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Geo. AV. Weeks, of the 5th ward was the ...

Geo. AV. Weeks, of the 5th ward was the ... image
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Geo. AV. Weeks, of the 5th ward was the first man to pay hU taxes Monday. Ciipt. ffm. F. Armstrong has been made a perminent carrier on the P. O. f rce. Edward II. Bycraft quite severely njured Mond:iy by a horse he was leading to water. The regular minthly social occurs 1 1 tiie M. E. chnroh, Thureday evening. Tea served at GJ o'clock. The Student's Led ure Associalion board decided that they will have 110 reserved seats for Stanley. Treasurer Gruner reports $300 more money paid in for tuit ion during last term tban ever before In any term. A. L. Noble lias placed wires in his dwellinji house, and now his elegant re3idence is entirely lighted by electricity, adding much to ts beauty. For the first time in two or three years the jingle of the plelgh bells are heard this morning. The fenow is n foot deep nearly, and roads in splendid eondition for sleighing. If Siline and Manchester slull be connected with Ann Arbor by a motor line it will be an easy matter to tr ansact busineas at the county capital and return the same week, will it not ? Zenas Sweet had his fiogers badly crushed yesterday while unloading stone, the end of the third finper of the right hand being taken off. Mr. Sweet has been in the business ten year?, and this is his first accident of the kind. When Gov. Winans was liere a few days since it va9 amusing to see tlie democratie patriots flock about him and follow him up, in an endeavor to convince him of the great service they might be able to give the state f he would only appoiut tliem to an offlee. It is understoodtbat lic did not commit himself. Wlille driving on P.ickard street Monday morning, Mr. C. D. Haines, (tUe A. A. & Yp. st. car promoter) and wife were thrown out of thelr carriage, by reason of the horse beeoming frighte:ied at some boys coasfmg on the sidewalk, and were thrown out and severely injured. Mr. H.iines had tris lace badly cut, and Mrs Haincs was severely bruised about the face and body. Both are doing as well as could he expected. The plate collections at St. Andrew's church for the past year have been $97955. Total amount of subscriptions paid in during the year $1,100.92. Amount raised In the Sanday School f 01. 20. Amou-it pald In for other purposes $011.81 ; making a total of $2,850 98 cash raised during the year onding Dec. lst. There have been 2รก baptisms duriag the year, 34 conQrraed, 25 burials and 7 marriages. There are now 411 cotnmunicants, of which S2 have been added during the year. There are 224 families in the congrejiation with upwards of 750 persone, umi includlng the Etudents there are over 1,000 persons composing the congregatio of the churuh. Dr. Gatchell was in the Couuier offlee Friday and perforraed eeveral tricks of the "mind reader" Johnson. He found nrticles tliat were laid away while he was blind fokled. He ran a needie full length in his arm and witlidrew it without aiiy blood follovving, and also ran a needie through the flesh of his hands at the base of his fingere, also without drawing blood. And is willing to attempt any trlck ever tried by any so-called "mind reader," with perfect contidence of Buccess. He says that there is no such thlng as mind rending, but that is muscle re:idinr He s ays that the thoughts invariably fiive an action that telis the '"miuil reader" where to go and what to do. The Dr. is certalnly very proticient in these performance?, cali them by whaterer name you wlll.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier