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Montana, Oregon and Washington. Colonista for Montana, Oregon, Washington or BiitUh Coltimbia poinfs should take no other route than tlie Northern Pacific Ilailroad. Tbis railroad, with itsmainand branch linea, lias bronght into communlcation with tlie eastall prominent sectiornof tlie great northwest. It is the only line traversing Montana and Washington. It s the only line running through trains from the east to and througli tlie state of Washington. It is the short line from 8t. Paul to Butte City and Helena, Mont., Spokane Falle, Wash., and Portland, Oregon, and the only all rail lino to Taconia, and Sealtle, Wash. Under present car arrangement Pullman slee ping cars and rcfJtahed tonrist sleepers are run via tlie llie Wiseonsin Central, and Pullm:in Palace Slepers via the Chicigo, M Illwaukee & St. Pau', and Northern Pacific from Chicago through to the Pacific coast without chungo. In Hclilitlnn to tbls se vlce the Northern Pacilic runs on lts tlirough expresa trains regular üay conches, dlnlng cars and fiee colouists sleepers from St. Paul to Tacoma and Portland. The Northern Pacific lire illows the holden of tecond class tickets to stop at Spokune Falls, Wash., and at II points west thereof, ten days at each place desired. This will enable setlleis to thoroughly examine all lands for sale in the new state before selectinr a permanent location. No other line oflVrs holdeis of secoud claFS tickets an opportunity of ex aminlng all sections of this great state without the payment of adilitional fares of from $5.00 to $20 00. For Map?, Time Tables and Illustrated Pain ph let, or any special iufoiinatioD desin d, addrtss your uenrest ticket agent, or Chas S Fee, Gen'l P.iss. and Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Minn. "I suppose buckboardei'8 are nained so from the young bucks who go drlving in them?" "Ofcourse; and dop caris are named so from the puppies who go driving in them." - ltacket. A Bloody Affray Isofteuthe result of "bad blooil" in a family or community, but nowhere is bad blood more deslructive of happiness and health than in the human system. When the life current Is foul and sluggish with mpuritiei, and Is Blowly distiïbuting its poisons to every part of the body, the peril to health, and life even, is imminent. Enrly symptoms ure dull and drowsy feelings, severe headaches, coated tongue, poor appetite, indigestión and general attitude. Delay in treatment may entail the most surious consequences. Dou't let disease get a stronghohl on your constitution, but treat youwelf by using Dr. Plerce's Golden Medical Discovery, and be restored to the blessings of health Tlie "Dfccotêrjr" guuranteed lo cure in all cases of diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be refunded. ■ ■ Depositor - "Is the cashlerin?" President - "N-o; he has gone away." Deposilor - "Ahí Goce for a rest, I presume." President (?adly) - "N o; to uvoid arrest." - N. Y. Weekly. Delicate Ladies ! W!io hive th at tired and all-gone feeling, and don't like to be dU tarbea, will continue to be troubled with this cnniplaiiu until they renew their impure blo d. Snlphur Bitters will cause new and rich bloDil to course through every artery aDd vein in tlie human system. See another column. "llow plcasaut it is to see husband and wifti of one mind I" "It is, indeed. There's tlie Robiuson's, for eximple. She thlnks there is nobodV in the world like Kobinsoti, and he thinks so too." - Boston Transcript. The Pulpit and the Stage. Kev. F. M. Bblout, Pastor United Brethren Clnirch, Blue Mound, Kan , says: "I feel it my duty to t-ll what wonders Dr. Klnga New Discovery bas done lor me. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parisliioners thought I could live only a tew week3. I took flve bottles of Dr. King's New Ditcovery and am sound and well, gaiuing 20 lbs. in wclght." Arthur L'.be, Manager Love's Funny Fulks Cotnbination, wriles: "After a tborough trial and convincing evidence, 1 am contldsnt Dr. KinjjVs New Discovery for Consuniution beats 'em all, and cures when uverything else fails. The greattst kiudness I can do my many tliousand friends is tu urge (hem to try it." Fiee trial bottles at E bei bach & Son's Drug Store. Regular síz'.ís 50c and $1.00. Simmoii8- "That is a rather peculiar stoue you are wearinjr. Timmins. Must be something rare, is it not?" Timmings - "Very rare stone, indeed, my boy. That is an 1S90 peach-stone." - lndiauapolis Journal. Stmcthing for the ïiew Year. The world renowned success of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, and thelr coulinued popularity for over a llilrd of a century tu a stomachlc, Is scarcely moro wonderful than tbe welcotno i hut, greels the annual appearanee ol HoHtetter's Almanac. 'l'iils valuable medical treallse Is putillshed by ïho Hostetter Company, l'ltlsburgh, Ha., under thelr own linmeiHate sapervitilon, employlng 00 hands in that department. They are runniDg about 11 months in tlie yeur on Uil wort, and the Issue of same for 1891 will be more than ten mllllons, prlnted In the Engllsh, Qerraan, French, Welsh, Norweglan, Sweedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spaolsh languages. Itefer to a copy ofltfor valuable and interesting reading concernlng health, and ntimerous testimoniáis as to the efneacy of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, amusement, varled Information, astronomlcal calculatie n f and chrunuloglcal Items, Jtc , wlilch can be depended on lor correctness. The Almonac lHitl eau Ue obtained free of coat, froni drugglsts and goneral country dealers in all paris of the country. "Mr. StriUefiiv, v!iy aro you setting the lamí for 1 B. ni.?" "My liusband always comes a I i t tío afler tliat hour, and lie íhaii'i; cmIcIi me n:tiping wlien be comes." - Kpncli. No, Celia, Behring sea is not a Gennan summer galden, bui a Iarjje body ol seáis entirely surrounded by poacher. Th phonetic similarily Iia8 deceiveil yon. Beliriiiif, uot btering. See ? - Boston Transcript. WiUiainaon - "DW tliat bonnet you bought for your wife fill the bilí?" Henderson - "Nf; but the bilí just about filie! the bonnet." - Life. "Did you tell Skittles that I wan an infamous liar?" "No, I did not. Quite tlie reverse, In f act. I stiid you weie a famous one." - N. Y. Sun. If jiu are ncrvous or djspepUi: try Carter's IjittleNerve Pilis. Dy8peisia makes you nêrvoii?, and nervousncss tnakcs you dyspeptic; citlier one renders you miserable, and these lit(l! pilla cure joth. Bad Parsons - Lucy.


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Ann Arbor Courier