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They hiive a Döiidcnan for puitniaster :it Alud Lake. Giy. Winaus' taxes ainount to $10S.52 at hij home in Hamburg. A burglar had to break into scven stores in iirighton theother niglit to elear Up $20. It is saiil that the employees of the S. mili Ia on and Ann Arbor railroad occaslounlly stop their train and kill rabbits. - South yon i'icket. The clnldren of the High school caaie to school Friday morning bearing good ííifts to the poor. The eoutributions were voluntary. - Vpsilutitiau. The amount of whisky tax paid iuto the oillce of the treasurer of Livingston connty lor the past year lias been $2,300. There are 1G places where liquors are sold, tn-wil: Howell, 6; Fowlerville, 4; Hrightou, 3; Pinckney, 2; Hamburg, l. A few days ago Frank Acton, of York, found a jiucket book on the Ann Arbor road, oontalnlng $100. He found the Owner, deliyered ihe lost properly, and was rewarded with the suni of tit'ty cents. Kvidently honesty was at not much of a premium la tliis case. - Obsei ver. He sat and looked at the bu?y editor for ubout lifteen minutes, steadily. Kinally he yawned sleepily, reinarkiiijf: "There are some things Unit go without ■aying." "X know it," saappcd the editor, "but there are too niany darned tliings that siiy a goud deul without going." The schools ciosed for the holiday vacation, on Prlday last. The scholars had been glten permission to bri"S in tlieir voluntarj contributions for the poor, and a large iimount of glfls of it II kinds was the reault. The ohlldron were K'alified wilh a public performance on l'lli last day.- Tp8llantl Sentinel, A fine lot of iish caught inmi a lake over In Washteuaw county were sold rcadily on our streeta Mciuduy at six cents a pou.-ul. The fUherman said be tried to acll his catch in Chelaea but the people there are living on thrte cent buil beet and chicken8 stolen frora the farmers and henee wouldu't buy. - Grass Like Newa. The P. U. S. S. gave a social at the resIdence of John Kllsworth lust Friday evening to raife funds for farDlsblng the new Hun day school room.- Pit tifleld, in the Ann Arbor Cowier. Our I'. U. S. S. me ivine midnight serenades, iustead of sr.cials. - Plymoulh Mail. You should incúlcate better principies in your P, U. S. S. Al n meeting of tlie Grasa Lake farm("rs'club held at the resideuct! of Rev. O. F. Wintoi), the fitrmera present agreed that huntingon farms is a nuisance, causIng dahgeroua lires and damaging in vaHCtion in the matter at next town meeting and if possihle Ret concard of action tbat woukl put a stop to t. Au excliaDge etates tliat a Micblean borse thief says tbat he has been bafflvd aboút ttrenty times by the obstiuuey of Ihe borses tlrit be was after. They seemad to know'tbat he was an intruder, aiul they defended themselves with liecls and teeth and fairly drove hira oft'. Ile thinks that gny horse can be írained so that t vvill be non-stealable. A hrre and beautiful racteor was seen laat Thur-iby cvening by two pardee in the Plcket i.ffice. It was descending rapIdly tiw;ird tne earth, probably from two to Uve miles south of our village. When tome .% degrees above the earth front the pohitof obsi:rvation It burst into myriad I ranu-nts. Sliall be glad to hear from aijone wlio got a more extended view of it. - South Lyon Picket. A n exchange says: "Simple as it is, few people iiie aware that a perfect time keeplng watch is a compasa as well. Wlintever the time may be, polnt the hour hand toward the sun and the exact center betwei-n the hour hand and XII on the dial will be exactly south. Suppose it i 4 o'clock, point the hand indioiitiii" -1 to the sun and 2 on the dial píate will be due soutb. We note the presence of Judge Erastus IVck of Jackson, at Ann Arbor. He exebanged with Judge Kinne of this circult. II" there is a young man in Ypsilaoti stniffgling with poverty and strivitig to secure an education, Judge Peck can glve liirn eneouragement and good advice. Way back in the fifties he was a stiulent at Lima, N. Y., working hls way tbrough college. The result you all know.