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Dr. Pioiee's Pellets are Anti-biHious and Luxative, oi Cathartic Bccordiiig to siae of dose. To judiie from tlie show Windows of Martin Hiiller's furniture store he must have the best stock of Christmns goods thut ever was exhibited hcre. lirmiirkable Rescue. MrS. Michael Curtain Plainfield, lil., makea the statement that shecaught cold, which eettled on her lungg; sbe wag trcatcd tor a month by her farally phyBician, hut grew woree. He told her sbe was a hopeless victim of amsumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggcsted Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself beuefitted from first dose. She continued lts use and after taking ten bottles, found hersclf soi.nd and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. - F ree trial boltles of tbls Great Discovcry at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store, large bottle9 50c and $1.00. ■ Montana, Oregon and Washington. Colonists for Montana, Oregon, Washington or ISriti.-h Culumbia points should take no other route than the Northern Pacific. Railroad. This railroad, with itsmainand branch line, has brought into communlcation with the eastall prominent sections of the great nortuwest. It is the only line traversing Montana and Washington. It is the only line running through traint) from the east to and through the state of Washington. It is the short line from St. Paul to Butte City and Helena, Mont., Spokane Fall?, Wash., and Portland, Oregon, and the only all rail line to Tacoma, and Seattle, Wash. Under present car nrrangements Pullman sleeping cars and furniehed tourist sleepers are run vla the the Wisconsin Central, and Pullman Palace Sleepers vla the Chicago, Milhvaukee & St. Paul, and Northern Pacific from Chicago tlirougli to tlie Pacific coast without change. In addltton tothissei vice the Northern Pacitic runs on lts through expresa trains regular day coaches, dining cars and free colon ists sleepers from St. Paul to Tacoma and Portland. The Northern Pacific line allows the holders of Fecond class tickets to stop at Spokmie FalU, Wash., and at all points west thereof, ten days at each place desired. This will enable settlers to thor(itighly examine all lands for sale in the new state before selecting a permanent location. No other line ofters holders of second class tickets an opportunity of ex amining all sections ol this great state without tlie payment of aiklitional fares of from f3.00 to $20 00. For Mnpg, Time Tables and Illustrated Pamjihlcts or any sp-cial iuformation lesired, address your nearest ticket agent, or Chas. S Fee, Gen'l Pass. ai.d Ticket Agent, St. Paul, Minn.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier