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IQ Vjhe Best and Purest Medicinepf tf EVER MADE. A.iTtwiiilrivctiio HoMorfromyonr II 4,. jCLuvti'in, and mnke yODï skin Ij fc" ;■ 'o%ivv-.m iii'l Bmooth. Thoae 3 '- vTLPimples and Blnt.liosJJJ Q%,r''i ''z,Vjwliiiimnr yonr besutym . ■ 4i 'i , ACm. aro caiisod liy nnpmeW i%, ■,. ■'',%'aXiL blond, mii oan iM'IIl V %%. '' 0 ST'SMline. if you a, r I 9 ■ ■ ƒ %rv' vy i"c " ■■11 iilti spoonful. ItlstheV o %■ I best and cheai'tx 'o ?..- II medicino. Try it, aadVS '? '.% II _ Uct it of your Druggist. % ív W QDON'TWAIT. GETlTATOXCEk ' tS If vou are raflbrlng from Kirt II II mcv bísense, and wisli to live to III olí age, use 8ULPHCB BITïElts: I Hl Tliey ucver fail to cure. Ijl Bend a i-oent stampa t A. i'. Ordway A Co., Baul.3Ias3.. tor 'Jt medical work tmliliahed? USE DR.CHAIG'S ORIÖINAL KIDNEY á LIVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only Safe Raraedles'to use for those attllcled wlth Brlglit'a Sisease, Li ver Complalnt and Urinary Affections. Only tliose prepared in the nny fokm are the Original and theOuly KIdney and IjiverCure that wlll restore you to perfect uealtli. ALL r,ADIES USE O-g- f- J . -tS. Jt.. xX. ::i: B7 ll ;:.c;;icr:. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, N. J. 150 DOSES OKE DOLLAR. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St„ 2 doors W. of Harrls Güild, The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of a century ago. Representlog the foliowlng flrst-class companíes, wlth over 60,000,000 Capital and A nel. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Philadolptiia. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. Rates Low ns tlie Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjnsted and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. iu íftlíUSíi w ■ViiCAilllCS uTiíi CAPITAL $50,000. S7BPLT7S $10,000. ÁiitionalLiaMitiesofStocüoMers S5O,ÖOO. Report of the condition of the FARMERS' ANI MECHANICS' BANK at Aan Arbor, Michigan, al the close oi business July 18, 1800 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 213,081 72 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 72 361 SI Overdrafts 1,859 08 Due frora banks in reserve cltles.... 19.S83 45 Due from Washtenaw County 11 S01 7(i Huls in transit 3.560 23 Furniture and flxtures _ 3,0 O oo Curiont expenses and taxes paid... i 'M Interest paid „ 432 13 Checks and cash items 159 77 Nlckels and peunles 05 51 Gold 8,134 70 Silver 2,'J12 15 U. 8. and National Bauk Notes 11,358 00 Total S 351,683 39 LIABILIT1ES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10 000 00 Unulvlded protits 3 259 Í5 Dividends unpald 315 00 Commercial deposits 242,667 88 Suvings deposits 45JU0 01 Total „ $3.01,682 39 STATE OF MICHIGAN,! „. County of Washtenaw. m' I. F. H. BliLSER, Cashler, of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above stutement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. II. BELSER, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before ine, tlils 29th day of July, 1890. WM. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Correct- A ttest : A mbrose Kearn ey , Cbas. E. Greeue, D. F. Hchairer, Directora. üdllüblö & lIlUüllülllUu DÚÍI havingflled thelr certifícate wlth the State Banklug Department are now authorlzed to do business as a Savlngs Bank, and in pursuance thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings department on all deposits of SI and npwards, interest paid June lst and Dec. lst, of eacn year. The savings departmeut is open Saturday nigiits from 7 unlil 8 o'clock. Money to loan in sumsof $25 to $5,000 secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securities. DIHKCTOKS ItoBlicn Kom pf. OhaH. K. Kreeue, K. Duily, A mbroHe Kearey, Wm. 1'. steven, w. F. Breukey J. K., .1 iilin llura, D. F. ScUalrer. K. KKIII'H, I'i-'M. K. IHJFFV, Vlce-Pre. F. II. BKI.sKll, Caablnr ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BERRY PLANTS, FRUIT AND ORXT AMEWX AL TRSEB Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! 