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J. A. Mcgill, M. D., & Co.

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ARAÏTGE BLOSSOM! J A I'OSITM K CURE FOK W AZiZ. FEMALE DISEASES. SflMF flf TUF SYMPTtlMS A tlred, languid feellng, low spirited ard dcapondent, Hh no appnrent OUIIIL UI uil 01 mi tumo i cause, üeadache, palas lu the back, pains across the lower part of iowel8. CJreat soreness in región of ovarles. Bladder dtfticulty, Frequent arination, Leucorrhoea, Conatlpitioa of howeis, and with all tbeee eymptoms a terrible nervoas feeling is experienced by the patiënt. XI1E nitA.h III ossoi TKEATMKNX removes all tbese by a thorough procede nf absorpi ro. Internal remedies will never remove female weaknesx. lliere must bc remedies applied right to :ía' parta, and thtn there is permanent relief obtained. EVEKY LADY CAN TREAT HERSELF. O. B. Pile Romedy. I $1.00 for one month's treatment. I O. B. Stomach Powders. O. B. Catarrh L'ure. - rKKPAKKD By- O. B. Klduey Cones. PANORAMA PLACE, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALS BT J. J. Qooilyear, John Moore, Eberbacb. & Sons, H. J. Brown, Drngelsts, Ann Arbor Mlcli.


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Ann Arbor Courier