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The fice traile idea is that the farmer slioiikl eeek a market as far away froni home as possible in which to Bell lïis prodticts. The protection idea la tliat the home market is the best. - ■ ■ ■ Xails and pi iron are nearly onc-balf cheaper now thnn bcfore the tarill' was placed upon them, when they were proiluced for us by foreien labor aml foreign capital. I3 the tarill' a tax ! Brick Pomeroy, Dlck Trevelllok, llenry Georgc and that elass of 'labor leaders" wijl be valuable law makers with thelr liair-brained tueories, if the "Alliance" party Bliould ever get into power. AVliat is the great object of free silver coinage? If no 011e could make moiiey out of the difference in Intrlnslc value between a gold and a silver dollar would tliere be any demand for free süver colnageï Potato-growipg experiments in France show that the erop from the seed is about seven hundred we)j[ht per ncre more than that from ent seed, illowing the diifcrcncc in weirht between the two sorts. Dr. Heinrlcli Scbllemann, the famous arch;i'ologist is dcad. He was bom in Mecklenburg, in 1S22, and attalned wealth, and then fame ly liis excavation of anolent Greek cities, tliron-rh wonderful difliciilties. The faet that Mr. Parnell epenl SS, 000 in one year on llrs. O'öhea, while tiis poor rlil mothcr was Iiere in America destitute. and only kept from star ving hv the charlty of the public, is not rauch to that uian's credit. The portrait thal is to adnrn the new S3 treasury note which the Trca?ury Department is about to issue is that of General J. 13. McPherson, who was killed at Atlanta, shortly before Sberraan begun liis march to the sea. Before a tariff upon saws was imDOsed not one was made in this country. Now our own inarket is not only supplied by our own manufactories, at ranch cheape'r rates than ever before, but $1,000,000 worth of them are ezported annually. Is the tariíV a tax ? The reception iven the name of Judge Brown for the position of Justice of the l.nlted States .Supreme Court mint tie flittcriug to tbat gentleman. From ail sides comes words of praise, and notbing elta. He is oertalaly a fortúnate man to bc so well thought of. It is not known wbetber he would accept the candldacy or not, but if he would, Judge Kdward D. Kinne of this circuit, would make a most admirable nominee lor justice of the supreme court this spring. He is able, popular, and in every way litted for the position. Tom Xavin the ex kid mayor of Adrián, whose "financial" exploits were the wonder of the hour and a national sensation, has been pardoned after servng a trille over live years 11 state prison. He wlll go to Detroit and every body believes will endeavor by bis future course to make amends for liis past life, and take care of his aged motlier wbo is left alone and destitute. Wonder if it lias yet dawned upon Mr. Parnell's mlnd that he mude a mistake in endeavorir.g to force hls part3' to retaio his leadership while he was under disfrace? llow much better ofl' he would have been liad he gracefully retired and after roaklog amends for his inmoral conuuct held hiniself in position to t:e oalled f,ain to the leadership, as Ie eertainly would have been. It Is nmusing to read In tlie Courier and In repabllean anuex thu statement that the demócrata Iried to control the meeting of the farmers' assoclatlon. It lnoks llke the cry or sUp tlitef .set uj) by the Milef. Ouly onê of the four genen) otfleers l a deraocrat aml oiily oue of the seven mauagers. - Argus. As the farmers in this county are democrats in a ratio of about two to one, liow did the above stato of things happen ? Perhapi the Argus can unravel the mys tery. The demócrata ahvays vote the democratie ticket anyway, you know, no matter what orcanization tliey biflong to. l'erhaps that tells the story. Hamburg Buteber Butler, senator from South Carolina, says if the republicans push the Lodjre fair electlou bilí, he proposes to introduce a bilí doing away with the lüth amendnient provisions, and agreping that in the event of its adoption the South shall liave representation in Congress, based only on the white population. Butler will never make that proposition in earnest, only as 1 blull'. The Bouth would no more lose their unfair and dishonest advantage over the North than it would agree to'a free bullot and fair count. While the editor of Tuk CODRISR was In Allegan Sunday he aseertained thut that enterprising city collects a thousand dollars by geneial tax every year to help the neighborinjr township3 to build good roads leading into town. Almost impassable sand roads have been transformed into smooth hard liighways upon which any load may be drawn. The consequence is, that Allegan is the great farmers' market to which produce is brought twelve and lifteen miles. Their3 is a wise, far-siglited policy which annually brings thousands of dollars into the city which would otherwise be diverted to other towns. Prof. Snow, chancellor of the Kansas state university, has discovered the existence of a disease reaembllng cliolera peculaar to the chlnch-btur, which it is said will afford farmers relief from the destructiou of their erops by tliis pest. The Professor has now brought his experiments lo a final and successful close. During the summcr infected bujrs were let loose in a bug infested field. The disease spread so rapidly and was so fatal that the field was soon rid of the pests. Many farmers have made applicatlon to the Professor for carcasses of bucs which have died from the cholera. We trust the Professor wül continue in well doing, and speedily discover a means of givinr cholera to the whole race of noxioue insects, thereby exterminatin them from the face of the earlli. It would be just fan to see potato bug?, apple worms, mosquitos, and the like dyinsf with cholera, and the whole human family could joln the colored brother in shiging "The year of jubilo am cum."


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Ann Arbor Courier