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The M. C. B. R. will sell round trip Hekels on account of Clirlstmas and New Ye;irs and the Holiday season, on December Mth, 25tli and 31st, and on Jan. lst, rood to return until Januury 5ili 1891, at one and one-third fare for (lie round trip. Bucklen's Árnica Sal re. The Bst Salre in the world for Cuta, Bruisea, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rbeum.Fever Sores, Tester, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma, aul all Skin Eruptions, and posirively cures Piles, or no pay required. It s guaranteed to glve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by Eberbach & Son. Proposals For Wood 1 Realed proposals tor 75 to 100 corda of hard wood, tour feet long; young, green body or Htralght lilokory, hard maple and second growth white or yellow uplaud oak, In quautilles of not less than ten cordg' and 20 to 26 cords of bass wood, good quallty, wlll be recelved by the underslgned until tue 'M of January, lS'.u. inclusive up to 6 p. in. Tbe wood to be dellvered In tbe next thlrty daya atter awardlng the contract, at tbe different school housen, in such quantltles as dlrected. Tbe rlght to reject any and all offers Is reserved. L. QRUNER, Treasurer, 2w No. 8 S. Main 8t. FOR THE Holidays Wahr's BOOK .- STORE Offers 500 volumes in yL Russia binding, the best authors at 48ceach. 1000 volumes in best cloth binding at 38c each. An immense stock of 25c books. Fine editions of Longfellow, Whittiers, Holmes, Lowen, Taylor, and all the leading authors. Fine plush goods, games, work boxes, stationery. Fine illustrated books a specialty. Solé agent for the celebrated Egres & Spottiswood, Bagster & Oxford Teacher's Bibles. Bargains in Catholic Prayer Books. See our immense stock before opening. íeiiii iimii, Opposite Court House, Main St,, Honest Work Uifb? uurni'Ni men itnd woinmi. We furnlHh the capital I If yoa mean buslnenH, drop un a card and gel ome facto tkat wlll open your i'j'f! A legitímate line of goods, and honest men wanted to Introduce them In tcwn and oountry. Don't Walt! Address at onee, P. O. Box 610, (,'iuclunal!, O. kUI til I IwCeld hit pspi,orobtiin Mlinutx on advertising Gpcs whn in Chicago, will ftnd it on file at 45 tO49 Rgndolph 5t, ARK A TUflUAC thAd.ertiungAg.ncyof LUnll ft I HU Dl Ad F


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