8YEUP3 AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrups of Raspberry and of Bartlett Vears. Bonesett, Daudellon and Raspberry Wines and Shrubs. Sweet Red and white Concord, and MarthaQrape Wines, especlally prepared for Invalida. Order trees and planta early as we get mout of ihom from the best Eagtern Nurserles. K. BAIIR, WKST HITROIV MTKKKT. Is the oldest and most popular pcientlfip and mechanica! paper puljllshud and hu the lawest otrculaMon of any puper of f In dus in the World. Fully illiiatrated. Bent class of Wood KnuravIngs. Published weeklv. send for oppcimeD eopy. Priee 13 a yar. Kour mmit lis' trial, $1. MÜNN & 00., 1U1)LISHLUS, 8tl liroadway, H.Y. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scientiiïc American. O A ffreat succesa. Kach issue ooniftins colored HthoRriiphic plat.1 of country and city residences or public builrlinns. Nuriicrous nimTtnga and full plans and cpeclflcatlons lor the use of Buenas contemphuc huildinjr. I'rtce $"-;(i a venr, 2öct8.acopy. MUNN & CO., PUBUSHERS. DATEMTS ■ iO years' exporience an1 luive nimlc uvir ■ 1((Ü,(JU) applloatlona for American and Kcr eíKH PAtéoU. Hond for Handbaok. ('uiruapondencestrlctly contldeni al. TRADE MARKS. In case your nmrk Is not rKisired in the Patent Office, apply to Mr. A ('o., und procure lm mediato protection. Send for Hatidbouk. COPYRIGHTS for hooks, charta, mapa, #tc, qulckly procurud. Addross IMINN & CO.. Pucent Hollcltora. ÜEN1KAL OFiriCB: SÜ1 ÜUüAlíWiY. N. Y 1 89 1 . I Harper's Wee&ly. ELLTTSTRATED. Hahper's kkkj.y bM never falled ín jiisi iiy im tule iu , 'Journal ofCl i Illa ilion." nnu ii iiiisiiiiiii' so wltü a st)ni regard to enlaiged poratbllhles of luefullness and a nlgher standard ofartlstlo and llterary ; - oeuenoe. ItleaveHantoached no Itnpnrim t pnaKe or the world's progresa and presenta i record, equally iroRiworthy and Intereatlng, oí iiip iioiaiiic cvimiis, persons. and achleveuu-nis if time. Special supplementsivill be ooritlnund Ín I89Í. Tbey wlll i,' IHorary, setenltdo a - Mtle, hlNtorlcal, orttleal, topograpbloal, or descriptiva, s noomlon may demand, :in! will ciiniinne to deserve 'he beariy commeudatlon whkrh has been bestowed on pant raneo by the pressend thepubllo. Asa tonil ly Journal, Harpkr's Wekki.v wlll. s ihtpti.lnrp, heedited witli a sirio renard for Ihe qnaiiicü uiat makc ii a safe ;ni weloorae vlsllor toevery lióme. HARPER'S PERI0DICAL8. PER YEAR: HARPER'3 WEEKIÏ SI 00 HARPKRS MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPBR'8 BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLK 2 00 PoBlage Free lo ni! nibtcrlber in the JTnUed States, Canada or Mexico. The Volumen of the Wkkki.y begin wltb the flrst Number for Jamiai-y nf eaob year. When no tipiéis mentloned, snbscrlptions wiil beglnwltb tbe Nuraber onrrent at time oí receipt oí orüer. Konnil Volumrs of ftASPKR'g Wkkku for threeyenrs back, in neal plotb binding, wlll be sent ly malí, postage pald. r by ezpress, free of expense (providt-d the frelKht does nol ezeeed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. CloUi Caes for ench volume, suitable for binding, will be Bent by mail, postpald, on receipt of $1 00 eaob. Hemiltancessliould be mude by Pogt-ofiflce Money Urder or Druft, to avolil chance oí loss. Ifewspapert are not to copy tkU nJm-tisement wilfioul tie expresa order uj hakpeii & BbothBB8. Address: H.VRPER St BROTHERS, New York. 1891. Harpor's Bazar. ILLTJ8TRATED. Harpeb'b Bazar Is n Journal for the homo. Glviug the latest Information willi rt'Lard Ut tbe Kashlons, lts numerous Illnatratlons, fashloa-plates, and pattern-slieet supplementsare indlspenslble allke to the borne drt'ss maker and the pi'OlVssíonal modisto. No expense Ís spared in maklng its artistlc aUractivencss of the highest order, lts clever short storlcs. parlor pia.vs, and thongluful essays satisfy all tastos, and lts last páge is famous as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues everythlng is Inoluded wiiich is of interest to womeu. Urin IS)I agnks b. Orksbeb wlll write a i-erlea of articles on "The House Oomfortable,1' Juliet Corson wlll treat of "San 1 lary Living," and an lnteresting succession of papers on "VVonian in Art and Historyt"snperblylllastrated, wlll be furnisheü by Thkodokk Ckili. Tbe serial stories wlll bi'bj U'ai.ter Iíksant and Thomas Hakdy. HARPER'S PERIÓDICA LS. PEU YEAIl: HARPER'S BAZAK $1 0o ÍÍAKPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPEH'S WEEKLY 4 0!) HARPER-S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Pnstage Free to all subscribers in the i Slales, Vanada or Mexico. The volumes of the beglo wlth tbe firstnumber for January oí' eacli year. When no time Is mentloned, subscriptlons will begin with tiie Xuinber ourrent at time ol recelptof order. Iiound volumes of HAEPBR'8 BAZAR, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, wlll be sent by malí, postage paid. or by expresa, free of expense (provided the frelsht does not exceed oue dollar per volutnej, for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Caaes for each volume, sultable lor binding will he sent by malí, postpaid, un receipt of 1.00 eacli. Remittance should be made by Post-offiVe Money Order or Draft, to avold chance of loss. Newxpapers are nol to copy this without the expresa order oj Harper fc BkothEB8. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, Nw York. 1891. HARPER'S Y0UN3 PEOPLE. AX ILLUSTIUTED WEEKLV. The Twelfth Volume of HARPBB'8 YotTNG People begins on November 4, J8). This bestand most comprehensi ve weekly in the world for young readers presen ts a rieh and attractive programme. In fiction tbere will be "Campmates: A Story of the Plalns." by Kihk Munkob; "Men of lion," a romance by Howakd Pyi.k, with lUustrations by the author; "Klying Hill Farm." by SoPHIB Swbtt: "The Moon Prince," by R. K. M0NKITTRICK: and "Yellowtop," by Assm BBORBOM Kim;. In additlon to these five seríais, ttiere wlll be stories Ín two or three parts by Thomas Ni-:lson Paos, Hj.u.jhi: HJORTH BorBSOH Edwin Lassettkr iíynnkh Habriet Pbkscott HPOFFniiU, Mary f:. Wii.kins, Nora Perby, and others. Miort stories, and artloles on science, history, travel, adventure, games and sports, wlth huiidieds of Illastratfons of the highest character, will render Hari'kr's Young Peopi.b 1S91 onrl valled asa miscellany of the best readlug for boys and glrls. "The best weekly publlc.atton for j-oung people In existence. It Is edited with scrupulous care and attetuion, and Instruction and entertainment are mlugled In lts pages In just the rlght proportlons to oaptlvate the in mis of the young, and at the same time to develope thelr thinking power."