Bureau at Washington haspaid2:i.000of tho 48,000 enumerators. They have received ${,450,000, at which rato the pay of the onumerators alono will amount to $7,000,030.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier