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USE DR.CRAIG'S ORIGUNAL KIDHEY IID ÜVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only Safe Remedies'to use for those affllcted wlth Brighl's Disenso, Llver ('ompluiíiL and Urlnary Affectlons. Only tliose prcpared In the dry fobm are the Original and the Only Kldney and I.lver Cure that wlll restore you to perfect health. ALL LADIES l'sK O. 33. H. -A. SOLD B7 ALL DEU3SISTS. THE CRAhTmEDICINE CO., PASSAIO, N. J". 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. C. H. MSLLEM, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Hurón St., 2 doors W. of Harris Guild. The oldest ageney In the city. EBtahllshed over a qnarter of a century ago. Representlng the followlng flrst-olaas compañías, wlth over $00,000,000 Capital and Asset?. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIKAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. Ratea Low as the Lowest, Losscs Liber ally Adjusted and promptly Paid. O. H. MILT.EN. EBEKUAI'H &SOSH, HN AKBOH MKI.I. BKliOW IMLLS. T A T4TT71 Cí TRY DR. I.ADUE'S " PKJ_lil.JJlJliÖ HluDlUAL" P1LLS from París, Franco. Kstahlinhert Ín Europ Ín 1839, Canada In IS7S. For Suppresitone, Irngutariiie, and Montlily Dcnmíjometjta A rt'liüblf numthly medicine. Tlit-y alwaya relieve. Any drueirist. (2. Amcrli-an Pili c., Proprletor, Bpeaoer, lowa. Robert Stephunson & Vo., whalueale is.'iiits. nnd all othar drncifista in Ann Arhor, 1'hcBu pill are warranted to hrinc nu loe "chanjje. ' ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BEREY PLANT8, FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL X KSES Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! SYRUPS AND HOME MADE WINE. Syriips of Raspberry and of Barttetl l'mis tníii'siMt, Dandellou a"d Kaspbcrry Wlues andSlirubs. Sweet Ited aud Whlte Concord. nd MarthaOrape Wlnes.esppclally prepare] or Invalida. Ordír trees and plaats early aa we get most of them from the lest Eastcrn Nurserlee. K. HAlUl. WKST HtTKOK XIIKKT. Fárgtfs Shoes rahrrly _r? farco's W%{ "Box Tip" School Shoes Ü 'ÍP-'SSeK Heeled or Wed9e HeeU F íSVTSÍs Slzes-8tolO'2 81.85 Hg T!ry ito3 1.75 gpNSiigaiiiJ' gto .,, j,i00 PU" FARCO'S fÜ k $2.50 Calf Shoe íVl5SY$K for Gentlemen, I.ji TS-y yii. Cnequaled by any ehou lfaL"-.„ F CliaP''' In America ai tho samo jHMNHO&Urprico. liiConffroiu.ut mlr v"fc isi0 ■ and Luce. Men'saiKt Boy'ssizea. rfn FARCO'S ll ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT I EL& ' V Dongola or Goat, Button, : ]V?O V Opera, or Common Sense. f Cft So A. Tackles aud Flexible. ,t2irLilri&SSv_ Vnrrantcd tho most OUR N AME S ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. Aík yoiir dciilerfor Farico Shoc lf he do n ■"'C ''"i" S to "s a"d vo will lurnisli yon a patrón Ncwtptot urtce. and portal for deecrlptiTOltol C. H. PAKGO & CO., Chicago, I1L DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANX ARBOR. ilook'a Cottoaa. Xloo ifámb compound B ?Kj r'omnosod of Cotton Koot. Tañar and % y .J l'ennyroyal- a recent discovery by an 4_Joll physlcian. la successutlu uted mnnlhly- Safe. Effoctual. Price $1, by mail, sealed. Ijadies, ask your druist for Cook's Cotton Koot Compound and tako no substituto, or inolose 2 stntnps for sealed particulars. Address PONO LII.Y COS1PANV, No. 8 FL.lir Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mico. SENO FOR OUH CATALOGUEand PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS INDIANAPOLIS. INO. THIS PAPER ssf ws I II I W I ni !■■■ UoWELt, & CO'S fsewspapci Alvcrtislng Borcoa (10 Spruce Strcet),whcrealvcr. ■■■■■■■ lintf Jsingcontractsinay MCUf YfiRK ' bu made íor it ín liCfl I UlBBla MighiganCTentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect May 18, 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. Z . . . . = . y a S,-.1.. '3 i1 y. &P. " M 'e M - K V) H i. t r:j i! " _iÜ i A. M. A. I. 1 1' M P. M. P. yi P. M. A.M. A M Cti'oLi 7O.-i 9C0.12 2' M 10 ! 00 10 m 4 60 . II 4.2 I :-! 55 1 W 1 18 3 3' 7 10 . 3 00 4 2 i 35 8 7 I! 3." ( 05 5 (X) M 40 (■helton -102 7"7 54SI81 Dexlor.. 1 lir. 7 2-i 5 5Ü10 43 I. K.P.B.F M.". M. A.M A.M. A.M A.M. Anoi'r 145 5 í.' t; tu 8 45 4 5i 7 45 ti 11 II 00 Ypel.M 5 02 5 43 9 58 5 18 8115 t 28 1113 W'eJc. 621 88) 49 Ue'. Ai 6 5 6 45 7 30 10 4' f. 2 i) 2-J 7 3pll2 :0 DETROIT TO CniCAGO. A M. A M P W.P M. A M. r.M P.M. 1 Detroit. ...T,v 0 n 7 E0 120 4 45 a 2.Ï 915 .".Vi iVaine-Ji-nc. 10 C0 9 51 . 9 5) 8 38 Ypiiknü.... UW 848 2 0') 548. ... 10 15 7 00 A tí. A.M. P.M. P.M. .M. PM.ÍP.M. AnnArbor... 10 87 853 2.7 555 1019 1080 7 16 lezt;r 11 0' I 7: Cheleea .1118 (i 1 7 4S Jackxon 1155 10( 817 655 1115 1145 8 30 Kalsmazoo.. 2:8 12 12 5 ll2 li:j 1255 2 17 8 39 Otile!ifi)...Ar 7V j 15 0i.'.-.. 4 5) 8 05 ■ .. . O. W. KUGGLES, H. W. BATES, G. P. & T. Aceut, Chicago. Ast., Aun Albor. Tedo, Aun Arhor & Xortli Michigan Railwaj. riMB KCHF.DULE. Taking effect Qstobei 12tb, 18íO. Traías rnn fcy Stnmlard Tliue. Going Jfñrtl. - .L 3 S STATIO. I A. H.lp. H.l P.M P. y. 6 00 3 30 Lv Toledo . . .Ar 1 10 1115 0 i 4 I"1 Dnndae ' ti l(i 10 ÍS 7 0' 4 81 Milán 1157 10 02 7 20 4 4." Urania 11 4 46 7 27 4 5", Ptttefleld 1137 9 40 7 41 5 07 A::n Ar!)or 112) SM 7 63 5 35 Leían'. 11 1 1(1 8 MU 5 39 WhltmoreLake 11 00 8 SS 8 55 8 34 Howell 10 38 8 21 9 40 7 35 Doral. fl 9 40 7 20 UH', 'ti 45 Kast Sngini.w 8 10 5 SO 10 80 8 101 Uwouo .. 5.' t :ó 1180 8 1 Ithara 7 4i f18 1 25 0 18 Mu Plt;aant 6 45 4 15 3 as Oadlllao lo 35 5 20 Oop-mUh 8 55 6 35 Frankfort I.v 6 55 P. P. M. A . A. M. Going South. H. ' . ASBLBT, General MnnrT A. i, PAI8LBY, QBO. 11. UAZLBWOOD, Qi'n'l. Fas. & Ticket Aseat Lucal Aeeut HÜTZEL'S WATEH BACK ! A very important Lnvention vrhich will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succceded in pro ducing a simple anti perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali aiid examine this useful invention. HTJTZBL Se OO. Plumbers and SteavifitUrs. ANN A.RBOR, - - MICH ís tbe olik'st. and n ■ ■■■ ■ . :vl nieclijinical paper ptibllsli ■ rt otrcolatlon of any paper ol It a ciñas In theworld. Fully Ultutrated. Best clara ■( Wood Enirravings. Pul lia led wockly. Scnd tor f-fM-ctmen copy. Prioo í;í a jar. Koor nu i ths' tria], $1. MUNN CO., PUBLIflBXBS, 88J Biuudway, X.V. ARCH1TECTS & BUELDERO Edition of Scieniific American. O A irreal raooMB. Baob Issue contalna rulot ed lithorjii :ie platos ot' country and i ttj rea - ees or pubtlo bm: i gi and fuii place and Hpoolftcatlona for the uae ol suchas contení pial ■ par, 25cts. a i- ■!■!. UUNN i CO., P üHbHKRB. B 40 (■■(!-;' pxporlonce am ► vei pondeiK'e 3! rici 1 y oooBdoi TRADE MARKS. In caü6 your ruark la not n t! Puf ent Office, apply to Münn 5 ( .. ai ti pn Imtuedialu prOtftOtlO&i beni Un I COPYRIGHTS tot books, obaru, map etc., quickly prucuruU. Ad iUl'NN A; CO.i PutDl Soliclcora. CIknkkal Opvick: 881 BHOAUWAY, N. Y


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