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j THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ Ia TRÜTHS FOB THE S1CK. lor;'. deatlilyl Sl.tlclO will lui p!lld BllioiisSpellsdepend foracasewhereSüL-lll onSULPHDRBlTTBES PH0B BlTTBKS Wil II it will euro you. not asstst or euro. 11 gjj n ■■■■ ■■ m'vur Sthattlredandallgone cieansctlie vitiatedJH feellnjt; if so, use i,i00(i when yon seclll StrLPHüB BiTTKBS; t3 lmpurlttes luirst II it will cure you. Ug through the skiu II ü„,,ath,swhoaro "J1?.!8' BJ% Illnot procure BiilUclcnt ;"" 111 I exercl3P,and allwho Sl ,,,.„, :, iirn;its I I jarec-onnncdindoors. wiu (.,ire UverCom-lll l3houldusosri,rnriï pl;ill,t. Don't lic dls- nlBnTERS. Theywil ;.ouraged;itwiUcurelJI [Snot thcubeweakand volu 6 m isSSfpSil UI Sulpiiiu Bitters ; ajtn5_____-i II Illlt never falls tocare, sulphub IíittkksIJ m ' D"'t le without a nillmake yoiirbloodpíábottle. Try It; you pure, nch and strong.M H will not ï-egirt it. md ymir flosli hard. 111 III Laaie in delicate Try srLpmii IiIT- Hltaealth, who are all ters to.nlght, iindl II 111 run down, should use you will sleep wellP1" lllsnr.PHrR Bittkrs. iindfeeUietterforltU Do vou want the befit Medical Work publlnhed? Send 3 2-eent stampa to A. 1'. OrüWAï & Co Boston. Mass., and receive a copy, free. USE DR.CRAIG'S ORIGINAL KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. Tliey are only Safe RemedlesHo use for those afflioted wlth Bright's Disease, Liver Coraplaint and Urlnary Affections. Only those prepared iu the dry form are the Original and the Only Kldney and Liver Cure that wlll restore you to perfect health. ALL LADIE8 USE . -fcS. Jt-_. _A_. SOLÉ Bï ALL DE703ISI3. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., VASSAJIC, N. J. 150 DOSES QUE DOLLAR. tó Apamphletof Information and ljmÊ JHstraci of the laws,siiowing Huw tóyV rfffl& Obtain Patentó, Cave:its, Tradeia Em3 i 1891. HARPER'S YOUNJ PEOPLE. AH ILLÜSTEATED WEEKLÏ. The Twelfth Volume of Habper's Yorx; PBOFLE beglns en November 4, )S0. This bestand most ooraprehenslve weekly in tlie world for young readers presenta a rlch and altractive program me. In fiction Ibere will be"Campmates: A Story of the Plains," by (Cirk Muniok; "Men of I ron," a roxnani How i:i- Pyi.k, with lllustratlons by the autbor;"Flylng Hill Farm,'' by SophieSWIltt; "The Moon Prlnce," by R. K. Munkittbick; and "Yellowtop," by Anjjie Broshos King In additioi) to these live seríais, tliere wlll be stories in twoor tbree parts by Th om. ís Hel so Page, Hjalmak Bjokth Boyeson, Edwin LA33BITKR BYNNER HaRRIET Pki BPOFF J'.ll, MARY E. WlI.KlNK, NORA PkBRY, and others. Short stories, and articles on science, history, travel, adventure, games and sports, wlth bundreds of lllustniilons of the higbest character, will render Hakpsb'b Young Pkoi'I.e 6r 1K91 unrlvalledasa nilseel-" lany of the best readiug for boys and girls. "The best weekly publicatlon for young people in exUlence. It ts edlted with scrupuious care and a'tenlion, and iustruction and entertainment are mingled in lts pages in iust the right proportions to captivate the minds of the young, and at the same time to develope thelr thinking power."-iV. Y. Observer. TERMS : Postage Prepaid, $2 Per Ycar. Vol. XII. begins November 4, 1890. Volumes VIII., X. and XI. of Habpeb's Young People bound In clotli wtll be sent by mail, postage paid, on recelpt of $3.50 each THe otuer volumes are out of print. Specimen Vopy sent on receipt of a two-cent stamp. Single Nümbirs, Five Cents each. Remlttauces should be made by Post-omee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of losa Newspapers are not to copy tits advertlsement without the exprees order oHarpek & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Insurance, Real Estile and loan Agencj OF HAMILTONS, GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK fi lts r ii. ooit. Partlea deslrlng to buy or eell Real Estáte will flnd it to their advantage to cali on us We represent the followlng flrst-class Flre Insurance Companles. havlng and aggregate