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Krom the Hartford Time?: "One of he f 'a...

Krom the Hartford Time?: "One of he f 'a... image
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Krom the Hartford Time?: "One of he f 'atures of the concert was the appearnnce of the New York baritone, Mr. "rederic Gillette, wlio won the favor of he Hudlence with hts une appearance and noble volee. He wlll always be wclcorae In the future.' At University hall, Saturday evening Dec. 13lh. Of the fine pi ly which is to be glven at the gra-id oper.i lnuse, Thursday evening, the Little Hoek Gazette says: "McCarthy's Mishaps" Compmy closed hetr engagement last night in tbis city to u good and appreciatlve audience. Nu one who witnessed the performance goes away with any opinión uthertban tbat be recelved ïla full raonty's worth for tlïe entertainment given htm. The company should be well re:elved wberever lt goee. The slnglng, dancng and otber special features of thé enteralmnentare hoth novel and original, and he fun is contluual and wtll keep any audience roarlng with laughter. The company ;oes to Uot Sprlngs where they will give a erformance tbls evening. If thecltlzens of be ralley want to enjoy a good hearty laugh liey Bbould see "McUarlhy's Mishaps." The fair whicli the lailies of the Conrregational church are to open at the link to-morrow has been In contempla ion for a long time, and they have made reat preparations for it. The ecene will )e a beautlful one, and tliere will be everything imaginable for sule for the lollday tradf. Slipper will be served on )oth Thursday and Friday evenings at 6 o'clock. Oysters, ice ereum, elc, etc. The New York Daily Grapliic of Feb 30, 1889, taya: "Ainonjj the artists who asUted was Miss Ella Jocelyn, the popuar N. Y. contralto who had a deliciou&ly aoulful voice, and sanj; exquisiusongs beautifully. Mi"S Jucelyn posesse he charm of singing from the beurt, which lends so materially to the succ ss ofallgreat artists. She is the coming contralto." To be heard by Ann A.rbur eople on Saturday eveniug Dcc 18th. McCurtIiy'8 Miahips neeils no intn duc ion to maoy of our cilizens. Tbis piece was pl:iyed bere lastseason by theFerguson & Mack Comedj' Co., and with great success. It is really one of the best coindies on the roul and ir' you want to au;h and grow fat do not fail to bear It. Concernin}; it the Boston Globe says: "McCarthy's Mishaps" is one of the merrlet of farces and merrily Is it played at the lowurd thls week by Kerguson and Mack, wo comedlans who necd uo lutroduction to a Boston audleuce. TUey have brouglu uu excellent company with them, soiue old avorlles aud olhers Kure of soon becomlng inch. ItU au exceediugly enjoyable entertainment they glve from llrsi to last. The vkll had nol before beeu seen heie, anuit oau very truly ln üaid lo have won au unqualltld succesü In Boston, ui couise U has ust enourx of a plot lo Introduce s ns, daaces, joke, iuoldents uanurabered. Wlat the plot Is muiters hltlu. Sullice it to say Umi lt has tu do with some remarkable exerlence of the Mulligan aud McUarlhy fami en. There are three acts, each seemlngly funnler thun the other. Neither Ferguson nor Muck are absent from the stage lor many consecutivo minutes, and their preseuce is always welcome. They flng a uumber ot capilal new songs, aud liave somethlug novel n tbe way of terpslchoreau feals. l.i..ic Daly is a bright star of the company, and her íougii and dances won hearty applause. CarrleBehr was cordlally greeted, and proved hvrselfoneof the favoritas of the eveuing. Most of tbe other members of the cast deserved comraeadatioa, 'McCanhy's Mish.ips" can be seen only during this week.


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Ann Arbor Courier