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Tuk animal report of John W. Noble, Secr...

Tuk animal report of John W. Noble, Secr... image
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Tuk animal report of John W. Noble, Secretary if tlio Interior, shows that th (ftvfnim.iii i til L bod '-:;, oio, yol acres of vacmt latids. Dorlng the year 19,0ü0,0uü acres of ajriculttiral land was transferral to actual settlers and :i:;,Sfl'i acres were patontod to i'ailways. The sutn set apart for fndian education wasS5.í4.:Vis, an.l .-)2 schools wcre in existeuce, the avonge altemlance boing 7, -Ut. Durinj? tb e year :{",(.'00 Indians were in -.tru.-ti'd ;uid assisttd in farm ing. Six mkn lirake throujih the ice on Dovil's lake, no. ir Rice Lake. Wis., and woro Arowned. They wore loggers roturninij home from work. FuKTiiHi: particular of tho burninff of the stoamer T. 1'. LoatliRrs in lbo Mississinpi near Port Adams, La., show that sevontcon porsons were oithor burncd to death or drowaed. DURINQ llie recent heavy frosts in Oermany five homeless persons woro frozen to di;ath in lierlin and the uoighborhood. A SERIES of shocks of earthqnake wa8 feit at Qauneradorf, Luwor África, llousos Oícillated en thclr foundations, and the Spirea of tb e churches swung to and fro, causing tlio bells to clash. The expross on tho Oeoiglil I'acific was robbed of $850 liy mnakod men at Indianola, Miss. The thieves were captured. The report of Mr. Tracy, tho Socrotary of tho Xavy, s iys nine new vessels have been completcd and put into commission dimn the yoar and fourteen other vessels were wcll advanced in construction. Contracta had boen let for threo soa-oin;i line of battlo ships tobe completed within threo years. Mrs. Sarah Knoop, Uio oldest person in Wabash County, Ind., died at her home near L btu-ty Mills, agod lOOyoars. Leo I1f.ii i-küx, who was the cashior of tht Columbia Mili Company at Minneapolis, Minn., and who had disappeared, was found to bc $10,000 short in nis accounts. Thk official count of the vote of California at the recont eloction shoA-s that Markham (Rpp.) for Oovernor received a pluralltv of 7,iüa Mu. GLADSTbifE tías issued a reply to the manifestó of Mr. Parnell, in which he donies tlie a.ssertions of the latter regardinj; the retention of Irish membors in Parliamfnt, and with respect to proposals alleged to have been made to him (Parnell) durin? his visit to Ilawardon lust November. Mr. Gladstono's letter is temperato in tone, but condemns the Irish leader for broaking confidenco with him.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier