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Wonders Are wrouglit by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor in restoring gray liair to lts original color, promoting a new growtb, preventIng the liair from falling, keeping it soft, silky, .iikI abundant, anti the scalp cooi, lu-aithy. and tree from tlamlniff or liumors. The universal Cestimohy is that tlils preparatton bas no equal as a dressing, and is, tlierefore, Indispensable to every wellfurolshcd toilet ■■I liave used Ayer's Itair Vigor forsome tiini' and it lias worked wonders for me. I was tronbled wlth daiulrufl and was rapidly beconüng bald ; luit sinee using the Vigor my head te pertectly elear of dandruff, the hair has ceased coming out, and I now have a good growth, of the same color as when I was a yonng wonian. I can heartily recoinmend any one suffering from dandruff or loss of liair to use Ayor's Hair Vigor as a dressing." - Mrs. l.ydia O. Moody, East Plttston, Me. "flome time agO my wifr's hair hegan to come OUt quite freely. Ayer's Hair Vigor not only prevented my wlfe from becoming bald, but it also caused an entirely new gruwtli ofliair. I am ready to certify to th3 statement beforea justice cf the peace."- II. HulaebOS, I.ewisburgh, Iowa. "Some years ago, afrer a severe attack of brain fever, my hair all carne out. I used sucli preparations for restoring it as my pliysicians ordered, but falled to produce a growth of l.air. I then tried, successlvely, several sitíeles recommended by druggists, and all alikc feil short of aceompllahing the desirrd result. The last remedy I applied was Ayer's Tl.-iir Vigor, whieh brought a growth of hair In a few weeks. I think I used eight bottles Id two years; more than was necessary ns a restoratlve, but I liked it as a dressing, ;nnl have continued to use It for that purpose. I bolieve Ayer's Hair Vigor posseses virtnes far above those of any similar preparatton now on the market." - Vincent Jones, Kiehmond, Iud. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARE!) BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sokl by DiHgglatsaiid Perfumera. Fárgo's Shoes Family 5 i "Box Tip" School Shoes #; í?5o. Heeled or Wedge Heel. B' Aíe Stoes-8tolO4 1.85 fe GOjTriñFX "toi354 loo lfeö" ''ö Ito3 1.75 WSP N'ar-tf y, to &, 3.00 )Mv. $2.50 Calf Shoa Vlavv for Gentlemen, r UAJnSjS UnequaleU by any chï F &i i"a f yin America at the Paine Bnr iitepHOfcyprice. In ConvrcM, Kutm [ Sí-p lin uikI I.uuc. Men'Bttntl Boy's sïzf.-i. ll ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT I S? V. Dongola or Goat, Button, ÍVO V Opera, or Common Ssnse. f 4Cn " O N. Tackles9 and Flexible. ItöUI AÍífiiSis. 'Warranted the most JJ ISSüDÏIrid.-iuLadleSttiidïUMie OUR NAME 18 ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. AA nqr dialerfor Fargo' Sbacs. If lie (Ick-s Hot Beup tlnin send to s and 'uwillfurulKli youawiruD reoSptot prtca s,„,i p0,tnl tor de.s-ri„ih-e SS. O. H. EAEGO & CO., Chioaeo. HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR JIASOXIC DIRECTORY. 4ns Arrok Commandert, No. IS meetn flrst Tuesday of eaeh moutb, B. P. Watts, E. O.: John R. Mluer, Keeorder. WTAnTENAW Chapter, No. 6, R. A. M.- m.:ii s ii rst Monday each month. L. C. Qoodricl), H. P.; Z. Roath. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. IMIISS H. E. BTJBLL MODISTE, MAKES FIXIS 10STVMKH, TA YLOR SUÍTS, MISSES1 AND CUILDUENS' SÜITS Cloaks Made and Repaired. 11 1-2 N. Flfth St., Ann Arbor. -Si D. A. MacLachlan.M. D. DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAE, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFiCE ASD BESIDESCE, 26 SOUTH DIYISIOH STREET Houks: 1 to 4, and 8:30 to 7:30 P.M. QHS. W. VOGEL DEALKK IN ALI, KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poullry, Lard,ete. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann Hl., Ann Arbor. ir. w. nichols, DEWTIST. Booms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, Opp. Conrt House Square. VITALISED A.IB. Adminltitered. It ie agrccahle and cy to take, and no prostraüng efloct follow, whlle teeth are extractod without pain. WILLIAM IIERZ, House, Sifrn Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Qlazlng, Gilding, and ('alclmlnlnf, suc work of every dcecriptloo done In the best etyle, aud warrantud to glvc satlufactlon. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor


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