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Dr. Jenkins Heard From

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[The tullowing artlcle Is taken from the Sun José (Cal.) Daily Times and tilis tho story of Dr. Junkiti's last marrhige. Dr. Jcnkins will be wcll remembered hcre. Abont tlirce years ago he was doing a lino line of business as a denllst, and at onc time was quite higlily estccmed. He marrled a Lady of most excellent family, none otlier than a danghti r of Presl dent Piiync, of Vanderbilt Univeiity of Nasliville, Tenn., at that time holding thechair of Pedagogos in the U. of M. Tliey lived together a few months only wben quite a Bensatlon was sprang upon our citizens one mornlng by the guddrn departure between two days of the doctor, leavlng bis wife and all hia posscssious behind, aud leaving the ofüce of coroner for this county vacant. Uut few knew the inside history of this sudden transaction, but it 3 understood tbat he left at the suggcslion of bis falher-in-law, and shortly afterward bis wife made appllcation for aud seoured a diyorce.] The latest "romance" of the Doctor s thus told by the Times: Just tbree months of marrled life and now a suit for dlvorcc. A gensation that eren witb the utmost precaution on the part of the interested parties to keep from the public ear, was caught in the society breezo by 11 reporter of the Times. It is a divnrce suit instituted by Mrs. Rosal Ie Jenklna against her husband Dr. O. C. Joiikins. The oomjilaint va9 filed in the county clerkV ollice ju-t a moment before " o'clork, Friday afternoon by Howell C. Moore, the attorney for the platntiff. At the time of ftlinfi the coniplaint, the clerks in the ofüce were admonislied to observe the utmost secrecy In the matter, and !y all means to keep the news from the iepresentaüvcs of the press. These restrlctions upon the dcws gatherer did not, however, deter him from getting ;ill the facts in tlie case, wliich are so novel and romantic that until the closing act society will be on the qui vive on account of the unconventioual circumstances attending the marriage of the pirtiea on the 22J of last August. SCÈNE I OF TnE ROMANCE. Not long prior to the date of the mirriage Dr. Jciikins, who is a gentlemanly appearing person, waa quite popular among bis aequaintances, and especially amoDg the ladies who assoclated with htm in various social orders of which he was a member. Many ayoung lady's heart was his, and on one or two occasions lt ig said he woukt have married but for the whisper in the air that ho was already married and not yet legally dlvorced. At last he won the heart of Miss Youngcr and slie, against the best wishes of her mother, brother and sisters, clandestinely married the doctor in the parlors of the St. James hotel on thp22dof last Auguit. Kev. II. C. Miuton offlciated and before the ceremony was performed he qnestioned the doctor as to wbether or not he was then married. Jcnkins replied that he had been, was divorced and since tlicn his wife had dled. The marriage was coDSummated, but was kept secret until the Sunday followlng. Mrs. Jenkins in the meantimc residlng at the home of her parents. On Sunday a scène occured in the doctor's office, 69} S )Uth Firct st. that was dramatic indeed. The girl's mother and her sister, Gussie, vlsited the doctor, tliey being tlieu entirely ignorant of the fact of his marriage. The young wife was present In the doctor's oftko and mother and si-ter pleaded most iiteously for Jenkins to give up the idea of mal ry Ing the young lady. In their failure to move either the doctor or hts wife, Gussie is said to have begun a strong abuse of Jenkins. She cursed htm and promised even to horsewhip him. Mrs. Younger was on her bended knees imploring him to give up his attentions to the girl. During all tliis time tlie couple were in fond embrace and the wife evinced a devoted attachuient {or lier husband. She pleaded for him and declarad that her folks had no rlgliO lo inluifero wrltü Uien tiuppiucss. The doctor answered the charges against him by saying that he was lawfully diyorced from his wife in the east and by presenting what purported to be a decree ofdivorce. Even that did not satisfy the enraged relatives. Matters were getting so interesting that at last Mrs. Jenkins divulged the secret of her marriage. Like a thuuderbolt t feil upon the inotuer's ears and she feil in a swoon. When Mrs. Younger recovered she and her daughter lelt the room but oñered no congratulations to the married couple. The doctor and his wife followed the mother, but before they had left the building they rushed back and Mrs. Younger and Qussie came after them asking that an offleer be summoned to prevent a scène that was feared on the approach of EJ. Younger, the girl's brother. The doctor, however, got the drop on him, and Ed. did no harm, and thus endt_'d the scène. SCÈNE II OF THE ROMANCE. The doctor and his wife now began to enjoy the honeymoon, and apparentty they were the happiest couple in the world, and thus it coutinued - at least to the eyes of the world - until last Tuesday w hen the final good-bye was uttered. SCÈNE III OF THE ROMANCE. After this brief period of married bliss comes the filing of papers in an action for divoice. In them Mrs. Jenkins alleges as the grounds for her divorce that her husband bas been cruel to her on divers occasions, and one case in particular is recited. She avers that In the latter part of last September, after an absence of many hours from her, he carne home intoxicated at 2 o'clock la the mornlng wlth a male companion; that the doctor entered her bed chainber and there he attemptcd to execute a certain wriüiig, whlch she refused to do, whereupon lie aiifírily and cruely struck her, knocking her senseleas, froin whloh slic did not recover for some time. Mr?. Jenkins asks Uso for f300 counsel feea and $100 a tnonth alimony frorn the date of tho filiiiir of the complaint and to be allowed to resume her malden name. DR. JEKKERS TALKS. A reporter of the Times visited Dr. Jenkins Friday nlght at his resklence and there introdueed the subject of dlvo.'Ci. "What! " excïaimed he in astonlshment, "has the complaint been ft1 led?" "Yes, sir, " answered the scribe, "and I would like to hear what you h:ive to say in the matter." "Well," said he, "you know all about. my marriage and the attending excitement caused by my wile's family. Kver since we were marrled theyhave planned to bring about a reilllzatlOD of the promise of Miss GusBle that slie would break the marriage if it 'broke tnc bank.' They bej;an ttieir work at once and cunningly made my wife and me recipients of many small gift?, but whenever they came to our rooms it was for the purpose of taking her home, where they might prc.ich into lier ears the necessity of leaving me. I have been as good a busbaiid as elie could find. Every dollar I earned was hers; if it were two or fifty, and many a time I have gone on the streets with only ten cents in my pocket?, trustlng her lmplicltly witli all that was mine. I never raised a hand in harra to her, and many o. time she vowed that the family would not be permitted to aliónate her aüections, but you see tliey have done it. She may complaln of my late hours, but I belong to six lodges and they have received perliaps a little too miich attention, but my wife was never neglected for tliem. It bas cost me over $700 since I'm married and why i should be persecutud in this manner is not clear to me." " My wite's family belong to the Catholic cliurch nnd religious intluences have a great deal to do with it. I have even been persuaded by different prlestB to adopt the Catholio. bellet but always stoutly refused. My wife was tatUfied, and we were happy in eacli otiier's luve, but I sliall not let it bother me in the least, other than I iutend to fíglit it to the bitter end as a vindicaüon of myself." "Last Sunday the family lnvited my wifo anti mo to dinner, and latef I was advised that I liad bettcr stny away a tbe blg brother Ed. was home. 1 told my wifR then Ihat if I were not welcorae wlien Eil. was home I w is not welcome at all, and Bttid that I did not care tor her to visit whurt! 1 wms dcnicd an uvitatioD, but if she insisted upon uoing, I wou Id offet no objections. Sne went, and In my lonoliness I bireil a bugjty fora drive, t:ikn; my friend, Mr. FletcluT, with me. On the Alum Koek rond I met the family in their carria-re. My wife was in the carrliige, but I did not lee her and I slmplj buwed as we passed. In ihe cvninjr, I was idundly abused í'or bciiijr x travigailt, but made no reply pxcept in a kindly inanner. Next morning sbe packed ii p her tilinga and went home to her uiother, Btuting that slie w uld reinain there. Om TllOíday I visited lier and in a private conversatlon she reiterated her love with tears streamlng down lier cheek3. As I left she gought the privacy of lier chamber, and in her solitude feil into hysterie?. Doesn't tbat look as if the folks wrre suing for the dlvorce instead of niy wife. Since then I have not seen her and tliis is the fruit of our marriage - a divorce In just three months." WlfAT ED. YOUNGER SAYS. Ed. Younger was seen by a reporter on the strect last nigut. He declined to make any statement reRardinff tbe divorce prooeedingsi. Me said if ür. Jenkins desircd to talk he could do so, but so far as he and bis family were concerned tuey had nothing to say untll the proper time carne. He laughed sarcastically at the idea that the family were the Instigators of the action. The above cut"represents the new stcam motor to be u?ed by the A. A. & Y. R'y Co. It isn't a very formidable looking object, is it ? Strange, is it not, that some of our heaviest tax-p:iyers should desire to foist upon the fair city of Ann Arbor, in which tlu-y reside and in which all tlielr financia!, social, business and every other lnterests are centered, a line of Street r.ülw.iy that will be a nuisaiice and a damave to our streets and our property? Is it in any way probable that sucli men as J. T. Jacobs, Judjje Harriinan, Ex Alderman Allmendinger,President IIowlett of the city councll, Chas. E. Hiscock the editor of tilla pper, and a nuiuber oi others (qu;illy lnterested should desire in any way to injure our streets or the property of the city, or do anytliing that woulil dtter the growth or prosperlty ol the city ? Wuld they not flht for the best ntercsts of this city as quickly as any citizon in the cit3? WoulU they bo fools enough to do anything to injure tlieinselTes? And anything that injures this city does injure each and every one of them; materially so. Admitting this fact, then, wlience comes the opposition to allowing the A. A. & Yp. S. li. R. Co. an eutrance to the city? Dees it nol como from foreign capitalists who have invested some money in a Street raihvay here and propose on the strength of that to monopolizo ever} tliin? Is there a citizen of Ann Arbor or vicinity interested in the welfare of the city who will fight agaiust his own Interests? Time will teil.


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Ann Arbor Courier