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S7te Greatest BlooJ Purifierïi KNOWN. # I Tbla (rcat Germán Medicina Is t)ie#., II I chcaiiest and best. 128lnsesof PI ''#; II I I'III lLl!ITTi:iL.-jfor$l.(iO,lea3tlian 5 III pil'Hir cent a close. It will euro thcM gj UI Q worst oases of Bkïn disease, troxnM m a connniin pimple on the iwcW í U ■II to thatawful dlaeaae Scrofula. jgf I iMI.I'lil It BITTERS is tlio# III best. nioiliclno to uso In MM 111 , (.f siich stobborn i'l#ymir III Illdeoi) Bcated iliseabcs. l#iH'ysatvinitl Ulaut ever tako #ofonlcr. IscUI E3 BLUE PILLS MS8LLñvfM IBorinc-irury.they aro 'lea'l#.' ,, .„., 'Jwk nnlll III thr purert anl 11SO BlnKKUclnocwrmade. ƒ Ju]p,nr BitterslIU !=l8yonrToiigneOoateJ# l 5! t3 witli n yollovstic-kj-#Don't walt mitll yon M til BObetance? I.svonr#nvc unablcto walk.urRI Illircatli toni 'aii(j#arc fint on your back, III II odoiislvey Yourlnit get soino at onre, lt Mnin.'ii''ii ii ont#will ure you. Sulfliurl II I lof ..nier. Uc'#Hitters is MSl'iVn'ri':issTle Invalid's Frlend.Hj gm Imnici liatolyThp JWXOg, tlio aged and f l Is your l v-WuT'mi are soon inndcwvllbyl inc tblck,#]ts use. lCvinrinlcrwliatyoul II lroiiy, clo-jrca(l lierc, It may save your ludy, .irmu It bas saved hiimlrcdg. l tr #Duu'trait uutll toinorrow, Q iirjz. Bottle To-day! E3 I 5" Are yon tow-plrlttd and vonk, III II 5 Mor roObring froni the cxeesses of III I a#youth? tf :", SULPHUR lilTXl-JIïsl II WwlU cure yon. Senil 'i 2-ccnt stamps to A. 1. Onlway A (o., líOdtou.Maód., for bot medical work ptwIlBhoitr USE DR.CRAIG'S ORIGINAL KIDKEY i LIVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. Tliey are only Safe Remadle3'to use for those adllcted wlth Briirhl's Disense, Liver Coraplaiiit and Urlnary Affections. Only tliose prepared In the dry form are the Original and the Only Kldneyaud Liver Curp ttiat wlll restore you to perfect upalth. ALL LADIES t'KK o. :o. rt. a.. gold B" all deusbi:::. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, N. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St., 2 doors W. of Harris Guild. The oldest agency in the city. EBtablished over a quarter of a century ago. Kepresentlog the (oïlowlng first-class corapanies, wlth over $60,000,000 iipllu! and Assets. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., óf New York. GIRAKD INS. CO., of Philadelphia. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. Rates Low as tlic Lowest, Losses Libor ally Adjusted and promptlf Paid. C. H. MILLEN. CAPITAL $50,000. SUBFLUS $10,000. Adflitional LiaMlities of Stockholders $5O,OOO. Report of the condltlon of the FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK at Aun Albor, Michigan, at ILe close of business Jiily 18, 1SU0 RESOURCES. Loans and illscouiits 8 213.9SI 72 Stocks, bonds, luortgages, etc 72 2ïl 51 OverdrafUt 1,859 OS Due frora banks in reserve cltles.... 19,883 45 Due from Washtenaw County 11.601 76 Hills in transit „ 3,560 23 Furnlture and flxtures 3,0 0 00 Current expenses and laxes pald.... 72 38 Interest paid _ _ 432 13 Checks and cash items „ 159 77 Ñlckels aud pemiles tt 51 Gold _ 8,134 70 Sil ver 2,iH2 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes 14,353 00 Total $ 3")1,682 39 I.IABII.ITIES. Capital stock paid in ï 50.000 00 Surplus fund 10 000 01) Undivlded proflts 3,259 8"i Dlvidends unpald 315 00 Commercial deposita 212,607 68 Savings deposita 45,riO 01 Total ÍK1.682 39 STATE OF MICHiaAN,)„ County of Washtenaw. ƒ ssI, F. H. BKLSER, Cashler, of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. II. BELSER, Cashler. Subscrlbed and aworn to before me, this 29th day of July, 1890. WM. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Corrkct- Attest: AmbroseKearney, Chas. E. Qreene, D. F. Schairer, Directors. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Ml havlngdled thelr certlflcate with the Stat Bauking Department are now authorlzcd t do buKlness as a Savings Bank, and in pur suance tbereof have opened a Savings Department Interest allowed in tbe savlngs departmen on all deposita of $1 and upwards. Interes paid June lst and Deo. Ist, of each y ear. The savings department is open Saturday nlghts from 7 until 8 o'clock. Money to loan In sums of $25 to $5,000 se cured by unencumbered real estáte or ap proved securltles. DIRECTORS- Renben Kcmpf, Chas. :. reene, K. Dnfly, Ambrose Kearney, Wm. O. SteveiiH, W. V. Breakey, J. K. Beal, Johu Ituru, D. F. Schulrer. K. KKIIPF, Prg. E. DVFFÏ, Vtce-Pre. F. H. BKlKKll, Caabler ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM BEBRY PLANTS, FRUIT AND ORHAME ITTAL TREEB Pcars and Grapevines a Specialty! 8YRUP3 AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrnps of Raspberry and of Bartlett Pears. Bonesett, Dandcllon and Kaspberry Wlnes aud Shrnbs. Sweet Red and White Concord, and Martlia Orape Wl nes, especial ly prepared 'or Invalida. Order trees and plants early as we get most of ihem from the best Eastern Nurseries. K. BAIIR, WEST Hl KON' STKKKT, Is the oldest and most popular cit'ntlftc nrd mechanica! paper publishod and tma the Inreest ctrculHtion of any pnper of ta cIhbn in the world. Kully llhlKtruted. Best daas of Wnod KnKravinfts. Published weekly. Send for gpecimeD Prine 13 n yr. Kour niontha' trial, $1. MÜNN it CO., l'LDl.lsutlt.-, 301 Broudwuy, N.V. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. O A Rreat success. Each Issue contnlns colored ftthoKruphic plates of country atid city resittences or public buildings. Kunierous enKravtnus and ruil plan? and ftM?clflcntiuii fr the use i.i suehHSontcui[lHte building, a oht 2act8.acopy. MINN & CO., PCBUSETKRS. ■ 40 years' experlonce hik! have nmde uver ■ lU),ü(W applicntlons for AmerlcHii and Kor eln pntents. Scurt lor Haiulbook. Corrw tontleuce Btrlctly cuntidential. TRADE MARKS. In fiase Tour mark In not registered In tlie Patent OIBce, apply to Munn A Co., unit proonra tmmediate protectlon. Sencl fur liandbouk. COPVRICIIT.S for books, charta, map, ttc, qulckly prucured. Address itlL'NS & CO., Pulent Hollcltor. UniiuL Omci: Stil IHuiuwiv. N. y LI7MBEH! LTTMBER! Z.TTMBEB.Ï I f yon contémplate building, cali FERDON Lumber Yarfl ! Corner Fourlh aud Depot 8rs., ano get our figures f or all kinds of LUMBERí We manufacture our nwn Lumber and guanir.tcc VERY LOW PRICES tgfGWt U3 a cali and we will make It to yonr interest, as our lare and well graded stock fu Uy Hustains our assertiou, Telephone Connections with Office. T. J. KEECH, Bapt. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop. Jèrgcts Shoes ronmy _n farco's YgS "Box Tip" School Shoes ISIMv íor Bys and Girs. Mi Y?yÍ&. Heeled or Wedge Heel. È ■SVL. Sizes-8tolO 1.35 Ik "OlrirïnWi Htol3J4 1.50 gY tMá it,,;; 1.73 mff FARCO'S )M $2.50 Calf Shoe Oï4c'v foi1 Gentlemen, I.wjQl "-y__fc-,. _ Cnequaled by any shoe 2F piTS%bV yin America afc tho sanio MNnUEl'price. Ín CunerpM, IlutsU' "■- sg)tf ton and I.ucf. Meu'saiid Boy's itotBi Xl FARCO'S % ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT í O&d V Dongola or Goat, Button, 3v?e v Opera, or Common Sense. r&iLft Qe 'acke8S anl Flexible. t HU I A?HSÍ5 Wnrranted the most ín Uullooand 'M úsei OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM Of EVERY SHOE. Aikyniir dealer for Fnrco'a Kbaca. If lio ds not tt-t-p tJK-iu send tousouU wo wlllfurnishyuua imrun rcceii)tof pnpe. Sotui posta] fordescrlptlve list C. H. FAKÖO & CO., Chicago, I1L DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOIÏ. jNOO3s;'s Cottoaa. Boot M&fátí COMPOUND ■ piromposod oí Cotton ttoot, Tansy and LV sJ Pennyroyal - a recent discovery by an Jj11 pbysiclan. Is succe&suUu ui cd montMy- Safe, Effectual. Prloe $1, by mail, scaled. Ladies, ask your drucffist for Cook'a Cotton Root Compoand and tako no substituto, or inolose 2 stamna for sealed particulars. Address POND LILY COMPAST, No. 3 Fishar Blouk, Vil WooUward ave., Detroit. Mlcb. