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Stoekbrklge brags ibout U booming business, The Knights of Honnr at Manchester are growiug. George VunPjBlarcum of Jlilan, '.vants to be one of Sheriff Dwyer's deputies. Sneak theieves and petty robbers are doing a lively biniDe34 ibout the villages of the county. John Kohier, of Freedom, bas bought the Wheelock f mu in Salem, and is movIng thereto. The Methodist of Milan are building shcds lor the protection of teams that bring peoiile to cburcli. Tnat'8 right. The leader complains that the Milan authorities my no attentlon to the oft-repeated breaking of the village ordnai C38. From one ■atiflawer bead H. Seymour raised 4,119 good eeeds. Tht Is something ota suullower.- Stockbridge Sun. Postmnster Grimes of Stockbridge havingdied the people of that place desire to have Mrs. Orimes appointed to fill the vacancy. Look out for the fellow who agrees to paint your roof for $5. He will charge you $00 or $00 for the paiut after the work is done. llev. Mr. Wallnce will remaiu pastor of the Plytnouth Presbyterian church for the present, the congregation having refused to receive his resination. The youngr people of the Presbytei nu Society of Milan are to give the Mercliatit's Carnival at the opera bouse in that place on Friday evening, Dec. l'Jth. The Plytnouth Air Rifle Co. have been dolüii a vcry heavy trade for sume time past, slilpplng guns is fust as they can make theui, and slill behlud orders. - Mail. Tiie bottle of Hudson waterworks, enronte to Ann Arbor for analysis, got on "bust" before arrival and went out of commiseion. Another bottle has been sent. - Adrián Press. Work has been commenced at the Sanitarlum mineral well, and before long it isexpected that nature's curative will flow abundantly for the benefit of afllicted mankind.- Ypsil.intl Sentinel. Wliat office do j'ou expect under the nevv administration ? Keep your eye on the candidate who filled you full of promises before election. - Enterprise. Never heard of atiy anti-electlon promises before. The young people's meetings of this village are becoming more and more interesting and important in their line of Clirlstian work. These soeieties forru an important link between the fckuiday school and church. - Milan Leader. Mefsrs. Bert Hicks and Fred Lake, who have been worklng on the uew electric ruilrouü bctwetjn Aun Arbor anU Ypslanti, for some time, flnislied their work last week and returncd to their homes near this village. - Pinekney Dispatch. There is scarcely a girl in Milan who don't know liow to chew gum but they will have to do something iiiimen.sely more awful than chewlng gum If they want to come within compirison of tbe folly indulged in by the boys - that of cigar and cigarette smoking. - Leader. If Saline and Manchester shall be connected wlth Ann Arbor by a motor line it will be an easy matter to transact business at the county capital and return the same weck, will it not? - Courier, it is not that so much as it is to give the Ann Arbor politicians a way of getting lihere" oftener than once In two yeras. - Enterprise. Offlcers of Adoniratn Council No. 24, R. & S. M., of Manchester: T. .1.- Dr. E. M. Conklin. T). M. J.- J. H. Klngsley. 1'. C.of W.-P. F. Blosaer. ïreasurer.- A.. G. Case. Kecorder- Mat. D. Biosser. C. ofQ.- J. F. Nestell. C. of C- B. G. Lovejoy. Steward- G. J. Haeussler. Sentinel- S. llammon. The following are the offlcers of C m stock Post, G. A. R., of Manchester: Coramander- Jas. Kelly. Sen. Vice Com- Daniel Burch. Jr. Vlce Cora- Geo. Nlsle. Quartermaster- H. KIrchhofer. Chaplalu- Thos. Rusütou. SargeiH- wm. Henson. Olflcerof the Day- Samuel Shcrtrood. Offloer of tne Quard- Manroe Teeter. Color Sargent- Joseph Wbüaton. Delégate to State Eucampment- T. J Farrell. Altérnate- Frank Engllsh. Excelsior Chapter, No. 25, R. A. M., elected their ofncera Friday nilit for the ensuing year as follows : H. P.- C. C. Vroman. K.- S. D. Wllconson. S.-A. H. 8. Curtís. C. of H.-S. B. Mereness. II. A. C.-Kd. Thompson. G. M. 8d V.- Mark Vaul. Q. M. 2d V.- H. A. Sulllvan. G. M. lst V.- W. A. Moore. Chaplaln- Rev. James Vennlng. Treasurer- Geo. T. Schaffer. Secretary- P. W. Carpenter. Sentinel- G. W. Klshlar. The Wayne Review relates the experience of a hotel keeper in tliat village. He was cleaning his clothing with gasoliiif , and, in the meantime thought to indulge in a smoke. He struck a match to light a cigur and was instantly enveloped in ifliimes. Hls hands were burned In vain tflorts to extinguish the flames, but liis llfe was saved by another person, who came tohis rescue with a large towel. He will know better than to mix lire and gasoline together hereafter. Several cases of the same kind, and some with fatal consequencea have occurred in the state within a short time. Mr. J. O. Thompson, who hns been connectedi wth the Leader for the last four years in the capaolty of local reporter and compositor, has packed hls "grip," shaken the Dexter dust off hls feet, and hied hlraself to the "New Soth," with the determination of hewing a name and fortune for himself. The Leadpr, backed by hundreds of friends in tliis Tilhige and vicinity, bids him a hearty good-bye and God speed. Wben he geta to the "land of of piomise" our subscribers will have the pleasure of readiug some of his deucriptions of the southern country in the Leader. - Dexter Leader. So sny we all of us.


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Ann Arbor Courier