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Fbed II wvi.r.Y and Millard and Fred Tal...

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Fbed II wvi.r.Y and Millard and Fred Talty (brothori), all littlo boys, wora buricd ander a sind-slide at Atlantic, la., and Buffooated. Tnic North PoolQo Hotel and buildings f ti"' )■■ 'un Pobtory Company at Portl.incl weri; lotully destroyd by lire, causing a loss of 8150,000. At Anderson, lud., William R Hill, a widower, aged (;, was publlcly whipped by two youn ladios whom he had annoyed by bis attent ions. At lbo meeting of the Union l'acilic Railway Company at lioston Charles Francis Adams resined the presidency and also as director, and Sidnüy Dillon was chosen as president Robkut 1'. PonTEB, superintendent of the census, prosonted a statement to the Secretary of the Interior ifiving the population of the several States and Territories of the United States as finally determinod at 6462,280. Fivk men wero drowned near Bayfield, Wis., by the wrocking of thelr boat The bay stallion Allie Wilkes was sold by Stanhopo & Brothor, of Kinstnan, O., to W. C. France & Son, of Lexington, Ky., for S20.000. Near Washington, Ind., Elijan Malott sbot and kiiled his wife and then killed himself. No causo wasknown for the doed. Thk boiler in a steam savv-mill at Scotland, Ga., exploded, killing three men and injuring four othcrs. The bank of II. II. Bell at Duluth, Mimi., suspended, with Habilities of $750,000 and assots of 81,000,000. The Owensboro (Ky.) street-car stables wore burnod, and ninoteen mulos and tho entire equipment of cars wero destroyed. Fibk destroyed the best part of the business streot at Rayvillo, La. The young man in a Boston jail who claimed to be Charlie Iloss was visited by Mr. Ross, fatlier of the lost boy, who said the Boston youth was not his longlost son. Wiiii.b hunting in Washington County, Miss., Senator Wade Hauipton was accidentally shot by his son. It was feared that he would lose the sight of his left eye. Flames dostroyed the Powers Dryüoods Company's building at St Paul, Minn., causing a loss of $180,000. The stoamboat Thomas P. Leathers, the fastest storn-whnel boat on the Mississippi river, was burned with her cargo at Fort Adams, Miss., and flve sailors and tho chambermaid wero lost. At Eastorn Park in lirooklyn, N. Y., a big stand of freo soats erectod for the Yale-Princeton foot-ball ramo collapsed and hurled to the ground over 2,000 persons, fifty of hom were injured, nono fatally. Thk Postmasler-General in his annual report rocommends a postal telegraph service and a system of postal savings banks. Tho rovenue of the department for the fiscal year was SÖO, - 858, 7S8 and the oxpenditures were ffi0,6+5,683, leaving a doficiency of $.r,7SG,300. Nearly 5,030 new post-otuces were established, tho tot;il number in the country boing 62,401. Mbh Lücy Paksons, tho Anarchist, charg' d with inciting a riot in Jersey City, X .1., was acquitted. r.EN.iAMix WsiOHT, aged 82 years, died at Trenton, N. J. He had eaten nothiug for flve months on account of stomach trouble. The residenco of P. Lorillard Reynolds at Newton, Conn., was burned, causing a loss of 5100,000. Juixje Kkik.max, ex-probate judgo, who had b-en imprisoned for contempt, shot himself at Cheyenne, Wyci. lf ho rocovorod ho would bo blind, the bulk't having destroyed both eyos. Wu.i.iam BíATiiií, Harlow Bonnett, James l''erjjuson and Calvin F. Campbell went hunting in a boat noar Oswego. N. Y. , and were drowned. Ui:. W'iu.iamson, agod 80 yoars, a practiclng physician at Lebanon, lua., for thirty-five yeais. was run over by a bupjgy and fatally injured. Thk business failurns in the United States during the seven days onded on tho 38th numbered 249, against 274 the preceding week and 24'J the corresponding week last year. Joskimi I'ii.irKit sold the New York World for S4, 000, 000 to a Pbüadolphia syndicate headod by Ueorge W. Childs, editor of the Public Ledger, and A. J. Drexol, tho bankor. Tuk militia foreo of theUnitod States aggregates 109,469 men, as shown by an official roport by Captain D. M. Taylor, in charge of this branch of the service. VViiilk laughing heartily Mi's. John Patterson (colored), of Brazil, Ind., ruptured the optie nerve and was stricken blind. Physieians said it was the only caso of the kind known. Thk barn of Mrs. Chris Reimenschneidur. noai' Stat!? Center, Ia., was burned to tho ground, togethor with twenty-five head of liorses. The officers of the Brazilian squadron yisiting Washington were givon a reception by Presidont Ilarrison, and they presented tho Prosident with a onopound gold modal sent as a token of friondship and good will from the President of the Kepublicof Brazil to the President of the United States of America. Rkpoüts rnachcd Bristol. S. D., that the hostile Indians wero at Picrpontand Langford, and that the formor place had been burned. A boy said he had been shot at twonty timos. The health oflicer in Chicago discorered and closed a place where horses were slaupfhtored for food. R K. Jamisox & Co., bankors and brokers at l'hiladelphia, failod for $1,000,000. John Gkuiiaud, bis wifo and their two children wore instantly killed by a train on the Northern railroad at Closter, N. J.


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