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. Wc keep const&ntly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We shall also keep a anpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! O.lmrnN Ciuld ttiiHt Flour, Buck wlicat Flour, torn Iffcal, Feed, Etc., At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock ot GROCERIES and PROYISIÜNS Con9tantly on hand, which wlll he sold on as r'.s tinable terme as atany other ho3Bi: in the citv. Cash paid for BUTTER, BQOS, and COÜNTKl PRODUCK generally, (oods duliverea to any Kirt of the city wlthont extra charco. RIXSEY & SEABOLT. i nio iHitn howell & cos Kcwspapor A1verfislng Bureau (10 Spruca Street),wherpiulver. ■ nf UMH tisingcontractsmay HhlH YIIKK ba mado for lt in Uk ff I Ulll KKKKIIllll A JMX4, ANK AR BOB SK1.I, lfKI,lV ni.l.s. T A TYTTT'C! TRY DR. I.ADIKS "PELjüiJlilllO KIODICAI," PILLA from arl, Frani"'. Bstabjlshed In Kurope in 1$Ï9, 'nnadu In lh7S. Kor u);irti(loilf, Irrrgüisritied, nd Monthly UfriiiijfL-muiits. A rellablu monihly medicine. They alwsys relieve. Any druggist. % American PUI (Jo., Hiopriutors, Spencer, owa. Hobcrt Stcphenson & Co.t wlioletale eiits. and all otber drnrgits in Ann rbor. 'hooi; pulsare warrautecl tubrluiroii tbe "cbange. '' Michigan (Tentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect Nov. SO. 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P. M. P.M. A.M. Chicaco Lv.. 7 05 900 1220 8 10 9 25 10 10 Kaln'ói) 1145 217 358 7O0 33' 7 1.1 Jacks'n 3fK) 4 2j 5 35 S 47 4 -K 15 40 Chelsca 860 530 7 13 10 31 Dexter 4 14 5 45 72S1043 P. M.]P. M. P.M. P. M.,A.M. A.M. A. M. AnnA'r 4 42i 5 2 6 30 9 45i 6 05 7W11IM Ypail'ti 503 543 95ÖJW23 8 08 1113 W'e.Tc 527 (147 835 11:12 D;'l Ar 6 15 6 15 7 80 10 15 7 31) t) 2u 12 IU DETROIT TO CHICAGO. A.M. A.M P. M.lP.M. AM. P.M. P.M. Detroit.... Lv 8 30 7 50 120 7 45 9 2-5 916 4 45 WayneJunc. 908 8 23 . 9 51 521 Ypsil&ntl.... 92S 841 203 84S 10 15 5 43 A.M. A.M. P.JI. P.M. A.M. P M. P.K. AnnArbor... 943 857 219 858 1019 1030 555 Üexter 100) 9 15 608 Chcleea 10 13 930 0 19 Jackaon 1100 10 00 317 10 2011115 1145 6 55 Kalamazoo.. 2 05113 13 502I12J51255 2 17 930 Chicago.. .Ar 7 35 4 35 00 64p 4 5'J 805 O. W. RUQGLE8, H. W. HA YES, G. P. &, T. Aïsnt, Chlcaco. AKt.. Ann Arlior. Toledo, Aun Arbor L Nortti Mlrtiiun Rallway. TIME SCHEDULS. Taking effect October ISth, 18Í.0 Tralns rnn by Standard Time. Ëtoing North. e! WUÜ g" fa STATIONS. II 13 A. M. P. M. P. M P. W, 6 00 8 30 Lv Toledo Ar 1 10 11 IE 6 47 4 10 Dundee 12 16 10 23 7 03 i 31 Milán 11 57 10 hl' 7 20 4 45 Urania H 4S 9 4 7 27 4 55 Pittilield 1187 9 'KI 7 4' 5 07 Ann Arbor 11! 2" 9 26 7 ó'i S 25 Lelanri 1111 9 10 8 06 6 39 Whltmore Lake 11 00 8 5S 8 55 6 32 Howell 10 25 8 20 9 40 7 85 Durand 9 40 7 at TTÏÏÏ 8 45 Eaat Sagilliiw 8 10 5 50 lo 20 8 10 Owosso S 55 0 30 1180 9 12 Ithaca 7 45 5 IS 1 25 !0 13 Mt. Pleaeant 6 45 4 15 3 Ai Cadillac KI 3T 6 20 Copcmlsh 8 6 6 35 ....Ar Frankfort Lv tr P. M. P. M. A. ■ A. . Ooing South. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manasrer. A. J. PAISLKY, GKO. U. HAZI.EWOOD, Gun'l. Pass. A Ticket Airent. Local Aiteut EDTffl'SWillM! A very important invention hich will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in prö ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZBL Ssc CO. Plumbers and Steamfitttrs. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH "Woo3-'s :Ph.os:pli.oc3-i:ELe. THE CHEAT KVOLISH RKMEDY. Csed for 35 years - .k of Youthful folly by FM utltl the exresses LCTSftilly. IH amt-Xf "f later yeurs. anfííd (o curf all g.TJ J aives immedtate forma of Nervoust lyTsj strrnjth andvtuWeuknoss. Kmls-IKSH Ask drugtclata slons, (ri or ood'a i hoiand all 'substltute. One packaKe, $1; slz, $L, by mail. Writti for painpbleu Addreïa TlieiWood t'heuilcal Co.. 131 Wuadward ve., Detroit, lllgli.


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