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C. Mack was in Detroit the lirst of the week. WIU Mclutyre returned from college Monday. John Boylun hus aonc to Chicago for .% few day'a staj'. Mi.s Louise lioving is liomo for the holkiay season. Chas. Ilu-d is home hom Duldt tl daripj_r the holidays. Geward Cramer went t Hasttnga today for Christnias. Jiiy Keith, expïeaS agent at Dexter, was In the city yesterday. Mac C. Le Beau went to Buff lo, X. Y. on business, Monday. Miss Mnttle T.nny, of 8t. John, ie home for the bolldayg. .Toe Williams has been wrestling witli the grippe for a few day?. Mi.s Hattie Havilaml is spcndiui; the vacation al Dayton, Oliio. Mr-. E. B. HH Isezpected home to-l;iy from a trip to Mississippi. Mrs. Dr. Capp has returned from a vi.-it witli fiionds in Detroit. A. A. Terry and wif'e are home from a visit wlth triends In Detroit. Miss Nellie Huid la home Trom Detroit for the vacation seafton. Miss Helen Smith, of Chicago, is the guest of C. Mack and family. M'89 Abbie A. Pond iï vislting relatives in Kluit for a couple of weeks. H. M. Frost, wbo is teaching at Kast Saginaw is home for a few days. Prof. J L Reed, of Siginaw, is tlie guest of Dr. Darling and family. D.F. Schairer is about onoe more after having a tiard tuaslo witli tonsilitis. Miss BÏBTjrnerlte Lynch, of Detroit, is tlie guest of Miss Jennie Mclntyre. Miss Fiinnie Walker, of New York is visiting Mrs. Frost on S. Iagalls st. Mrs. Prof. Ktiowlton lias as a guest Miss Bésele Wtst, ot Grand Raplds. Miss Lottta Jackson, who is teaching at Manistee is home for tbe vacation, Andrew Walz and wife, of Grand Itipkls, have been visltinfr John Goetz, Sr. Miss Hattie Nichols bas jrone to Owosso to spend sorae time wit1.: relatives there. Mrs. II. K. T.unn, ot Plyraoutli. is visting her aunt, Mrs. North, on E Ann st. Miss Minnie Boylan is vteiting friends n Chicago during tlie hollday vacaliou. Geo. II. Douglaaa, of Detroit, was tie guest of Prof. Levi D. Wines, over Sundiiv. Mrs. Pr. Band, ofDet'olt, has been tlie euest of Mrs Kli V. Moore íor a few daya. Mrs. Willaoe BlNs will apend Clirlstmns in Jacksos, the nest of her son 3eorge. Prof. Richard Ilu.ison is 9ppndlnir t'ie week witu bis brother, J, L. Jit.roit. Prof. J. H. T. McPberson of S. InjTulls sti eet, will spend tur vacui'oi in Jhioago. Mrs. Tandenburst of E. University uve., has (tone to Macklaaw to spend a ;ew weeks. Mr. and Mis. Win, Popkins, of Ann Arbor town, have retiimcd from their veddins; tour. Mrs. L. II. Walker, of Washtenaw ave., is visltinjr lier aunt, Mrs. Plllllipi, at iyrucuse, IN . 1 . Mrg. Maloncy and daughter Tessa, are are spendins tiie holklays iu Toledo, and Z.inesville Oliio. Mrs. Sarali E. Croivell, of the 5th ward, vas called to Romeo, Monday, by the leath of a relative. Prof. O. V. Puttcrson and wlfe, ot S. Jnlverslty uve., have gone to Adrián to spend their vacation. Chas. Chalwick and wife of S. 12lh etrect, ltfc Saturdajr tor Ilieir home in Jhclsca, lor vncation. Mr. and Mr. F.B. ttcCtll, of Pontiar, were euests of' Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Statbrd during the week. Miss Maggie Haikins, of N. Main sr.. ias gone to Port Baron to visit a sister lurlng the boliday season. J. liileijrh Nelson of E. Uuiverslty ave, lcft Salmdiiy fora visit in Chicago o be absent about two wetks. Mrp. W. J. Abbot., of Kansas City, ncnmpanled by her liitle son, is the guest of her father, Cliristian Muck. Mrs. Quijjley and daujrhteis L'llie and 'loia, ot Cliurcli st., left Monday tbr Cadillac, to spend the holidays. Mrs. J. E. Beal lift for tlie home of lier arents. In Cooper lust Monday. Mr. Jeal follows to-dny for Christmis. Miss ('arria Britten, who is speiidlrg he vacation at her home in tliis oity, will e tur o to Fondulac, Wís., Situr.lay. Mrg. Thomas Reurdon and duuiihters, lltnilie and Annie, have gone to their old ome at Midland for vacation time. Mr. and Mrs. Lews F. Eliodes, of Detroit, have been visiting Qeorge II. ühodes and family durlni; the week. Mr-. Miirj(a ret lludsin and family of ï. Universlty uve., have jtone to Allejhenj' City, Pa , to spend the holidays. Charles S. Woodward and ftmily, of ietroit, have been visltinz Mrs. W.'s )arents on N. Fourtli ave, for a few days. H. J. Frost, In the drug business at 2ast Saginavv has been in town a few days he past week, rcturniqg Monday eveninr. Prof. Charles K McGee and family of Forest are , left Satimlay for thelr old mine In JaCkSon to spend their vacation. Frank C. Loomis, of Grand Rapids, was in the city Friday and Snturd;iy, attcndiii!! a famlly re-union at his mothers, on K. Aun street. Secretary Mlchar] J. Cavenaugh, of the county board of school examiners, left resterday to attend the State Teaclier's Association at Grand Raplds. Misse Grace and May Stanton and fouise Molil, of Grand Rtpid, who have 3een visiting tlie Misses Saunders, on N. Main st., returned home last Friday evenIng. Mrs. Jennie Pyne, who has been the stenographic reporter in Mr. Sawyer's office for some time, left yesterday for Caro, her former home, and does not expect to return. Connty Clerk Brown and his bride are expected home t his pvening, from their four weeks' stay at Mlnneapolis, Iftnn. They will go to housekeepitij; at once in their home on South División st. Qeo. W. Millen lia aocepted a position with the National Life Insurance Co. of Vermont, wlth headau.irters atHnom 314 and 315, Hammond building, Detroit, where he will be found afcer January lst. Dr. Winchell left yesterday for the east. He will attend a famlly reunión :it Lynn, Mhp?., on Christmas Dsy. He will go from there to Wasliingtou D. ü-, to attend a meeting of the American Gcological Society. Charles O. Townsend, lik '83, a Saline boy, for the past year teaching at Annapolia, Md., is in the city for a few rtays. Mr. Towneend has resigned his position at Annapolis, and has accepted a niuch more lucrative position in Georgia.where he goes after the holidays. Prof. W. S. Perry is attendlnjr tho State Teachers' Convention at Grand Rapids. He s one of the veterans, having been at the head ot our schools 21 years. President Plowman of the assoclation lias been at the head ot the White Pigeon schools 21 years also. Ou Friday evenlnj there will be a Christmas tree at the A. M. E. churcli. Venus is very brilüant just now a the ■nomine star, and to maiiy minds sliints as the Btar of Bethleheio. The Congrecational and Unitarlan Sunday schools held thelr Christin services on Monday evening, and the Bap tist on Tucaday i-vening - at all of whicl l he usual merry time was luid. The Schiller Cmneil Boyal Arcamun Irive choson olficsrs for the ye ir as follOWI : Regent- Qeo. L. Moore. Vlce Regent- K. atofflet. Collector- Fred H. Belser. aeoretary- J. Q. A. Beaiilims. Treaurer- H. J. Brown.


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