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A Cure or no Par. All diseases arlsing from a derangetl üvit or from impure blood, as boil?, blotclies, pimples, scalp disease, scrofulous sores and swellitigs and consumptlon (which Is lung-scrofulii) in its eurljstages, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoyery, or the money paid lor ít will be proniptiy. re,túrn(d. Sold by druggists under adiily execut'd certifícate ofguarantee from the manufacturera. It is quite likely tliat Longfe pvv's hero waa engaged in thecbase; liisbieath carne in Hiawatha pants, thougb tbe poet didn't mention it. - Tcrre Haute Express. Don't Get Discouragcd! Because the doctors Fay you cannot Uve. I was troubled witb Dropsy and jtiveu up to dle. But after using Sulphur Bitlers 1 am well. It is the best medicine for all KIdney diseases I ever savv. - M s. J Brown, Brldgeport, Conn. He - "Wby do you sit so far aw.iy from me" She- "So as to be near yon." lie - "What do you mean ?" h - "Everj - body says you're way off."- N. Y. Sun. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wís , was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheurnv tism, bis Stomach was disordered, bis Liver was all'ected to an alarinin(degree, appetite fell away, and he was tenibly reduced In flesb and strength. Tbrce boules of Electric Bitters cured blm. Edward Shepherd, Ilarrlsburír, 111., bad a running sore on bis leg of eight year'8 standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Árnica Salve, and bis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O, bad live large Fever sores on hls leg, doctors, sald he was Incurable. One bottle Rlectric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Árnica Salve cured bim entirely. Sold by Eberbach & Son's Drug atore.


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Ann Arbor Courier