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Sparrow orders paid last week, $26 70. No services at tlie Presbytemn next Sunday evenin. The cases against the students for vlolations of the city ordlnances have been dropped. O. M. Martin the mulertaUer, has been called upon to attuiid 150 funerals dm ing the past year. A Kepublican Llterary club is one of the things Ann Arbor will probably have in the near future. The blue lodges have a public Insïall ition next Thursday eveniug, when Dr. Kust will dellver an addres-s. The concert SaturdajF nljfht will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and the doors will be closed during the mimbers. The new directory of the city of Anu Arbor is being deüvered. It is an improvement over the last one as furas Ann Arbor is concerned. Arthur Henion has been appoiuted substitute carrier at the post office in place of Capt. Win. F. Armstroug proinoted to a permanent position. A number of the stores which have been closed at G o'clock p. m., have now commenced keeping open during the evening for the holiday season. The examination of Sergeant Granger, and Messrs. Glatzel, Binder, Morrlson, Thomas, Root, and Parsons 3 down for next Friday before Justice Pond. The Ann Arbor Street Rsilway Co. are fittlnff up their cars with elegant new stoves and they evidently belleve In makït as comfortuble as possible for their custoiners. Low taxes and all the luxuric; is what imkes the city of Ann Arbor such a desirable residence city and is the rcason why so many wealthy people seek it for a retired home. "Welch Post, U. A. R., No. 137. will hold their annual election of officers on Friday evening at their hall in Joe T. Jacob's block, southeast corner of South ïlain and Washington streets. JP. J. Maguire of Philadelphia, General Sccretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters, and W. II. Kliver, of Cliicago, will address the brotherhood in tbis city on Thursday, to-morrow evening, at the armory. Public in vited. Br. McPherson, of Chicago, will occnpy the Presbyterian pulpit next Sunday morning and deliver the annual address before the S. C. A. at University hall in the evening. Subject, "The Heroism of Comnjon Life." Judge Hooker impres3ed the people here as belng a rery able judge, iirm in bis convictions and prompt in his decisions. He presided last week over the bench here In exehange with Judge Kinne, and bis marnier was blghly praised by lawyers and officials. The annual meeting of the Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society will be held on Tuesday, Dec. lOth, at their rooms In the Court House, at 11 o'clock a. m. Everybody in vited, ladies especially. Editor Bukey is to read a paper upon beet sucar culture. Theodore S. Nichols, Ella E. Nichok of Ann Arbor townshlp and Lucy L. Granger of Bay City, have liled a bilí of complaint against the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Street Railway Co., praying for an injunction against the said railway company, and the saine wlll be heard by Judgje Kinne next Saturday. The coinplainauts cotislder that thcir farm wilt be damaged $3,000 worth by the construction of this street rallway and ask that the construction be forthwith stopped, forever. Theodore S. Nichols had si;ned a paper permilting the construction of the road ncross the farm but claims that his signature was obtainod by misrepresentatiou. We regret to learn that Gov-Ëlect WInans is quite seriously 111. A red fox was shot near the county house recently by AVill Campbell. John G. Johnson, at one time chief ol pólice of Ann Arbor, is very sick. Jacob Katz.of Aun Arbor bas receivcil a pension .tlirough W. K Childs agency. There will be no change In the firm ol Bwch, Abi-1 & Co., for fome time at any Mte. Ninely dollars was colleeted for foreign missions at the Presbyterlan cliurch last Sunday moruing. Fraternity lodge, F. & A. BI initiated ten in tlie E A. dejrrec last Fiïday and SaturJay evenings. The passenger cars for the A. A. & Tpsilantl Street Ruilway Company have arrlved at Ypsilanti. Evcning prnyer will be held at St. Andrew's cliurch at 4'J o'clock p. m. next Sunday, and no evening service. Tickets will be placed on sale next Tuestlay, Dec. 1G, at Moore & Taber'a and the postofllcc news stand for Henry M. Stanley. The animal reunión of the Cth MichiCiivalry will be held at Jackson, Micli., on Tuesday, Dec. 30. Animal addrcss by Gen. R. A. Alger. John Strickler, formerly delivery clerk for Fred Stimson, bas received the appolntment of yard master in this city, at the Michigan Central railroad station. Circuit court Stenograplier Goodrich rode up from Ypsilanti on his bike last Motuluy moining. He thought it pretty slippery, and it brought forth a lively perspiration. The