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The Tribune givcs the followlnj: figures in rcference to the apportionment untler tlic recent ocnsu?, wlilcli will be Interestlng to our readers: Wblle no state uiuler tlils new bill wlll lose a representntivc, the relativa inllnence of most of the olilcr statcs will lx1 deercased by tlie great growtli of populat ton, In the iicwit st.ite.-t. Petmsylranla and New Jersey :ire tbe ouly states cast of the Alleglianics whlch wlll actimliy train in Ilie numbet of intnibi'r.s. The followlng t'ille will show the Dew aportlonment in detail! Stare. JH HÏ-ï f S -'A Kcu L y, Alabnma B 8 1810 Arkimsiis 5 M7J8 t California 164,724 7 Colorado l 2 M.898 Uonnecticut I ' 80.854 j Delaware 1 l 1 Florida a 2 B.8M 2 GeorgiH lo I íw,:m: 11 Idaho I 1 1 Illinois L-0 22 5-fl 2-J Indiana 13 1-' 106,6í 18 lowa H 10 na.SKli 11 Kansas 7 8 88,888 8 Keutucky 11 10 119.6Í". II Lonlslana ' 6 75 181 Malne 4 8 i:.S8S 4 Marylnnd l Í I7,l 8 Massachusetts.... 12 M Iffl.WI 11 Michigan 11 U ".077 M Minnesota 5 " 81,5 8 7 Mlsstsslppi 7 7 72.M8 7 Missouri. II 13 7Ü.IÍ79 15 Montuna 1 1 1 Nebraska ■ II 13,301 ( Nevada 1 l New Hainpshire. 2 2 33,738 2 New Jersey 7 8 M.72 8 New York SI 81 85,2i9 34 North Carolina... 62,83S Xortli Dakota.... 1 1 8 818 1 Ohlo..". SI SI 20,:.-) 21 Orècou 1 1 l:i,!Mi 1 Pennsylvania.... 88 80 -10,'JSi 30 Hhodelsland 2 1 371,605 2 Soulli Carolina .. 7 li 107,713 7 South Dakota 2 1 151.802 2 Tennessee 10 W J8.M8 10 Texas 11 12 118,711 H Vermont 3 1 158 621 3 Virginia lu J D.871 KI Washington 1 -! 1,588 2 West Virginia.... 4 4 67,190 1 Wleconsln H 121,771 10 Wyoming 1 I .... 1 332 339 8H An anlysis of the above sliowing how the new apportiouraent will affect the strengsh of partles is Interesting. With the membership of the house at 300 and of the senate 88, the number oï votes in the electoral college will be441, of which 223 constltute a majorlty. What are usually regarded as Rapublican states will gain 18 votes and Democratie ftates will gain G, the doubtfu! stales ca.sting the same number of yotes as now, or in detail as follows: COI.LEOE, 444. Republican Democratie Donblful ütatee. Statei. States. California ...! Alabama... 11 Connecticut 6 Colorado 4 Arkansus... 8 Indiana 15 Idaho " Delaware... 3 New York. .30 Illinois 24 Florida 4 W. Virginia 6 Iowa 13 Georgia 18 New Jersey. 10 Kansas.. .. 10 Keutueky .. I:i Montuna.... 3 Malne 6 Loulslana.. s Vaas Ir MRryland ...8 Michigan.... H Mississlppl. 9 Minnesota... 9 Missouri. ...1T Nebraska... 8 N. Carolina. 11 Nevada 3 S. Carolina. 8 New Ham p. 4 Tenne.-sr 'J N.Dakota... " Texas IS Ohio &'i Virginia ...H Oregon i Penn 32 Rhodelsl'd. 4 S.Uakot...4 Vermont ... 4 Washingt'n 4 WisconBln..l2 Wyomlng... ■ Total... 21ö 153 7ii If the Kepublicanscarrie] all the statcï in the first column they would still lack elght votes of a majorlty. Connecticut and Montana, or West Virginia and Montana, or eitber New Jersey, New Vork or Indiana would furnish the requircJ reiiiforcements. The Democrati. in order to get a majority would have to carry all the doubttul statef except one of the 'smaller ones. Tlie Presidential outlook is siill favorable to the Republlcans.


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Ann Arbor Courier