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It Stands Alone. 'Diere are many blood medicines advertieed, but only one that is bncked up by lts niar.uracturers with a certiflcate of ffuarantee. and thut one is Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery which is warranted to benefit or cure in all diseases for whicli it is reconimended, or money paiJ for it will be promptly refunded. It cures all skin, scalp and scrofulous afiections, sores and swelllnsrs, salt-rlieum, tettér and kindred ailments. Not un injury to tlie íoot - Dr. Koch's lymph. Biicklen's Árnica Sal re. The Best Salre in the world for Cuta, üruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salí Rheum, Fever Sores, Te'ter.Chapped Hands, (Jhllblains, 'orns, ai.-.i all Skin Eruptions, and posiively cures Piles, or no pay required. It. s guaranteed to (ílve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Salp hv Ehorbach & Son. Wliat nobody eversaw - Job pitnttng, A "young tough" - The infint hippolotamus. A mini's wIIV should always be tlie ame, especiully to Iier liusband, but if he le weak and nervous, and uses Carer's Iron Pilis, she cantiot be, for they make lier "feel like a different uerson," o tlicv all süv, and thelr tiiisbai)d9 say so oo!


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Ann Arbor Courier