- JV. Y. Observer. TERMS : Postage Prepaid, ?2 Per Tear. Vol. XII. begins November 4, Wu. Volumes VIII., X. and XI. of Hakpf.h's Youno Peopi.b bound in cloth wlll be. sent by mail, postage pald, on receipt of L1.50 each . The other volumes are out of print. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of a two-cenl êtamp. SiSGiE Numbers, Five Cents each. Kemlttances should be made by Post-offlee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertUement without the express order o) Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTTIERS, New York. 1891. Harpsr's Magazine. ILLU8TEATKD. The Important series of papers on South America bv Tukodokk Ciiii-o, wlil be eontiinieil In Hari'BK's Magazine during the greater part of the ycar 18111. The artlcles on Southern California, by Chaklks Dum.rcy Wabker, will also be coulinued. Among other noteworthy attractlons will be a nOTCfl by Egbekt Craddock; a collectlon of original drawings by W. M. Tüaikkkay, dow published for the nrst time; a novel wrltten and lllustrated tiy Gkougk ir Mauribr; a novelette by Wii.liam Dkají iIiiwki.i.s: and a series of papers on Loudou by Walter Besant. ín the Dumber and varlety of lllustratod papers and other artlcles on subjeets ofUmel) Interest as well as in the unrivalled characterofils short stories, poems, etc., ÍIakper's Magazine will continue to maintuin that staodard of excellence for wtilcti H has been so long dlstluguUhed. HARPER'S "PERIODICALS. PER YE.4.R: HARPKIVS MAGAZINE U OC HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARl'ER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 PoRtage Free to all subseribcrs in the l States, Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the MAGAZINE begin wlth the Numbers for June and oí oach year. When no time is specined, BQbaorlptlons will begin with tho Kumbur currcut at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Ha kpeh's MAOAZiNK.for tbree yrars back, In aeal olotb binding, will besent by mail, postpaid, on raoeipt ol per volume. Clotn Cases, tbr binding, 60 ci'iits each- by mail, postpaid. Index to IIahi'Kk's Magazin'f, Alphniiitioal. Analytloal, and Olaaslfled, for Volumes I to 70, Inclusive, f rom June, 18.50, to June, 18i, mie vol.. 8vo, Cloth, Ï1.00. Remittunces should bo made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Nnvspapers are not fo ropi tftis adV9fii$étluni without the fjcpref order nj í'Iakkkk Sí BROTHKKS. Address: HAItPER & BROTH1",U. New Vork. THIS 1 I IlH I nl kil ROWELL & COS ' Kewspaper Advertlsing Bureau (10 Spruca 6treet),whereadver. ■■■■■■ iemtf tisingcontraetsmay Nh Uf YllKK be mudo for it ia II kif I Ufll g5NIoo3g;'S Ootton. Boot i, BËËSt COMPOUND R wP iromrosprt of Cotton Root, Tamy and LJ s-J Pennyroyal - a recent discovery by an Jold pbysician. Is tucce&sfuüu used mrmüdy- Safe. Effectual. Price $1, by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your druusist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, or inclose 2 stamp for sealed partloulars. Address roD LlLY COMPANÏ, No. 3 iislier Block, 131 Vooiíward ave., Detroit, Mlch. RINSEY & SEADOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY Flour and Feed Store We keep constftntly on hiind, BREAl), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We êhall aleo keep a snpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour Oüborn' Gold Dust Flour, Buckwlieat Flour, Corn Meal Feed, Etc, At Wholeoale and Retall. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIUNS Conatantly on hand, which will be sold on aa reasonable terms aa at any otLer bonse in the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRÜ PRODUüB generally. Qooda dellveroa to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOL T. ítítotírIÍ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water aacks, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ng dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can aff'jrd to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useCu! nvention. HTJTZBL &c CO. Ptumbun anti fiteamfiturs. ANN ABBOB. - - MICH. ! Michigan (Tentr al " The Niágara Falls Boute." Time table takine effect Nov. 30 1880 CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. ■ 1 la g ft gáltá jg A. M. A.M. F.M. P.M. F. M P.M. A.M. Chicago Lv.. 7 05 !) (XJ 12 2 810 926 10 10 ', Kala'.io 1146 2 17 858 Jim 33 7 15 Jacks'n 800 425 5 35 S47 441 B 15 !l 40 Cheluea 359 5 30 7 13 10 :jl Dextr_ 4 H r, ir, 7 2 io 13 P. M.P. M. P.M.P. M. A. M. A.M. A. M. AnnA'r 4 44,5 21) ti 31) 945: (i 05 7 50 110.) Ypeil'ti 503 54S f56 8 28 SUS 11 13 W'eJc 527 li 17 8861133 De'! Ar 6 15 6 15 7 30 10 V 7 3d 9 2u .2 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. STATION. I I I M O A.M. A. II I". .M. P.M. A M. r.M P.M. Detroit.... Lv 8 30 7 50 12(1 7 45 a2i 91Í I Iñ WayneJniic. 908 8-W. !) 5J 521 Ypsllonti.... 9 28 Sl 105 S l" . ... 10 15 5 43 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P M. P.M. AnnArbor... 9 43 8 57 211) 858 10 111080 555 Dcxtcr 1001 SI 15 606 Chelsea 10 13 930 (19 Jackson 11 00 10 00 317 10 20 11 15 11 45 6 55 Kalamazoo.. 2 05 12 12 5 02 12 45 1255 2 17 9 30 Chicago.. .Ar 7 35 4 35 9 00 ti 41) 4 51) 8 05 O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agent, Chlcaco, Atft.. Aon Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Michigan Rallway. TIME SCHEDULB. Takingeflect Oetober 13th, 18P0. Traína ron by Standard Time. Uui,,g Sart!,. ZZZ 2 I si I o es gs s_I 5 STATIONS. A. M.P. M. P. M. P. . 6 00 3 30 Lv Toledo Ar 1 10 11 15 6 47 4 10 Dundee 12 1G 10 23 7 03 4 31 Milán 11 57 10 02 7 20 4 45 Urania 11 45 9 46 7 27 4 55 Pittíüeld 1137 9 40 7 4i 8 07 Ann Arhor 11 2 28 7 5ó 5 5 Lelami Illa 10 8 (16 B 39 Whltmore Lake 11 00 8 55 8 55 6 34 Howell 10 25 8 20 9 40 7 83 Dnrand 9 40 7 20 7Ü5 8 451 Enst Sagimiw 8 10 5 60 0 20 8 10 ......... OWOUO. ... . . 8 55 (i 30 130 9 14 Miara 7 46 5 18 12-5 10 13 Mt. Pleasant 6 45 4 15 3 S5 Cadillac 0 85 5 20 Cop.mlsh 8 56 6 33 .... Ar Frankfort Lv 6 55 p. m.Ip. m. v ■■ ■ Going South. H. W. ASHLKY, General Mnnacor. A. J. PAISI.EY, GEO. II. I1AZI.EW00D, Geii'l. PaeB. Jt Ticket Aeeut. I-ocal Aucut ütllltll II A SOS, ANN AltKOII BKIiUW llLliS. T A TTT7C? TRY DR. I.AÜUE'S " PE_lü.JJJ.HlO IilüDICAL" l'ILLS from 'arlü, frailee. Bstablished Ín Earopi! Ín ÍSSI), añada In 1878. I'or Snppreseions, lrri'gularitie, nd Monthly Deraogoments. A reliable inonthly ediciue. Thuy always rolieve. Any (Irucuiet. 2. Amprlran Pili J., Proprietore. Spenocr, OWI, Roberl Siephcnsmi & ('"., Wholesale aciits. and all othcr driieK!"' 'n Ann Arbor heei: pills are wnrranted to hrinc nn the "chaniío. WoOd'S jPtLOSIll.O3-33.O. THE GKBAT KMÍI.IMI ISKMEDY. sed for 35 years - - -- uf Vuuthful folly y ËmC and tlie exrepscí ífully. mtt-f "' la'er lo oure nll 4!,IKj& iHm immedtale mis of Nervous njtyíS-? lttn nvtlt-anavigoiiknes.t, Unb. Mg7!fc "" AskdrugKlats ods, (■■'■■r :f""" Wood'sl'hol. ndsll n,..niTrf. l'lioio from Ufe. ,ubstltuie. On ackge, $1; 8lx. $5. by malí. Wrlto for pampbleu ddrew TheWood Cliemleal Cu., 1U1 Voudwra ive., Detroit, Micli.


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Ann Arbor Courier