elm tree that stood on S. University aveinie, east of Waslitenaw avenue, lias been removed by street commlwloner Sutherland, iituler the diroction of tl. e board of public works. In looking over the long list of boautiful Chinga for holiday gift?, it might be vvell to remember that good presents are tlu' most valiia'dlü In the long run. You c;in liml tliem almost anywhere. Hon. J. T. Jacobs luis been appointed aide-de-camp upon the staff of Oommand er-in-Cliief' Gen. W. G. Veazey, of the G. A. K. of the United States. An honor that will rest flttiiigly on Mr. Jticob's shoulders. At the Unlty Club on Monclay cvenlng Dec., 15, l'rof. S. F. Peokham, will read a piper on the "Origin and Hlstory of Petroleum." The paper will be illustrated. Therc will also be some rendings by Miss Qrace Stayt. The lirst bridge eat of the city on the line of the Michigan Central rallroad was replaeed with a ncw ron bridge on Saturday list. Twenty minutes time were consumed in removing lite oíd ron ridge and pleclng tlie new one in politlón. About fortj' of the citi.ens of Dcxter attended the Temple of Fanie at Chelsea on, ïljursday and Friday evenings :ast. All speak of tlie entertainment as beii g of high order, and their coslumes and tage decorations as being very fine and attractive. Cadet John IC. Robison, son of Geo. T. Robison, of Detroit, and grandson of Ion John J. Robison of this city, in the Phanksgiving sports ut U.S. NiiTiil acudemy at Annapolis, Md., won iirat place in ive contests and second place In one cone.=t. He seems to be a chip of the old Ann Albor) block. The following significant item is from he last Tpsllanti Sentinel: "It is stated hat Mr. Boboet of Pittafleld, asked $3,oOO for bis place beforc it was expected he rallroad would pass that way. That ie novv asks $4,000, bot he wunts a hunred or so for damage that it will do him. lome men are built that way." The Ladies of the Charitable Union visli to acknowledge the following 'hanksgiving offeiings whicli aids them o materlally in their beneficent work: l'ion the Union Thaoksjrlviog service $52.00, St. Andrews chuich f 15 20, Mr. J. j. Babcock 15.00, together witli other doïations, ia all amounting to $!)G96 in asli. Thcre were liberal donations'f )rovisioii3 and the Union furnished fiftyone families with ThanKsgiving (Hunere Erïsa8tly. Hear this: "Everybody s supposed to know how to boíl au egg. Jut everybody doesn't. O ily a few do. he common way is to drop the egg into )oilinr water. The whUe hardens and oughens instantly and the eg? Is not fit o eat and bard to digest if eaten. But n egg dropped into cold water and the vessel covi'red wlll be beautifully cooked he instant the water boils. The white vill be as delicate as a Jelly, digestible, mtrltious." Dr. George, wbo bas located in Toledo, )hio, reports business in excellent con. lition. Jlis lirm recently had made at he machine shops of Hunter & Co. in bis city a pair of bevel shears used in cutting steel plate, tbat weighed tb ree ons, and also a pair of straight cutting heuis tbat weighed 2JL tons. Tbe argest shears of the kind used In this country. Since tbe Toledo firm gave its order an order bas been raceived from a Jetroit firm for a pair of the straight cut shears. A Hule girl of this city bas made out a st of things she wants for Christmasi and it Is quite au amostog list with enough useful thing9 sandiviuhed in to ake ofl'the glare of the fineiy that 3 so dear to heart. Hure it is : 1. Goldring. 2. PairShose. 8. Bottlo of purfewmry. 4. A great big Doll. 5. A new hat. . Pack of Uards. 7. A pair of rubbers. 8. A new muir. 9. Hendkerchler. 10. A watch and clian, 11. Umberle. 12. A Kosmer. 18. Shirts and draws. 11. A pair of mitenft. 15. A box for penclls. lli. A brasfllet. 17. A liendkerchief box. It 8 with regret that we are obliged toannounce this weck the uVath of Tlieodore Koj'er, onu of our most estitn ible eitizens. He died on Sunday evenlng, at about C o'clock, after a protracted IIness, lasting for several months. He w;is 78 years of age, and had been a resident of Anti Arbor for the past ten or twelve years. Funeral services were held from the family residence at the corner of N. División and E. Ann street, yesterday Tuesday p. m., and the reinains were taken to Cincinnati, Ohio, and deposited in tbe family yault, by the side of other membersof his family. Mr. Royer was a member of the M. E. church, which will lose by bis deatb a faithful adherent, and our city will lose an excellent and exemplary man, wfaOM úniet wiill; In life bas been an influence for rood wilh every one with whom be has come in contact. The family in their bereavement have the sympathy of' the communlty.


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Ann Arbor Courier