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Happy Hoosiers. Win. Timinon?, Postmaster of Idarille, Inrt., writes: "Ehctrie Bitters lias done more for me than all other medicines combina!, for tliat bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, snys : "Find Electric Iíitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. VV. Gardner, hardware incidían t, same town, says: Elfctiic Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care wlmtlier he lives or dies; he (blind new strcngth, j;ood appeliteand feit just like he luid a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store. Michigan (Tentral " The Niágara Fallt Route." Time table taking effect Nov. 30. 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. -üílJ JJ ! W. I? È 1? A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. p.M. A.M. Chicago Lv.. 7 05 9 00 1221 8 10 9 25 10 10 Kals'.m 1145 2 17 858 7 00 331 7 15 Jacks'n 8 00 4 25 5 35 8 47 4 40 0 15 40 Cholsca ;15 530 7 13 1081 Dexter 4 14 5 45 728 1043 V. .P. M. P.M.p. H. A.M. A.H. A.M. AnnA'r 4 44, S 2il 6 30 9 45 6 05 7 50 11 OU Ypsll'li 503 543 956 623 808 1113 W'eJc 527 47 835 1132 De'! Ar 6 15 (i 15 7 30 10 48 7 30 9 20 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. A.M. A.M P. M. P.M. A M. P.M. P.M. Detroit.... Lv 8 30 7 50 120 7 45 9 25 15 4 45 WayneJnnc. :ui8 . 823. 954 r 21 Ypsilanti.... BS8 841 205 845. ... 10 15 543 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.H. A.M. P M. P.Sf. AnnArbor... 9 43 8 57 21 8 58 1019 10 80 5 55 Dexter looi 9 15 6 08 Cheleea 10 13 930 19 Jackeon 11 uu 10 üü 3 17 10 -24) il 15 il ■' üft icoi.ov... zooi-iix r02 12 15 1255 2 17 9 30 Chicago.. .Ar 7 35 4 35 9 Oí) ti 40 450805 O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HAYES, O. P. & T. Aceut, Chlcano. Art.. Ann Atbop. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Jiortli Michigan Raüway. TIME SCHEÜUI.S. Taking elfect Oktober 12th, 1800. Trains rnn by Standard Time. Ooing'Mrth. P 3 STATIONS. g A. M.lP. M. P. M P.M. 6 00 3 30 Lv Toledo Ar 1 10 11 15 6 47 4 10 Duudee 12 16 10 22 7 08 4 31 Milan 11 67 10 02 7 20 4 46 Urania 1145 9 46 7 27 4 55 Plttofleld 1137 9 40 7 41 6 07 Aün Arbor 1125 9 26 7 55 6 Ï5 Leiand 1112 9 10 8 06 5 89 Whitmore Lake 1100 8 55 8 55 6 32 Howell 10 25 8 20 9 40 7 85 Dnrand 9 40 7 20 UÖ3 8 45 Kaarsaginaw 8 10 5 50 10 20 8 10 OW088O.....7 8 55 6 80 1180 9 12 Ithaca 7 45 5 18 125 10 13 Mt. Pleaeant 6 45 4 15 8 35 Cadillac 10 36 5 20 Cop.mleh 8 56 6 35 Ar Frankfort Lv 6 55 p. mJp. m. a v. a. M. __ Qoing Soulh. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manaeer. A. J. PAISLBY, GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Gen'L Pass. &, Ticket Auent. Local Agent The Forum The l'Wmost lVriodicnl for ThoiijMftil Kcaders. lis range is fairly Indicated by the folluwlng Table of Conten ts of tlie I i:CEMBKiL NUMBEB: THE GOVKRNMKNT OF AMERICVN CITIES. By Andrew D. White.- Whereln Kuropean Cities are better toverned than uur; the ilanger place In our politica! Hyslem, and the reinedy. CITY GROWTH AND PAKTY POLITICS. By Wi Iliam E. Springer.- The lncrease of iii'lmn over rural populution as bbown by the census; how tlus decrease Is advautagcous to tbe Democrats. STABIL1TYOFTHE FRENCH REPUBLIC. By Jullus simon, of the French Senate. A review of doruestic and foreli;ii Inlluences favorable and unfavorablo to the Rcpublic; a hopeful outlook. FAMILY STOCKS IN A DEMOCRACY. By President O. W. El lot, of Harvard.- Democratie Society favorable to the perpetuatlon of familie; a study of Amerlcau condltions theretor. DOES CHINA MKNACE THE WORLD? By President W. A. P. Martin, of the Imperial Tung Weng College, China, - Why the tendency of llfe forbids fear of competltion. THK HUMANITIES. By Major J.W. Powell. The llisi of a serles of artlcles to show tlntt the theory of biológica1" evolutlon falle when applled tosoclology. FOKMATIVE INFLUEHCKS. By Archdeacon K. W. Farrar.- An autoblographlcal essay, followlnü similar ones by Prof. John Tyndall, W. E. H. Lecky, Frederlo Harrison and other noted men. SPEED IN RAILWAY TKAVEL. By Prof. R. H. Thurston. The posslbillty of 200 miles an hour by steam; why electricity Is llkely lo supeisede steam. AIÍMOR FOR WAR 8HIPS. By Commnmler Y. M. Barber of the U s Nnvy. NOTES ON QH0ST8. Anilrew Ijing. PITY, GENUINE AND SI'UIUOU.S. By Francés Power Cobbe. Among the mTTT TTlnTSTTHT FOR 1891 features of 1 HL fülíUlíL will be R'SULTS OF THE CENSUS. A sfrles of articles by Gen. Francis A. Walker; Results of the LATEST RKHKARCH and of the most RF.CKNT Al'HIEVEMENTS In all IMPORTANT LINKS OF WORK, In 8OIENCK and in INDUSTRY, by spnciallsU; POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS, by the leaders of opinión in the United States, nnd by forelgn statesmen: HH1BBOLETHS OF TllK TIME, a series of crfiiciii examinations of popular oplnlons. by W. S. Lilly, the Brltlsh essayist; AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS, a srrles to wblch ome of the most noted men of the time, American and Brltlsh, have already rontrlbuted; DISCUSSIONS OF SOCIAL AND RELIQIOUS PROULK.MS IN THE UNITED STATES; LITEKARY ART1OLE8, dlscuss Ing the tendencles of lllerary work along all dlrectlons of actlvlty, by the foremost crltlcs 50 Cents rnn nii V V 1 ,5.00 copy. lUt rUlilM. M 1 01 K. aycar IQ Vjhe Best and Purest NledicineS JL EVER MADE. 7jkJt,vrlll drive the Humor fromymir III CLey-"'1 ll(1 n"lko 'our "kinlll j' A, 'tóJÜLclran mul Bmooth. Thoscl II $ 'p T%Lpimil8 and Itlotchef} m %, ', '', jlL wliidi mar your beauty pn VA '■„ '4 JWare rauseil liv inipureSg ■II , , %, 'ÜLblooil, añil can tn-nl I %. 'H. v r, Ltinio. lf yon arel I UI % cv vV , Li)i-i)i -UI ■H l8pooiiful. ItlsthcVf-f %.■% } I II bost nml choapefi o . +. rl I I lincaiclne. Try it, anj0 %„ I I yon wiil 1)C eatlslted. , % VA ■U Uot lt oL yoar Drugglst. t " QdON'TWAIT. GETITATONCKk WSH If rou are BufTerinp: from Kil II ney ÍUsease, aml wioli to l inX II III oUl aKc, use 6ULPHÜB BITTEltS I Hl Tliey never Lail to cure. III Sond 3 -'cont staiftpa to A. P. Onlwav ACo., Boston. Haas., tor beet medical workpuWUbadï USE DR.CRAIGS ORIGINAL KIDNEY M UVER GURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only Safe Rjtnedles'to use for those iilllicti'd witli Brlght's Disease, Llver Complaint and Urlnary Aflections. Ooly tliose prepared In toe dry form are the Original and the Only Kldney and Llver Oure that wil! restore you to perfect liealth. ALL LADIES OSE 1 a. JLT_. -í.3lSOLS BY ALL DEUUGISTÍ. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. C. H. NULLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St., 2 doors W. of Harris Guild. The oldest agenoy In the city. Established over a quarter of a century ago. Represen tlng the followlng firat-olass compañón, wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and Asscl. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of PhlladelpUta. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. Ralas Lo vt as Mie Lowest, Losse Llberally Adjusted and pronipilf Faid. C. H. MILLEX The Farmers' k Uúáti Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLÏÏS $10,000. Aaaiüuuai iiiauniiies or stocKüolflers $5O,OOO. Report ol the condltlon of the FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at tlie close of business July 18, 1890 RKSOURCES. Loans and dlscounts $ 213,981 72 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 72,2(1 51 Overdrafts 1,359 Of Due from ban ks In reserve cities.... 19,888 4ó Due frora Washtenaw County 11,501 76 Blils In transit 3.560 23 Furnünreand llxtuios 3,0 0 00 Uunent expenses and laxes pald... 72 3i IntereBt pald _ _ 4: 1( Uhecks and cash items _ 159 77 Nickels and pemiles il", 61 Gold _ 8,134 70 SU ver 2,!H2 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes ,3ös OU Total $ 351,081 39 LIABIJ.ITIK3. Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00 Surplus finid 10000 00 Undlvlded pronts 3,259 SJ Dlvldends unpald 315 00 Commercial deposita 242,557 5Í Suvings deposita 4ö,530 01 Total _ 1881,882 :9 STATE OF MICHIGAN,! County of Washtenaw. j I, F. H. BKLSER, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th day of July, 1890. W.M. V. WHEDON, Notary Public. Correct- Attest: AmbroseKearney, Chas. E. Greene, D. F. Schalrer, Directors. Hllllulu 0Í lUGwldllluo JDdüK. havlng flled thelr certifícate wlth the State Banking Department are now authorlzed to do business as a Havlngs Bank, and in pursuance thereof have opeued a Savings Department! Interest allowed In tbe savlngs department on all deposits of 31 and npwards, Interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The savings department is open Saturday nlghts from 7 unti] 8 o'clock. Mi y ti) loan in sumsof $25 to f 5,000 secured by unencumbered real exlatu or approved securltles. II RECTORS It.iih.n Kempf. Chas. ■:. Ureeue, K. lluily, Ambron Koarney. Win. V. Steven. W. F. Breakeji .1 . !■:. Keal, John Bur(, D. V. Schairer. K. KK3IPV, lrs. !■:. lil l'l'V. Vlc-Pre. V. H. BKI.SKK, Caslilnr ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BERBT PLANTS, FRUIT AND ORirAlSENTAL TRESB Pears and Grapevines a Speoialty! SYRUP3 AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrnps of Raspberry and of Bartlett Pears. Bonesett, Dandelion and Raspberry Wlnes and Shrubs. Sweet Red and White Concord, and MarthaGrape Wines, especially prepared for Invallds. Order trees and plants early as we get most of tliein from the best Eastern Nurseries. K. KAl'lt. WEST III'KO'V STREKT. Ia the oldest aiul inopt popular noienttnc And mechRnjcalpaper piiblisht-d ainl has the laniest circulütion of any paper ut its claait in theworid. Fully illuvtruted. Host olas ut Viod KnitraTings. l'niili-ihtMl weeklT. Senil for ttpecinieo oopy. Prico f3 a yar. Kour months' trial, Í1. MUNN & CO., PuuLisnisu.s, 301 Broadway, N.V. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scienlific American. O A ífroiit ñuccpftj'. Kach tsniio contafns colored Hthograr'hlc piales of country and city rpsidences or uubltc bui Ulintr. "uniruu enKravin'H and full plan. and ppcclflcatíons for the use of sucha contémplate building. I'rlco Í"..VI a year, 25 cta. a copy. JÜUNN & CO-, PtTBXJflBEBS. DATEÑTSiS! B 4U ytvirs' experlence And have nmdo uv& I ÏOO.UÜU npplioatlons for American hii1 For eign patent8. Send for Handbook. CoirespunUence sirletly contidcni al. TRADE MARKS. In case your nwnk la not rwlatored In thp Patent Office, apply to MCNN &. Co., anl procure tmiuodlate prolectlun. dend for Uuuü: uuk. COPYRKJIITSt for books. charts, maps. ♦te, qulckiy prucured. Addres JI1UNN A CO.I l'uteut Sollcttora. WfNKIUi. Oh'iriLK UI ÜBUJliWit, N, Y 1891. Harper's Weelsly. Uil-XSTKATKI). HAUPBR'a V kkki.v has in-ver felled t" nstify lts utle as ■ ' Jour Dal ofdviHiaUoo," md It haadoneao wltn a eouatanl regard to iDlarged posalbilltleH of usefullness mul :i hii-hc.r standard of artistic aiul tlterary excellence. It leaves untouched no Important pliase of the worM's piogresH and prcsents a recordé equally trusiworthy and Intereatlng, of the notable eveuts, pcrsous, and aohtevementsofourtlme. S1M l'ial supplements will be eonlinued in liM. They wlll bc literary, selenllfln. artistio. historica), ciïtieal, topot;raphioal, or I'-mi iiivt as ooossJon niiiy demand, imd wlll continue to dexerve the hearty comint-nihition wbioh lias boen bestowed on nat isMir-i by tbe pressand tbepnbllo. Asarnniilyjournal, IIaki'üu's Wkkki.y wlll. as heretí'lDrt', be edited with a slrict regard for tlie inalitos Iliat inake tl a sale nd welcome visitor to every liorne. HARPER'S "PËRIODICALS. TKR TEAB : HAItPEK'S WEEKFA $1 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE i 00 HARPER'S HAZAR 4 00 HAlll'KlfS YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Potlngt Pree to all tubscribfrë in f!te Uhiteá States, Canada or M nco. The Volumes of the Wkeki.y begin with the lirst Number for Jitnuary of each ycar. Wben DO linie is uifntloned, Kubcripticns wlll begin with Uie N'unibcr current at time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Rabpxb'8 VVkeklv for threeyears back. In neat cltli blndln;;, will be sent by mail, postage pald. or by expres, (ree Of expense (provided the freightdocs not exceed one dollar per volume), for Í7.IM) pnvoluinc. Cloth Cases for eaoh volume, galtable for binding, wlll be si-nl by mail, postpald, on ! receipt or 1 00 each. Remlttances should be made by Postoftlce , Money Order or Uraft, to avoid cliance of loss. Newspaperg are nol to copy tu'.s adrerlisement without the expres order 01 UABPBR & BrothBB8. Address: lIAKl'lilt & BROTHERS, New YoiU. I89I. Harper's Bazar. 1LLU8TRATED. HARPER'S Bazar Is a journal for the homo. j Glvlng the latest Information witli rehuid lo tbe Fashions, lts iiumerous illustralions. faslilou-plates. and pattorn-sheet supplomentsare indlspenslble allke to the home dress maker and the professional modlate. No expense Is spared In makini; its Brtlstlc ■ actracllveness of the highest order. Itaolever short storles, parlor piays, and thoiiiilitful ' essays satisfy all tastes, and its last page la famous as a budget of wit and humor. In lts weekly issues everything Is Ineliided whicli is of interest to women. During ISI't Aonks B. Okmsbkk will wrlte a serles of artlcles on "The House Comfortable' Julibx Corson wlll treat of "Saultary Living," and an luterestlDg sucoe.sdon of j -n tts on "Woman in Art and Hlstory," supertily lllustrated, will be furnished by Thpíodore Clin.]). The snrlal storles wlll beby Wai.tkk Hksast and Thomas Hahdy. IIARPER'S PERIÓDICA LS. PER YEAIt : HARPER'S BAZAR. $4 Oo HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Pastorie Frce to all tubterttert in the United States, Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the Bazar begin with the flrstnumber for January of ench year. When notlme is menlloned, subKcrlptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Round volumes of Hari'riï's Bazau, for threeyears back, in neat clotli binding, wiil be sent by mail, postnge piild. or by express, freeof expense (provided the freight does ooi exceed one dollar per volume;, for }7.00 per volume. Cloth Cnses for each volume, suitablo lor binding will be sent by mail, postpaid, on recelpt of $1.00 each. Remlttance should be made by Post-office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of los. Tfewfpapers are nol to copy thti advertí sement tvithout the e.fpress order of HARPXB & Brotii■BS. Address: HARPER Jfc BROTHKUS, New York. 1891. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Twelfth Volume of Harpkk's Yoxthq Pkoim.e beglns on November 4, 18W. This bestand most comprehensivo weekly In ilie world for young readers presen ts a rich and attractlve programma. ín flclion there will be "Campmate: A Story of the l'lains," by Kirk Hvnror; "Men of lron," a romance by Howard Pyi,e, with llluslratlous by the nuthor;"Klying Hill Farm," by Soi-hik.Swktt; "The Moon Prince," by II. K. MOHKITTRICK; and "Yellowtop," by Axsn: Brokson Kinu. In additlon to these five serlalH, there will be storles In two or three parts by Thomas N i:i.son Page, Hjalmak Hjoktii BOTBSOtf, Kiwin Lasskttkk Bynner. Hakrikt Pbbboott Spofford, Mary E. Wilkins, Nora Pbury, and olhers. Short storle, and anieles on sclence, nlstory, travel, adventure, games and sports, with hundreds of Illustratlons of the hlghexl characler, will render Haki'KK's Youno People for 1881 unri valled asainlscellany of the best reudlug for boys and glrls. "The best weekly publleatlon for young people In existence. It ts edlted with serupulous care and attention, and lnstrucllon and entertainment are mlngled In lts pages in Just the rlght proportlons to captivate the minds of the young, and at the same time to develope thelr thinking power."- Jf. i'. Observer. TERJIS : Postage Prepaid, $2 Per Yenr. Vol. XII. begint November U, 1S0D. Volumes VIII., X. and XI. of Harpeu's Youno People bound in cloth will te seut by mail, postage pald, on recelpt of $;!.5O encU . The other volumes are out of print. Specimen Copy sent on recelpt of o two-cenl stamp. Sinqle NmiBERS, Five Centa each. Item! ttances should be made by Post-office Money Order or Drafl, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapera are not to copy tlis advertixement without the express order of Ha upeu & HitornKKS. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. i:iti:itiii i( & !ts, ,-v ARBon si:i.i, BEJLUW ni.i.v T A TlTTT'C! TRY DR. I-ADUE'S "PEJ_lxa.J_iliO KIODIOAL" PILLS from Paris. Franc.-. Kstablishcd in Kurope in 1839, Canada in 1878. For &uppreeelona, Irrcgularitiee, and Monthly DeranRCmünts. A rellable month'y medicine. They alwaye relieve. Any druLgisi. $2. American Plll Co., Proprietors, Spencer, lowa. Robert Stepheneon S Co., wtiolcwi'e aifenU, and all other draggUts in Ann Arber. TheBe pille are warranted to brinir nn the "chanse. "' RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantl; on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We sball aleo keep a anpply of SWIFT A DEUBEL'8 BKST White Wheat Flour! Otborn's Cold li.l Flour, Buckwlieat Flour, Corn Mcnl, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Retail. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROYISIÜNS Constantly on hand, wliich will be aold on ae reatfonable terma as at any other hotue in the citv. Cah paid for BUTTKR, EGQS, and COÜNTHY PRODUCB eenerally. Goods duliverea to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSET & SEABOLT. "WooL's !Pliostpli-OcLxi-O. THE GREAT EXGLIfJH RKMEDVCaed for 36 reara - io( Vouthful folly by mt utl(1 tlle excesseá fvBsfully. U'9M'9W later yearu. anteed lo cure all jV J (ïirts immediate l'irml of Nerous W?LyJ strenijth andviyIVeakness, Kflkj. '"' Al?k druKUt slous, Spermator-.BBHpi for Wood's l'nodrhea. Impotency.J''" ,"l.Vífí' phodine; takeno nd all th fr.t Pbotofrom Ufe. ,ubstltute. On pactcace, tl ; lx, $&, by mail. Wrlte for pamphlet. Addreu TbeWood ('heiulcal Vu.. 131 VuuüwrJ uve., Uotrolt, llicli. JÜo'i'B Cotton Root k COMPOUND ■ sSy Sromposed of Cotton Root, Tansy and % y YiIJenn"ru)rï'"a reeent disoovery by an CJold physician. Is niccessfuUu ui ed montfu]- Safe, Effectual. Price $1, by mail, sealed Ladies, uk your drosgist for Cook'a Cotton Root Componnd and take no substituía, or lnolou 2 stampa for sealed partioulars. Addrass PO NI) I.1LY COKFANY, No. 3 Fkker B1?S. }S, WS94Tirl iTt-. Pwolt. Mich. 1891. Harper's Magazine. ILLU8TBATK D. The Important series of papers on South America by Theodork Ciiii.d, will be contlnued in Hari'kk'.s Magazine during the greater part of the year 1891. The urtlcles on Bontbem California, by Charles Dudleï Waiíjíkk, will also be continued. Amone other noteworthy attracllons wlll be a novel tiy CiiAur.KS Egbert Ckadijock; a collectlon of original drawlags by W. M. TH4CKehav, now published for the flrst time; a novel wrüicii and lllustrated by Ueoiioe uu Mauimek; a novelette hy William Dean Howklls: and a series of papers on Londou by V'ai,teu Besant. In lbo number aud varlety of lllustrated papers and otber artlcles on Mtbjects of ttmel interest as well as In the unrivalled cnaracteroflls short utorioi, poema, etc, IIaki'kk's Magazink will continue to malataln tbat standard of excellence fur wtilch it lias been so long dlstlngutfched. IIARPER'sTËRIODICALS. TER VEAlï: I1AIIPERS MAGAZINE $4 OC QAKPSB'S WEBELY 4 00 H AKl'ER'S BAZAK 4 00 IIAltPER'.S YüUNG PEOPLE 2 00 J'age Fret to all subscribiré in the United States, Cunada or Mexico . The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December oicach year. When no time Is Kpecified, subscrlptlons wlll begin with the Number current at time of recelpt of order. Bound Volumesof Hartek's Magazine, for three years back. In neat cloth bindlnKi wlll besent by mail, postpald, on reoeipt or $3.00 per volume. Cloln Cases, for binding, yi cents each - by mail, postpaiil. Index to Hakpek's Maíiazin'k. Alphabetcal. Analytieal, and Ulasslfled, lor oliime 1 to 70, Inclusive, from June, 185Ü, to June, 188S, une vol., Svo, Cloth, SJ.IH). Remittnhces should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Drafl, to avold chatice of loss. Ifewspnpers are not to copy this advertiêenunt without tlie expíen order oj Hakkkií A Bkoth■II, Address: II ARPER & BROTHERS, New York. HUTZEL'S WTER BACK ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often raaking them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can aflbrd to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZBL &c CO. Plumbera and SteamfUUr. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier