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The pcwing machine tlwt was among he presenta to be given avviiy lust year las never been cilled for and will be dis(oscd of ia the followlng manner: Those vlio wish can send in st'a'.ed bids and irv' will be opened Feb. 2nd, at 3 p. m. Mie money received for tbo machine will vill be :ven to the Ladtes' Charitable JaloD. Prom now until the time of peiling bids the machine OftQ beseen at he ster e of J. T. J icobs & Co , 27 and 20 rtaln st., Ann Arbor. Those who muil heir bids pleaae wnte "sewin machine" n the left hand lower cwier of the nvelop", so rliey will not be opened till lie timo. Colds ate frequonüy the result of deraiiircmeiHs of the stomach and of a low condition of the system generally. As a corrective and Strengthener of the alinentary organs, Ayer's I'ill8 are inv.iluible, tiieir ue being always attended vith m uked benefit. Notice. Ans Akisou, Mlch., Dec. 23, 1890. The Annnal leeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Conipany will be held in the Court House lu the city oí Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Wednesday, January 14ch, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of electlnjt three dlrectoTê )n place of those whose terms of office will then expire, and to eleet a Board of Atulitora for one year. and to transact euch other business as may propeily come bef ore such meeting. W. K. Child?, H. D. Platt, w2 Sectetary. President. On Tliursday Jan. Sch, 1891, tliere wlll be a meeting of the Washtenaw Co. Farmer's Association, at the CourtHouae Ann Arbor at 10 a. tn. The dmittance of delegates as members will be one of the objects of the meeting. E ich farmer's organiz itions will be entitled to Miree delegates by payment of $1.00. E. X. Bai.l, Ssc'y. For Borne time The Detroit News has been hinting tbatlt had a surprUe in store for its readers. Now the annnuncement h:ia been mide tint tliey will publish a beautir'ul and meful magazine evury three months and present It tree to every one of tbeir regular subscribera. The magazine will be called "The Qu.irterly Register of Current History," and will contain the hiatory of the whole world wlth be.iutiful illustration. The lirst Issue will appoar durlng the month of February. Full particulars about this new enteipnse can be found In Tuk Etbmino News. A Bcaiitiful and Valiiab'e Book. That arnbitlous paper, tho Detroit Journal, Is unwilling to pl-iy second ntdle to any, and its new Ye ir Buok for 1S91 completely bears out lts claim of beioj; üaer tlwn any previous work of the kind ever issue.l. Tliis book containg in its 148 pages a remarkable amouut of v.ihmlilt: intbrniation, alphabetically arranged, and among other thlng, the conipltte 1890 census figures, electlon statistics in full, etc. It ia also profusely and beautlfully Illustratod witli over one bundred "half-tone" engravingi (from pbotograpbs), all made ixpressly for tbe b.ioli, and is printed on line paper nnd bound in a beautiful cover. It is an immense mprovement on its two predecessors and sbould b found in every home. It is given free to all subsciibers of the Detroit Journal, but others can have a copy mailetl tliem by remltting 30 cents in stamps to the Dotroit Journal. Hibbnrd's Klieumaiic and Liver Filis. These Pilis are scientlflcally componndi il, and uniform in action. No grtptny pain o fiominoniy following ihe u-e ut Pilln, Tiiey are adnpted to hoth nOnlis and clillilren ui Ui perfect s:ifi;ty. We iirnntf-e tlioy Imve no equal iu the cure nf Sick Hcadaclie, (Jonstipiition. üyspepsia acd lülumsncss; in,l as an appetizer, they excel any other preparation.


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Ann Arbor Courier