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The City Council Of Shelbyville, Ind.

The City Council Of Shelbyville, Ind. image
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authorlzed tho mayor to employ the necessary toreé to suppresa the sale of llquors on S'.mday and aftor 11 o"olock at ng li l. Navh. i h'N ni tbe Flndson ri ver carao to an ond on the 3d. Mits. Mi:v ÏOllPIK, au'i'l 90 yoar.s, mother of Senator l:ivid Turpie, was burned to death near Delphi, lui., her clothinpr calching lire froin a placo. At Williumstown, Ky. . (reorgo Iturgess, a saloon-keeper, shot and fatal ly wounded MNs Al ico McKinley, and was himself sbol d 'ad while re3lsting arrest A Finí-: in tho Scotten tobáceo works at Detroit. Mich., caused a loss of S.'iOO,000, and two fi remen wero killed and two othors wore injured. Tm; Bittenfaouse Manufacturing Company of Passaic X. .1., fnil(Hl, with SSOO.OÜU dobts and 920,000 assets. Tuf. National Colored Alliance opened its third annual oonventlon on the 3d at Ocala, Fla., with National l'residont J. 8. Jackson, of Alabama, in the chair. Thb "Soo" canal was closed for tho season. The number of boats that passed throug'li durinff the season was 10,657, carrying '4,85l passengers and 9,041,21 tons of freight. itr.Ain' üikis., w tiolesalo procers at Üainosvillo, Tenn., failod for $100,000. Ai.BKiu H. Smitii, of Mills, Robeson & Smith, wlio wrecked that firm by committinsr forgerips, was sontenced at New York to soventoon yeare in State prison. Electioxkei:, the most famous sire of trotting horses in the world, died at Senator Stanford's stook farm n California at the ajre of í25 yeara. A passksgich train on the Chicago Se Alton road was run into by a Wabash freijjht train at Jacksonville, 111., and twomen were killed and four wounded. Tiiieves extractad several thousand dollars from an exp;-ess messenger's sachel whio.h bad boon lofi in the Haltimoro & Ohio depot in Zanesville, O. Thbbe workmen were fatally injurod by the explosión of :i tank in a eheroical manufactory at CincinnatL Ay extinguishel brast furnace of the Illinois Iron & Steel Coinpany at Joliet collapsed, anJnincmcn woro killod and nine others woro injured. JosErn 1!. Abbott, cashier for tho Henry W. Sa?e Lamber Company at Albany, N. Y. , who was disnovered to be a defaulter to the oxtent of $100,000, shot himself dead. Thk Indiana State Iioardof Health in its annual report to tho Cïovernor estimated that the ffrip epidemie in Indiana in 1890 causeü a monoy loss of more than 81,00U,ü0J. The residents of Rawlins County, Kan., were said to be in a destitute condition, and manv would starvo unless assistod. Eev. Wu.i.iam Baihd and wifo, of Charlestown, Ind., left for Corea, whero Mr. Baird will be employod as a missionary by the l'resbytorian board. PlFTEEM iiH'lios if snow feil in tho Lydonvillo (Vt. ) regior, and lumbernien would bejfin operations at once. The G. (r. Carpen ter nursery at Fairbury, the Larest in Nebraska, was sold to an Englisfa syndicato for $75,00:). Hkm:v .loiiNsoN (colored) waslynched near Pickens, !S. C. , for a criminal sault upon Mrs. Thomas Walters, a wbito woman. Jacois 8chabfrh beat ttíe world's record at billiards in Itoston. In fivo innings ho made a total of 400. Gbnbbal Broökk reported on the 4th to tho War Department that a majority of the hostüe Indians in South Dakota were willink to return to Pine Ridge agency. A STOCK of liquor that was to be used in opening; a saloon at k'yana, Ind., was destroyml by women crusaders. The intercontinental Kailway Commiasion as oalled to ordor at Washington bj Secretary lilaine and organized by the election of A. J. ('assait as presidont DlAMONDS valued at Y13,000, belonsiníf to Mrs. Kul; H. Armour, disapgland Safety Doposit Corapany at Kansas City, Mo. Ths business (allures in the Unltod Siaics during the geven days ended on the "jïIi nnmbered 912, ag-ainst 249 the preoeding week and :;i(Mlie corresponding weok last year. A riBE whicb broko out in Maginn's cracker 'actory at l'ittsburgh, Pa., des'-royed four larpo business blocks, causing a loss of $880,000. Ar Providente. E. I., a firo in tho retail dry-ffoods store of Shephard & Co. caused duiuagn ;o Ihe extent of 300, - 0U0. It was reporied that gold in large quantitles had boen discovered in a gulch eiglj toen milos soathwest of Columbus, Ind. Tur cotton house of V. & A. Meyei at New Orleans suspended with liabilities S:i,."i lü.OÜUandassots $:j,000,000. This was the third largest cotton house in the country. Dslamater & Co., bankers at Meadville, I'a., failed for S400.000. In" a quarrel at Ironton, O., John Vheolorsburg was fatally injured by a fellow-workman, who threw a shovelful of red-hot sand in his faco. Ar Port Worth. Tcx., Ben Mabley cut the throat of Ltzzte Ford and then his own. Tuk schoonor Undino was wrecked while attempting to cross the channel from the islands to Santa Barbara, Cal., and its crew of three men wero drowned. Four men were also drowned by the loss of the schooncr Ida Florence near the sanie place. At the session of the National Farmers' Alliance In Ocala, Fia.. L. L. Polk was re-olpcted president of tho catión. With the objüct of eompetinjj with líritish manufacturera E. V. Iiliss, of New York, has taken a contract to make armor-pierciii'í projectilea for th United States Govornment. A vioLKNT parthquake shock was feit at Lockwood. Mo. Housos wore shaken and the whole population fled into the streots for safety. Pkesidkxt IIai:i:ison has appointed Romualdo Pacheco, of California, to be Minister of the United States to the Central American States in place of Minister Mizner, recalled. Joii.v S. Clemo was frozen to death while driving trom Ilonesdale to hls homo in Aldenville, Pa.


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