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Circuit Court Proceedings

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The followiiig cises liave been disposcil of in the circuit since our last re port : Qottlob Luick et al. va. Anna M. Tl nkham. Verdict or tbe Jury for plaintlff, $123.79. Proceedlngs stayed sixty duys to ive defendaut time tu purebase, serve and settle blll of exceptlons. Leonhard Qruner vs. Mlchael O'Brien. Judgment for plalutiff by default for 1119.20 and costs. Damages assessed by clerk. James Tolbert vs. Win. Burk. Verdict, no cause of actlon. Juliana Sorg vs. Merchant H. Uoodrlcn. Settled and case dlsrontlnued. Ella 8. Alber vs. Lewls T. Alber. Dlvorce. Decree granted. Kdward Norton vs. MUlard C. Clements, Assault and battery. Verdict gullty. Damages J.öO. Time granted to move lor new trial. Amanda F. Yale vs. F. Eugene Yale. Dlvorce. Decree granted. Margaret Kern vs. Jacob Kern. Tcmporary allmony allowed. (leo. Mulnger vs. Frederlck Gauss. Plalntlff did not appear and Judgment of non-sultentered. Emily Backhaus va. Frank Backhaus. Dlvorce. Decree granted. Adam Bonnet vs. Anti Arbor & Ypillantl Street Ky. Motlon tu dissolve lnjunctlon argued und submllted. Tbe People vs. Win. Jobnson and Lottle Reveis. Adultery. Prlsoners arralgned, plead gullty. Johnaon sentenced to lonla lor one year and four montbs. Lottle Revela sentenced to Detroit House of Correctlon for one year. David -M . Hall & Son vs. Cbas. T. Harrls & Co. Default. Judgment for plalntltf, J31.30. John A. Bobnet vs. Ann Arbor & Ypsllaull St. R. R. Co. Injuncllon. Opinión: Tbe injunctlon beretoture granted In thls cause must beso far modifled as topermlt the layIng of ties and tbe placlng of lron tbereon. Tuut part of the injunctlou reatralnlng tbe delendant from operatlng tbe rallway may be contlnued iintil the hearlug of the case upon proofs, or uu til the further order of the court. Thls order is made on condltlon that the defendant go to trial at the present term of this court lf the cornplalnant so elects. Thls order Ik also made becuuse there exlsts a direct dispute as to the facts In the case, and Is uot inteuded asan adjudicatlon of any of the real questions or merita In volved In thls controveray. Such questions as are deemed vital are reserved umil the hearing can be had upou timil proofs. !■;. D. Kinnk.v, Circuit Judge. It has been agreed that tbe flnal hearing In thls matter will be held uext week.


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