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Isaac B. Sawtelle Was Found Guilty

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at Dover. N. II.. t the minder of nis brother, and trnsRentenccdtobehanged the lirsi 'l'ii.-il : i ii January, 1892. A Qstiraatu made frona figuras in the Census ( XuVc n1 ;ishi ni;t n slnnvst!i;it the B&gregíite moi"tg"Hjpo indubtedncss of the whole uouiitry is in the neijfhborhood ot RJ50.00 1,000. The tii-in of EHscraaa v Co., dry-goods dealers al Counoil Bluffs, ra., falled for (800,000; ftssets, L350.000. A boy of ir and i ííh'l of 18 were raarried at Columbia. Mo., and the wedding presente inclnde-d a dolí and a wooden g-un. Kirch KitKHMAN, the ueg ro who murdered Mr. Adkins and his mother at Alexander. . C, last November. was teken froin the ,j;iil at VVinston and lyneheil. In st. I. (mis Samuel Micklos shot and killed hls daughter, fatally wounded bis wil'e and Uien took liis own Ufe. Despondency ín business w;is given as the cause. Tuk law in l'ennsvlvania prohihiting the sale of oleomarfíarine lias been declared unconstitutional. Va.i.. t i; i i n . of st. Louis, aged i" years, as so uiortiiied at being seolded that sht' conunittcd suicide l.y taking poison. StATISTICH sliow that .7 miles of ncw railroad tracks weri' laiii during 1890, againsi 5,095 miles in 1889. The total amount of railwav nmv eompleted in the United States is 1C7,17:2 miles. At Ann Arbor, Muli.. I'rank E. Dickinson, of Dnbuque la., and Minnie Iïruudag-e, of Long Island, N. Y., medical Btndents in the State Universlty, were drowned while skating. Thï: surrender of Indians was reported at Foit üennett and Kort Sully, y. Dm about ")00 surrendering at the latter place. Ox November I9th .Mrs. John Sullivan, of Orange, N. J., gave blrth toa Btrong,healthy baby. On the :J4th inst. she gave blrth to a second child, also stronff and healthy. l'hvsieians said such a case was uever bef ore heard of. The Masonic Temple at Italtimore was burned. causing a loss of $:.0,000. Fiiík at Vlroqua, Wis, destroyed a block of business buildings, cuusing a loss of $150,000. iTwas authoritati vely announced that Dr. William R. Harper, professor of scientific langnages at Vale College, had deeided to accept the preMilency of the Chicago l'niversitv. At Hinckley, Minn., two brothers, John and Peter Kane. aoted desperadoes, were shot dead by Marshal Itooth while resistinjf arrest . Ix Chicago on Chritmas day, ex-Alderman Jonas distributed unioiig1 2,000 poor persons over 500cUiokens, twotons of beef, twenty-five sheep and :50 turkèys. Tu 600 people that carne after all the provisions weiv gone Mi". Jonas gave a dollar each. Two BOYS, Claude McCarty and .John Mabar. ajed l'i and IS years. were drowned vvhile skating at Muskegon, Mica. At Gainesville, Ga., W. J. Kittrell, ehief of pólice, was shot dead by John l'ruitt, a negro despegado, and l'ruitt was killed by aoother oneer. Ax explosión in a powder-house at Lake Iïopatcong, X. J.. killed Mahlon Sperry and John R. Johnson. At Fostoria, O . three highwaymen robbed Krank Myers of $1,300. Dn. IÍ. A., of l'axton, 111., was robbed in the streets of Chieago ol $5,000 in money and a watt-h worth $300. Fn.uns whicfa have robbed the Govetmmi'iit of over 81,000.000 within the last twelve months were rUscovered by Treasury officials in Washington. The {rauds wera comraitted by the Consuls and Consular agente of the l.'nited States in Canada and by the exporten of ('anadian goods to the United States. lx the l'nitcd States the business failures dnring the scven daya ended on preceding' week and :JbS the coi responding week last year. A CONSPERACY to ilood the United States with countenfeit dollars was unearthed at I'ittsburyh, l'a., by the arrest of nineteen rtalians employed to pass the coins. James Mcühide blew up Jenkins' Hotel and store at l'lainvilli'. lnd.. with dynainiti' beeause his wife, who was working there, refused to see liim. Kii (a i.i. a i : 1 1 k u and John Olivcr engagvd in a dis]ute over gfirl at Center Fttrnace, .. and both were killed. Tm: Sanborn County Jiank at Woonsocket, S. I).. closed its dpors. JóHN 1'kji k. of Johnstown, l'a.,vhile out gunning aecidentally shot and killed his T-vear-old boy. The report of the labor commissioner of Maine sliows that there are 3,310 abandonetl farms in the State. Uknkiiai. Chahi.ks Tavlok drowned himself at Mmmt Holly, X. Y., at the same, spot where his brother drowned himself a few years BgO. Mits. John Dietrich and three childivn were burned to death at their home in Roohester, JÍ. Y. Herhushand and one son escaped. A FABMKB named llollowman found a nujrjfet of gold welghing seventy ounees on his farm in Mahaska County, Ia. 4t Staunton, Ya., there was two feet of snow on the ground on the 2Gth. Thk Hughes Lamber Company at Chattanoofja. 'l'cnn., falled for 8175,000; assets, s:wü,ooü. A r.iz.Ar.D )ivvaili-l ia the Rast on the 2üth aml New York City was buried in snow. Streei-cars, i-levated railways and ferry-boate vvere delayed. The coast was BWept by a stronjj gale, and at Narragansrtt Tier two schooners went ashore and three men were drowned. In Kutt'alo. N. Y., the thermometer regfistered 10 degrees below zero, and at Lyndonville, Vt., the mercury sank to :j0 below zero. The Maverick Bank oí San Antonio, Tex., closed its door.s after a run lasting three weeks. The liabilities were BBidtobe 8844,16] and the assets $1,789,915. Hostiles under ii'Uinf Bear made two attacks on li' !i(ith on a camp of Cheyenne scouts at the mouth of Battle creek, but were repulsad, and Beveral oí the hostiles were killed. FlRE destroyed the Edisto phosphate and fertilizing works at Charleston, S. C. Loss, 8iU0,000.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier