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By All Odds The mosl generally useful medicino is Ayer's Pilla. As g remedy fur the varlous dlMMM of the tomnch, liviT, and bowel, these Pilla have no equal. Thelr sogar-coatlng canses thom not only to be easy and pleasant to take, but preserves their medlolnal Intogrlty In all cllmates and for any reasonable length of Urne. The best famiiy medicine, Ayefs Pilla are, also, unsurpassed fur the USe ot' lr:nclrr.s, holilicrs, Miilors, campara, and pioneer. In soma of the mosl critica] oases, When all otier remedies llave failcd, Ayer's Pilis prove effective. ■' In the slimmer of ïstvt I was sent to the AnnapoUi hospital, snftering wtth obrante dlarrnea. Wliile there, I became so redueed in strength that I conld not speak and WMeompelled towrite everything I wanted t s;iy. I was then havlng some 25 or 30 siuals per day. The doctors ordered a mediclne tliut 1 was Batisfiod WOUM be of no benent to me. 1 did not take it, but persuadid u i y DUrse to get me some of Dr. Ayer's Pilis. Abont twoo'cloek in the aftornoon I took six of these pllls, and by milnjlit began to t?.e better. In the morning the doctors oame agaln, and after deciding that my symptoms were more favorable, gave mr a different medicine, vvhíeh I did not use, but took tour more of the pills instead. The next day the doctors came to see me, and thougjht I was doing nicely, (and so did I). I Uien took one pill a day for a week. At the end of that time, I considercd myseli cured and that Ayer's l'ills had saved my life. I was tnen weak, hut had no return of the (lisiase, and gatned in strength as tast as OOllld be i'xpected."- F. 0. 1.uce, Late Lieut. Hth Regt Mass. Vol. Iufantry. u Ayer's l'ills are The Best I Invc ever nsed for headaches, and they ai like a charra in relieving any dtsagreeable sensation in the stoniach after eating.' Mis. r. j. Ferguson, Pullens, Va. " 1 was a SUÜerer for years from dyspepala and liver troubles, and found no permanent relief untO I commenced taking Ayer's l'ills. They have effected a eomplete ciire." - Oeorge W. Moouey, Walla Walla, V. T. . Ayer's Pills, PltEPAHED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DruggisU and Dealer ia Mcdiciue. REPORT OF THLCONDITION m si mum m At Ann Arbor, Miohigin, at the close of busiucs) DEO. 19. 1800. HESOURCES. l.onns:inl dlsoonnU $-i7ö.53G 49 Stocks, bonds, mortKSges, etc 25'J,718 IS Ownlrafts 2,510 51 Due from )n:nk in reserva cities 75 2S8 3 Due fnmi other Imuks and bankers 7,017 20 Due from Treas. School District No. 1, A. A 12,151 25 Ftirtiitnru and flxtiires 1,1130 K5 Cummt cxpennes :ind taxes paid 2.1t:i2 9' Checkt and ei.-h Items „.. (92 05 NickuUaud pennieg 00 GO öold 15,000 00 Silvt-r a,065 00 Ij. S. and Natioual liauk Notes L),002 00 Tol .1 .,S777,870 62 LIABII.ITIES CapItai -i in-k ps!d in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 100.000 00 Umlivlded proflts 31,675 79 Dividend unpald 385 00 Commercial deposita löïW 09 Savings deposite 416,848 47 Doe to bankn and lmnkers 888 92 CenMcates of deposlt 28,390 85 Total ..$777,870 6i State ok Michigan, Coujíty of Wasutetknaw, ss. I, Chas. E. Hiscock, Caahicr of the above named Bank, do solemnly sw(ar ihat the abovo statement i truc, to the best of my knowledgc and belief. CHAS. E. IHSCOOK. Casbier. Cokbkot- Attest : CHKISTIAN MACK, 1 DANIEL HISCOCK, VDlrectors. DAVID hINSEY, j Sub8crbed and aworn to before me, this 24th day of Uecemlur, lS'.d. M1C1IAEL J. FRITZ, Notary Public. 9IASOXIC HlltlX ToltV. Ann AbborComuandirt, No. 13 meet flrst iuesday of each mouth, B. F. Watts, E. O.; JoUo, R. Mluer, Ueoorder. ffAIHTÜNAVf CHAPTER, NO. 6, R. A. M.- MwetH Hrst MoQday each mouth. L. C. Ooodrich, H. P.: Z. Roath. Secretftry. BUSINESS CARDS. ILdlISS IK. IE. BUBLL MODISTE, MAKES FINE lOSTÜXES, TAYLOR SUITS, ALZO MISSEi' AXD CHJLDRENS' SUITS Cloaks Made and Rcpaired. 11 1-2 '. Fililí St., Aun Arbor. -82 D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISKASKS OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THBOAT. i + OFFÍCE AND RESIDEHCE, 26 SOÜTH DIVISIÓN STREET Houus : 1 to 4, and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. CHAS. W. VOGEL DEALER IN AI.L KINDS OP PRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. A un Sí., A mi Arbor. X. W. VHIIOIS, DE1TTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Coiirt House Square. VZTALZZBD A.TB. Adralnlstered. It Is agrueable and easy to tike, and no prostrallng efloct follow, whlle teeth are extracted without pain, M'II.LIA.n HERZ, House, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PajierluK, Glazlng, Gilding, and Calclmlnlntr, and work of every scrlptlon dono In the best Btyle, and warranted to glve satlsfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor.


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