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Went Down To Their Death

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Ou (Jliristmaseve. oecurred mmtlior IUUl accident, ou tlie Huron river that called forth all the cxpregsions nf sympatliy that conld possibly be brnnght forth (roma Bympathetlc peonle. W hile skating npon the Huron river, nbove lh Cornwcll dam and ncar the spcond railmad bridge, Miss Qertrude M. Brundajjo, :i junior medical student f rom Patngouche ),Dii [sland, :mrl Frank E. Dicktnson, :i nu mber of the Homoeopathlc Janlor olas., of liit)U(ne, Iown, wore drowned. Tliey liad ;oiii: to tlie riviT early in the cvenInjr, and ere skating up Btnytm iwny from the the crowd and wheré tlie ee was dangerous by reason f the gwlft eutrent. The tracks of tbe fkatis showed that ibcyskHted dircctly luto the water, aad tiie pOflltlnn wlicn fonnd g&ve evidetiee that Ihcy must have died without n Biruirgle and still holding each otlier's hands a.s f in the act of skatini. It Is thought the intensely coM water chllled them lostantly. Tlie motbcr of Miss Brundage, together with two other duughtfrs luive rooms at Daniel Strickler's, at o. 17 Klizaheth street, Air. Brandare being at their bome in New Vork. Mr. Dickioson roomed at Qulncy Der s, rsn. ', siayiiarü st., umi lus people Hved at Dubuque, lowa. A large party were on the ice tint il iy and even In jr, enjoylng tbc excellent skating anü couple wcre mippo-ed to have irone home with their frlends. InIteiid oí that they skftted up stroain to their deatli. Mr. Dlckinson1! watch stopped at ui ne o 'doek, sliowlnfc tlmt to be the hour wheu their terrible tale overtook theiii. MlssBrundage not retuming home , at about t o'clock Prlday morning her mothcr couhl endure the suspense no Ioneer and arouscd the family. Inqulry at Mr. Dickinson's quarters reveuled the fact that he was not at lióme. Jolin D. Strickler then went to the rlver in search of the missing ones. Going to the point spoken of above he fouml wliere the thin Ice liad been broken and also fonnd Miss Brundage's mufl'frozen on the ice, where she had cvidently thrown it as slic went down. A searching party then commenced the woik of reaoulng the bodleg. All the forenoon they worked and it ahout 10 o'clock succeded in ftnding the body of the lady Until the body was near the surface it pulled vcry heavil3r, as il' attached to something and then all at once became lightcr. It is thought that the hands of the couple were clasped together and that his let go when near the surface and he went down again. The position of tlieir hands indicated tliis. Some two hours Liter he body of Mr. Dickinson was recovered. Botn were taken to Undertaker Martin's, wliere an oquest was held by coruner Clark, aml a verdict in accord with tlie above facts rendered. The body of Mr. Dickiuson was taken to the residen ce of Mr. Turner, where services wcre held Friday p. m.,at9 o'clock. The father of the deceased who arrived on the afternoon train then toolc the reinains f his son home. The funeral services of' Miss Gertrude M. líiundage were held at the Pretbyterian churcli last Sunday afceruoou. A large attendance of medical students were present and followed the remnius to the vault. The platform was beautifully decorated with calla lilies, and Ilev. Gelsten gave n very expressive discourse. CARI OF XOABKS. We would gratefully acknowledge the very great kinduess of the people of this city; of ilic President, facully and students of the Unlveralty, especlally of the Btudeuts of the medical depamnent and of the class of '93; of the pastor aud people of the FresbyUrian churcli; of the family of Mr. Daniel Strickler; aud of the many yet uukuown to us whose mlnlstratious have done so much lor min this time of our sreatestaffliction. The raany tokens of kiudesl ympathy, the delicate aitcnlions to dtstreased and achlng hearts, and thn tender devotlon to the llfeleüK form of our beloved daughter, wlll always brlng to us grateful memories. Dit. and Mks. J. D. Biuxiiace. Aks Aiibok, Dec. 30, 1890. Tlic somier the republlcan senators recornize tlie fact that the majority rules la tliis country, and acts tliereon. the sooner the country will be pleased with their action. TL ftret !hnt Mtchifirnn iwim Irnt r.o pauper child to each 7,250 of ts people, is quite rcmiarkiiblp, when we look at New York state with one for cvery 203 of its inhabitants. Passengers coming out from Detroit on the evenini; train are kept busy kicklng every night because so many have to stantl up. The railroad has no right to collect rare from those they cannot seat, and f the standers would stand on their rights by rel'using to pay, tliey would soon {CPt enough cars put on to acconimndate them. Why doesn't the M. C. put on an extra car to Ann Arbor on the G. R. cxpress?


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