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The F.irmer's & Mechanics' Bank has a íi'ie calendar to distribute to its customers bood. At the annual meeting of Oiaeiilnjro Lodge No. 29ö, I. O. O. F., the followinr (ftïcera were elected fur the enguiñe yeai : N. Q.-Wm. C. Jacobus. V.O.- H. H.Camp. R. S.- R. A. Luiz. P. S.- Wm. J. Miller. Treasurer- Chas. H. Manly. The K. O. T. M.'s electcd the followin ofñcers last Friday eveniug for the enaung year : Com.- Jos. A. Polhemus. Lt. Com.- Wtllard S. Ranfleld. Rc. K.- Oeorge Lntz, Jr. KIn. K.- Wm. F. Stlmson. Physiclan- Dr. Wra. F. Kreakev. Prelate- Myron Mills. Sergeant- Wm. L. Rnxter. M. of A.- Edward Rokh. ]st M. of G.- Robert Chrlstmnnii. 2nd M. of G.- Wm Mattbews. Sent.- Herman Ryer. Plcket- George Staucli. Trustee for three years- Jos. A, Polberuus. A delégate convention of farmei's orjranizitions met at the court house last 'riii.iy iiid perfected s county organiz iion. The demócrata bad a number of poillcal wire pullers on hand to steer the ruft into thelr water?, but as nenr !is we an learn without any great success. It vas resolved to hold a farmer's ii all ute here tome time in February, to dis usa Important matter pertalnlag to th armer's luieiwia. TM WMlowing i niers were chosen : President- W. E. Slocklng, Chelsea. Vice-Presldent- A. A. Wood. Secretary- K. N. Hall. Treasurer- Hen ry Stampenliausen. Uoard of Dlreclors:-(P. of I.) M. F. Case, MtlsfleJd, Johu Kalambach. Sylvau : (Farmrs 'Club), H. D. Platt, Ypsilantl: (Grange, Andrew Campbell, Ypsilantl, Oeorge McDougal; Superior. NeTf Curlosity Sfore Opencd. Frnnk H. Lattin, of Albion, N. Y., an xtensive dealer in showy shells, nilneral-, InilUn relie, natural history specimens and curiosllies - and Jewelry, nov elties and souvenirs manufactured from he aame - and who lias the largest mail nisiness ín hls line in the United States, lis openi'd a brancli store at No. 22 E. ïiiron st , Aun Aibor, at which place vlll be found otie of the larjtest stocks in hls line in the State of Michigan. Mr. L. U manufacturar1 wholesale agent for the famous Satin Spar Jewelry, o extensively sold at Niiieara, and keeps a good assortment always in gtock For the past live seaaons Mr. L. has ïad natural history stores at ChautnnqiiR, and for the past two has made exhihits at he Detroit exposition. At Ayer's Sarsaparilla ontllripx all tlier bloodpurillers in popular fiivor, po Ayer's Almanac ia the most universally 'amiliar publication of the kind in the world it is priuted in ten languages and the annual issue exceeds fourteen millions of copie. Ask your druggist for if. For Farmers Oaly. In planning the first rquipmentof the Ann Arbor Central Mills, we aimed to secure a complete outfit for doinj; all kinds of farmer's work in our line. As time bas passed, many Improvements have been invented whlcl) huve been introduced into our tn UI. The latent of these is a power clenntng machine, designeil to replace the farmer's fanning mili. It is the first to be placed in any mili in this part of Michigan, but we have put it in operación only after thoroughly satisfying ourselves that the inachlnery has proved a tnavked succe?s in many parts of the country. The entire worklng of the machine ia opin to the inspectiou of all farmers. It olean8 wheat exictly aa a fanning mili does the work, only with less waste of good grain and very mncli moie rapidly. lts capciry oem}ï wu hu-meis per nour. All screenings are run lnto tlio fimner's bag9 to be ground for feed or laken home by him, as he seos flt. Thls machine is now roaiiy, without charge for its use, for those wlio wi9b to av.iil themselvei of it. 4 Ai-lmkndinGeu & ScÓNBIDBR. $500 Keward for an Incurable case of chronic Catarrh in the Hed offerpd by the manufiicturers of Dr. Sage 's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by drnggUt, at 50 et?. The Great Spring MedicinoIt will be gratifylng to all who re;ilize the vital necessity of purifying the blood, to know that Hibbard's Kheumatic Symp can be relied upon as a hlood medicine. Mr. B. C. Robi-ion, of M irsliall, Mloh , says: Geslemen: - I have sufferei) intensely from billiousness and rheumalism for over three years, and had trled so mnny remedies that I luid lost all faith. Hearing of Hibbard's Kheumatlo Syrup I bouelit a bottle and found it helpcd me. I liave now lued lour buttles, and t has restored my liver and kidnevs to healthy action, atid done more to purify my blood than anything I bave ever taken. I am pleased to recoinmend it as a wondei ful blood medicine. Very truly yours, B. C. Robinson, Marshall, Micli. Prepared only by The Charles Wright Medicine Company, Detroit, Midi. For sale by all drugjdets. Dispepsia In lts worst forma wiil yielü to ihe use of drter's Little Nerve Pili?, akled by Carter's Little Liver Pilis. They not only relieve present dlstreas but strenjtthen the tomueh and dlgestlvs apparatus.


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