- Ypsilantian. Trof Reed reslgned (at the rfquest of the school board) Mis posltion as principal of onr school. Dltto Miss Flower, preceptrefg. Their successors have not yet heen enffaged, but there are plenty of applications and the vacancies will be lilled in a few days. The present school year has started out under rather unpropitious circunistances, owing to the several neecssary changes, but we hope to see mattere settle down to their old-time sinoothness.with the coming term. - Saline Obscrver. THE AZALIA FI1ÍE. The following list of the losses by the recent disastrous ,fiie at Azalia, Is taken from the Slilan Leader: Roardlng boase, barn and blaoksralth shop wiili conieuts, owuud by James losa tl.öüO. Insured. W. H. HuDt'g reeldence and barn with contenta: loss 81,500; Insured for $1.000. EL. l'iinu'ti two stores, two barns, dweillntcbouse and grauery, with conteuts; loss 52,ri()0; no Insurance. K. (i. Thomps m, housebold goods and stock In one uf Mr. liumi's ttores; loss SI 000' insured lor $6 H). Mi'. MoKldowney, blaoksmlth and dweiling houso, Iosb S300; no Insurance. 11. Smitli's house In which hls son John llved, luss on house $000: coiHeuts fJOf); partly aavod; do loflnraooe, s. W. Lui's barn aud contents; loss f200: partly Insured. Dr. Randall Schuylei's store and cintents and barn and contents; loss $1,500; Insurance "ou on store. S. Frlnk's dweiling house in whlcb O. Leet llved; loss on housu $10o; insured for 8300; loss on pontents S'JOD; no insnraii ■. S'. C. 1'aliner'n barn and contents; loss Í10.I; no lusuiunce. Mis. E. pringer and 8. Klllpatrlck, living in a dwelllug house of Mr. Dunn, loae nearly all of tlielr household goods; losa 100; no Insurance. P. Cook, living in J. Oooper's board Ing house, lost ubout $100 worth of housebold goods; no Insurance. Tliis firo falls heavily upon those who are burned out as they lost nearly all their household goods, and are poor people and had no insuriincp. Several other perrons moved their gooda out of the house?, but the buildings were saved. Subscriptions to help the needy sulFerers bave been made in Ann Arbor. Those desiring to aid tbem can give it to D. C. Fall or Geo. A. Oouglas. PITTSK1ELU. ICn. II. Webb is entertaliilng a sister fr m a distauce. J. White and wife vlfited Medina f i lends last weck. The Christmas tree of the P. U. S S. Dcc. 24tli, provee] very entortaining and too raucU credii camiot be givcn the little ones. Mr. Gridley acted the part of Santa Claus and the attendance niunbered 178 Fred Heinluger had bis lcft hand budly uiutilated by a rip saw Saturday. The next meeting of the farmer's club will be held at N. II. Isbell's Jan. 3. Bell Stcpliens of Ypsilantl, is spemlinj the holidays with her sister Mrs Sidney Harwood. The P. U. S. S. will glve a social the Í6th of Januury at the residence of Henry Preston. John Tate attended the funeral of hia brother-in-law, Sylvepter Smith, at Saglnaw last week. Miss S. Squares and nii'ce, Miss E. Phillips, took Christmas dinner with Ypsianti frlends. The Presbytenan society of F'a'ine will give a social at the residence of 9. Crittenden'9 Wednesday evening, Dec. 31. A merry party of 35 from the e:istern part of the township tripped to the music of violin and Iwnjo, furnished by Suddlby anl Gates, at the residenee of Wm. Pease Friday eveuing. The children of District No. G, were made happy Christmas nlglit by a tree laden with with beautiful gifts. Supt. Steer received a fineblblejund S. Moore of Saline personated Santa Claus.


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Ann Arbor Courier