Tms slnp Ma$net left rortsmouth, Eng, toaded with meal and potatoes to be distrUnitcd iiuiiiir the poople livingin Galway. Ireland. whose crops failed It was said that a vast army of idle men and their families were dying of hunger in London. DURING a storm at Toulon, Franco, a hrig was wreeUed in the harbor and five men were drowned. TwKUVK.girls were crossing' the lake on the ice at tfoltitein, (erinany, wlien the ice suddenly gave way beneath them and all were drowned. Mus. Nki.i.ik 1'kaí:i:v was haned at London, Eng., for tlie murder of Mrs. Hogg nul the kttter's int'ant child oa OctoberM hf-t. slif confessedher guilt. Sir John I'oi-i. Mknnkssy, the MeCarthyite can luíate for l'arliament in the Kilkenny district defeated Vincent Scully, Mr. PamélTs uandldate, by a majority of 1.171. The Hamburg ship Libussa collided with the lïritish ship TalooUolar, from Calcntta for l.ondon. anl the captain, tweiity-luo of the crew and ten passengers of the Talookolar were lost. A. insnrreeüon in IVru was suppressed at a cist of foi-ty livcs. THE inti-iiKitional amati'iir skating1 cliampionsliip of the world was won at Cambridge, Knr. , by .loe Donohue, of Newburgh, X. '.. who slcatcd a mile and a huif in 4 minutfs 4t' secunds, lowerinf,r ihe world's record. 'J'ni-; stewner Shanhaj was destroyed hy tire Deur Woolloo. ( 'liina. andseveral Enropcun otlieersand sixty ntitives were bnrned ti i dra tli. Dr. IIi.[ii:icii Schi.KIUANN, the famons arclia'oloyist. died in Berlín, aged 'is vi'ars. and the lussian historical novelist. Danielcfüky, who was editor of the Uussian Oflicial (lazette, died in St. Peterbbvrff.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier