Epitome Of The Week
UA bii.i. vva pnsseci in me senaic on mo 98dto est abitan the record and pension oftlco of tl; War Department. Vortous conference rcports on public building mouurea were agreed to. Thi eloctlons bin waa discuand The House devoted the day totbe oonsideretton of affaii' pertalning totbe District of Columbla. A roMlntion waa offevod providlng that a commlttoo be appointed to Investigóla the killing ofSitting it ni i and whotheror not it was justi r.(.(t. iNtheSenateontheSMa freecolnage amcmlnifiit to tüe iinancial bill was introduccd, and a bul reported to providc arainsl the OODtractton ot the currency. The elecitons bill was furthor diBOUssod ...In the House a resolution vas introduoed Instruotlng the commlttoe on banking to biinp in a bill ineroMiDg the legal tender currency of the country to an amount OQ.ua) to LiO per capitft of population. The Speaker announood the namc.s of members appointed to 1111 the existing vacancies in the House committees. Adjourned to the 'J6th. A joint reaoiuUon was Introduoed in the Senato on the 94th to provide for the floating oí American llajjs in the easl ;ml (rest pórticos of the Capítol every day in the year. The eleutions bill waa again dlsouased, Adjourned to the 27th The House was not in session. The Sonate was nol in se9sion ou the Sfith In tbc House the journal was read. nfter which an adjournment was taken to the U9th. DOMESTIC. Fivk nuil ui'i'o fatally burncd by an explosión of mollen iron in the New Jersey sleel and iron worksat Trenton. Wii.i.iam DrvAi.t, of Kaltimore, wrote Letters to a Larffe number ol l'nited Mates Senators telling1 each tliat lie had named his Brst-born son for him. Many presents were sent to the alleged child before the trick was diseovered. Tur. mint anthoritlea in Philadelphia discovored a counteTíeit live-dollar gold piece desijjned and executed with such remarkable skill that few of the experts eimlddisting'uish the spnriovis coins from the genuino. It differs fi'om the true coin only in size, being slightly larger. Tuk will of the late Matthew Thomas g-ives $l,:)ü,00() to the eity of (ineinnati. Thb eity of [ndianapolis, Ind., was flooded with counterfeit S silver certifieates, issue of isss. and No. 12,137,008. It was said to be the most dangerous counterfeit that liad ever yet appeared. ThBBB traraps were lynelied near Huntington, Ore., on the Oregon Short Line, by raih-oad men. for killing' a brakeman. lx a dranken qnarrel at Danville, Va., Edwaid Snocfa knocked down James Gravett and literallj stamped him to death. DüBING a criminal trial in the United Statea District Cotirt at Boston on the 23d (Jeneral 1?. F. Butler said that it was his last ease in the oourte, and that hereafter his business would be confined to office praotiee. Tuk (rand Lode of a new order called the Koights of Beeiprocity was formed in Garden City. Kan. The vicinity of tCnoxville, Tenn., experieneed a deeiiled earthquake shock, many persons being auakened from their slnnibers. Tuk seliooner Mary Ellen, from Salisbury, Md.. for BaTtimore, was lost, together with lier crew of live men. Captain Ilenry Wheutlv and son, William Abbott and son and Saúl (ale. Thb corner-stone of the Ilenry W. Grady hospital at Atlanta, Ga., was laid by the (rand Lodge of Masons. Foi:i! men were fatally sralded 1)3' a boiler explosión at [irazil, Ind. A Bvn.nixr, in proeess of erection at Barberton, ().. was blown down and seven workmen buried in the debris, one being killed, t.vo fatally iujureJ and the remainder more or less seriously hnrt. Twkxtv-om: passengecs were injured in a wreek on the Western New Vork & Pennsylvania railroad near Watsonville. Pa. ( 'oliVKl.HH Sri r I v s l.ill..,! 1 'ut. lï1hey at Lexington, Ky.. during a quarrel over the hish question. Kl.l.is O. BABD and Kranklin W. Huil. who embezzled $40.00ü from the Lincoln National ltank of Lincoln, Pa., were sentenced to tive years' imprisonment each. Two jik.n were killed and two others seriously wonnded by the falling of a brick wall at the stock yards in Chicago. Eobert Gbegort, a merchant, was asáassinated in Clay County, Ky., by the 15-year-old son of Thomas Woods, who had been killed by (regory. At New Corydon, Ind.. Wesley Tullis killed Miss Fraybill because she refused to marry him and then took his own life. The report of the sorrender of Sitting Bull's followers in South Dakota was eonlirmed on the 23d, and the Indian trouble was considered practically at an end. In a skirmish in Pratt County the Indians killed three white men. Fire at Azalia. Mieh., destroyed two Stores and eighteen dwellings. A cak of becaate crrerbalasced while being nnloaded near (osport, Ind., and upset. throwinjf ten inen down a forty-foot embankment. Kive were hurt. two fatally. At Holden, Mo., the house of Samuel Malone, an old soldier, was burned, Malone and his brother-in-law, John Hicks, peri.shinfr in the llames. PBBBIDBNT BaBBISOH issued a proclamation deelarlng that the AVorld's Coliuubia Exposition would be openedon the lst day of May, in the year 1893, in the city of Chicago, and would not be closed before the last Thursday in October of the same year. l'ivi: negroes who were arrested for the morder oí Dr. E. 11. Riggan in Mecklenburg County, Va., were taken from jail at Mecklenburg and lynched. The two-cent railroad fare law of Michigan was sustained by the Supreme Coxirt of the State. A neoko was instantly killed at Jfcmphis, Tenn., by leaning againat an iron post to which was tied a telephone wire that was crossed with an eleetriclight wire.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier