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John Davis, Congressman From The

John Davis, Congressman From The image
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Fiftli kansas District, is a memoer ot the Farmer' Alliance, and is also a nowpiaper man, being the editor and proprictor of the Juuction City Tribune. He va bnrn in S.mifamon county, Illinow, in 1826. His fatlier was a farmer and the sons were brought up In the 8;inie eall ing, at the same time their schooliii? wns not neglected, they attended the Bprlogfield aciidemy and the Jacksonville college. In 1851 Mr. John Dtvist iniuried Miss Maria Powell, and in 1872 he removed to Kansas, near Junction, here in 1873, he was president of the flrst Farmei's Convention ever held in Kansas. In 1884 lie joined the grange and in the following year he became the owner of the Tribune and has advocuted the farmers' and laborera' cause in lts columns ever slnce. He is a Kuistht of Labor and is a close friend of Mr. Powderly. Twioe before he ha been a Candidato for Uongress but was difeated. True friendship hns been exemplified in this neigliboriiood, as the followingr incident wiM show. Charley Huil and Bruyton L Dowd had been life lonfr friendo. Hall had liverl in the towrigliip of Sylvan for a number of year?, and not being po8se98ed of much of ihU world's goods, nnd having no near relatlve, his health having failed Uim his friend Dowd took bim to his home and heart and krpt him for three or four years or until deatli oocurred, which was on lat Thursday. He was buried in the Vurmont cemetery in Svlvan with all due honor, la-t bath. Hall was a


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Ann Arbor Courier