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Dr. P. Ti. Kose 8 on a business trip to Florida. Mr?. S. V. Clarkson gave an afternoon ladii's' receptlon Friday. Mrs. Yo.-t, of Ypsilanti, lias been a visitor at Mr. .Tesse Booth's. Mayor Uhl ofOrand I! ipids, was in the city Frldaj on business In the couitf. Mre. W. W. Watli is expected home to-tlny rrm a two weck's vlslt at Grand Rtpidi. Mi-s. Theda Q. Beardsley, or Howell, was tlie guest of Geo. H. Pond and family yesurday. Mr. and Mis. Jesse Boolh gave an elegant tea party Friday cvening to a nutiiber of friends. Torn S. Ewlii?, formeily of Dexter, now a druggist of Readlng was in the city last week. James Donnegan, of the 4th Wiird, who has been seriously ill, is now cousidered bctter. Dr. F. N. Boninc, of Niles, formerly the great sprinter of' the (J. of M., was in the city Monday. Mrs. George ö. Ilill w;:s calle 1 home to Toronto, Out., Saturday evening by the illness of lier motlier. MiísP8 Myrta and Kitlio Beoraan were in t!;e city last week, the gueats of tlieir aunt, Mrs. Bowdish. Mrs. William Allaby, of No. 50 E. Washington st., lias relamed from her visit to Springfleld, Ohio. Mrs. Chipman Smlth, wlio bas been visiting friends in the city, left yesterday for her home in Marshall. Dr. Geo. H. Granger, of B;iy City, formerly a member of the Legislature, was one of Aun Arbor's visitois yesterd.iy. We are pleased to learn tbat our city attorncy Thomas Kearney is slowly improving, and expecU to be in his cflice in a few da. ys. Mr?. Ernest Perry, of B.yCity, who has been the guest of Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry, of Eist Washington Street, left Friday to visit her mother in Jackson. Alanson Moore, of 11 N. Tliayer st., returned from Linsinjr, Friday evening last. He liad been engaged in aísisting Jolm G Gros?, of Saline, who ha9 opencd a s'.ioe store in that city. Mi-ss Grace Stanton and the MIspcs Miy and Lntiise Mihl, of Grand Ripids, are spending the week with the Misses Saunders, of N. Main Ft. Saturday evening a reeep'ion was given in honor of the young ladlOL, and all present seemed to h ive a very enjoj'ablc time. Geo. Newell Lovejoy, who las retín ned to Ann Arbor to remain till next sum. nier, during his sojourn in B s on and New York had tbc plensure of meeting at their homes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, W. D. Howells, EImund Clarence Stedman and AVill Carleton. Win Feldhauser, of this city, bas been olee ted one ol the trustees of Lindwehr Verein for the ensulng year. The Congregational Society cleared abiucSöOO by its fair nt the link, and has i large nuinber of articles left over. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank elected the following offlcers yesterday: Preahlent- Clirlstlan Mack. Vice Proa - Wm. 1). 1 larri mau. Oasliler- Chas. E. Hlscock. Dlrectorü- Daniel Hlscock, Wm. Deubel, V. B. Smlth, L. Qruner, ana David Rlnsey. Tlie Indiao Commisslonership resigned by Hún. Josepli T. Jiiobs before election, has bnpn again tendered him by President Ilarris n. Mr. J icobi has not yet cuncluclpcl to re-accopt tlie appointment. Thrcc loads of JTorwegians and öcamlnnavhius püpol thrirngh tUia citrón Saturday "home brnt.'' for the fatherland. They cime from Dakota and had 9(ittlfd ncar the lnrtlun uprising and were frighlened by the red skins. Golden Rale Lodce F. & A. M. has elccted the foMowing offlcers for the ensuing yfar: W. M., R. M. Cuthbert; S. VV , W. V. Watts; J. W., A. O. Nichol?; Sec, N. D. Gates Trofis, D. C. Fal'; S. D„ Ii. O. Goodrieli; .T. I). Jlorrls Lanlz; Tyler, Z. Roath. At the animal election of the Farmer's & Mechaniek Bank, yeeterday, the followlng directors wcro chosen: Reuben Kempf, Win. F. Bre:ikey, Ambrose Kearney, J. E. Deal, C. E. Greene, John Burg, D. F. Schairer, Win. C. Stevens and Kdward Duffy. The usual seini-annual dividend of 3 per cent. was declured and tlie balance of profks carrleü to the surplus fund.


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Ann Arbor Courier