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Epitome of the Week

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Jaspf.i: M. EüTAít, a young farmer near Martinsvillo, Ind., became violontLy insano and attempted to kill his father ind mother. His brothor arrived barely in time to save their lives. In a battle betwcon cowboys and Mexicana at Anton, N. M., over 500 shots wero oxchangod, rosulting in tho dsath and woundlng of several on both sides. Peteb Sttjbenbauch, casbier of the Chicago, Koek Island & Pacific and the Rock Island & Peoria raihvays at Peoria, 111., was charged with ombozzling 818,000. Tke United States Supremo Court has decided that the New York law for the execution of crimináis by electricity is constitutional. At Falkvillo, Ala., Dr. A. M. Turner, an ex-momber of the Logislaturo, choked his wife and little daughtor to death. Tho doctor had twice been in an insano asylum. CoMPTRoi.!.i:it Lacey in his annual report shows that there woro in the country 3,50" National banks with a combined capital stock of $659,782,865. During the fiscal year 307 new banks were organized, fifty went into voluntary liquidation, and niño wero placed in the hands of receivers. Two BBOTBBRS, Samuel and Edward Wolier, were drowned near Troy, N. Y., by breaking through the ico while skating. Chahi.ks F. Wii.oox, aged 12 years, was shot and killed at Fall Kiver, Mass., with a revolver by Frod A. IligJtinbothani, lfi years old. Tho boys did not know tho revolver was loaded. Thomas Fawcktt & Co., extensivo coal dealers at Pitlsburgh, Pa., failed for $400.000. The largo grain barn of Dr. Russell at Lomax, 111., was burned, and two tramps and a dozen horses perished in the Dames. Sincf. the establishment on August 23 of a systera of inspoction by American official veterinarians of all cattle landedin lïritish ports from the Unitod States 100,000cattle have been inspected - a very largo increase over the shipments of the last fiscal year. BuRoi.Aii-i robbed the safo of Bryant, Dowd&Co., at Hebron, Ind., of S12.000, then set tho building on h're, and that and seven other buildings were dostroyed. The Oregon Improvement Company of Portland, Oro., was placod in the hands of a receivor. lts indobtedness was said to be S7.O00.0D0 and its assets 810,000,000. DuRlxo Octobor 48,207 immigrants came to this country, igainst 39,051 in October, 1888. Gartn&hy supplied 10,119; England and Wules, 9,111; Ireland, 4,877; Italy. 6,599; Swedon and Norvvay, 4,052; Hungary, 2,518, and Poland, 1,285. Starb & Co., extensivo packers of tomatoes at halem, N. J., fó ilod for 810b,000. Thk dwelling1 of Avthur Harold at Seattle, Wash., was burned, and his 4months-old babo and wife and. Httlo daughter perished in the flames. The 107th anniversary of Bvac-uation day was oelebratod in New York City on the 25th. The Cheboygan Lumber Company's docks at Cheboygan, Mioh., were burned, causing a loss of 5200,000. Six men wcie killed and others fatally injured by a boiler explosión at SL John's, N. F. Cai'TAIX NoBTOX, his wife and nieco sailed from Xi:w hondón. Conn., on tho 25th in tlioir eighteen-foot steamor. They were bound for Liverpool via tho Azores. Thk exports of merchandise from the United States during the twelve months ended Octobor :il last asegrejrated SS60,675,340 and Clre Import ii ",.!■ i. ■■■: ■: making the excoss of exports over imports, $43.351,107. Tljis shows an increase over the same period in 1889 of exports, $62,047,980; imports, 351,231,782, and in the excess of exports over imports of S10.81li.177. The National Columbian Exposition Commission has ratified the mendations of the joint conforence uommitteeereating a board of roferoneo and control for the arbitration of all differences bctwccn the commission and tho directory with final authority. Thomas II. Ai.i.kx &Co.,ot Memphis, Tenn., one cf the oldest and most extensive cotton commission firms in the South, faüed for S7óO,OOO. Nkari.y 1,000 bushels of potatoes - or, to bo exact, 971 busliels and 48 pounds - were grown on one acre of land in Johnson Countv, Wyo., the past season Eva Hamii.ïon, wto claims to be the widow of Robert Ii;iy llamilton, was roleascd from prison, whcre sho had been for one year for stabbing her nurse, by the New Jersey board of pardons. John W. Mason, Commisslonet of the Internal Rovenue Bureau, in bis annual report says the receipts from internal revenue during the last fiscal year amotinted to 814-,504,000. Ile estimated the receipts for the current fiscal year at 145,000,000. Wili.iam Ci.aiïkh, president of the Sheboysjan Electric Ught & Power Company, was robbed of SI!. 500 in cash on Wisconsin strect in Milwaukoo. It was declared on the 25th that Charlio Ross, son of Christian K. Ross, of Philadelphia, who was kidnaped slxteen years ago. had beon found in New York City. He had boen reared among the lower classes of the metropolis and had been taught to regard bis family with contompt, being told that they were too parsimonious to rcdeem him. CiiAiir.KS YoiiJfO, a mordían t at St. Marks, Kan., wliile standing on a barrel in a grocory store feil backward and ■truck a hook which ponotrated his bead, killing him instantly. Tuk old prison grounds at Andersonville, Ga., have been purctiased by the Grand Army post of Macon and will bo convertod nto a park.


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