capital of over $8,000,000: The Oraud Kapid Flre In. Co., The Ohio Farmers' Ins. Co., (lnsnres on'.y dwellingg), The eruiun Firn Ins. Co.! The People's Fire In. Co., The Citizen' Flre In. Oo., The -Wewtcliester Flre Ins. Co., The Milwaukee Medíanlo' Fire Ins Co., The New Mampshlre Flre In. Co., The IKorthwestern Flre In. Co. Rates Low. Losses llberally adjusted and pald promptly. _ ,, , We also Issue Life and Investment Pollcle In the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. AsRets Só5,000,000. Persons desirlug Accident Insurance, can have yearly l'ollcle wrltten for them or Traveler's Coupon Insur nnce Tickets issued at low rates In theStan dard Accident Insurance Company of De troit, Mich. Money to loan at eurrent rates Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12 ra. and 2 to ! p. m HAMILTON & CREEN. 1891. Harper's Weelcly. IÜUSTRATED. Harper'8 ■vf.eki.y has never fallad lo iistit'y lts tule as a ''Journal ofCivili.iition." uní it has done so witn i constant renard lo tnlarged possibilities oí usfullness and u standard of artistlc aud llterary excellence. lt leavos untouched no important ihaseof the world'8 progresa and presents a ecord,7 eq ually trustworthy aud interesting, f the notable eveuts, persous, aud achievements oí our time. Special supplements wlll be contlnued In 1881. They wlll be literary, scienUac, artisiic, historical, crltlcal, topoffr&pbloai) or lesorlptlva, as occasion may demand, and wlll continue to deserve the heaity commendation wliloh lias been bestowad on paal ssue.s by the pressand thepublic. Asa í:imlyjournal, Harpïb's Wkkki.v wlll, as heretolore, be editeü with a strlot regard for the jualltes that nuike lt a sale and wel come visitor to eveiy home. HARPER'S TËRIODICALS. PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKL H 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNQ PEOPLE 2 00 Po8tage Free to all subscribers in (he United States, Canada or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the tlrst Number for January of each year. Wheu no timéis mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Nuuiber current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three years back, in neat clotii binding, will be sent by muil, postage pald. or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed, one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Reraittances should be made by Post-oflJce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy Ihis advertisement witkout the express order of H arper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1891. Karper's Bazar. ILLU8TRATKD. H arpkr's Bazar Is a Journal for the home. Uiving the latest Information witli regard to tbe Fashlons, its iiumerous illustratlons, fashlon-plales. and pattern-sheet supplements are indlspeuslble allke lo the home dress maker and the professional modiste. No expe'use is spared in making its artistic aitracüveness of the highest order, lts clever short storles, parlor piays, and thoughtful essays satisfy all tastes, and its last page is fainons as a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues everything is included which is of interest to womeu. Daring 18'Jl Agkks B. Ormsbee will write a series of articleson "The House Comfortable,'' Jultet Cokox will treat of "Sanitary Living,1' and an luteresling succession of papers on "Woman In Art and History," superbly tllustrated. will be furnislied by Tiïeodore l 'm LH. The serial stories willbeby V alter Buuiil and Thomas Hakdy. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: ÏARPER'S BAZAR $4 OU KKS MAGAZINE 4 00 lARPErVS WEEKLY 4 00 lAHl'KR's YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Pisagr Fn-e to all stibscribers in the Uniled Sai. l, 'añada or Mexico. ThO volomes of tbe Baar begin witli the first nninlicr for January of eacb year. Wuen o lian' is mentioned, subscrlptions wil! bein witli !■ e Number current at time of reeipl of order. Bound volumes ! Harper's Hazar, for hree years back. in neat cloth binding, will tesent by mail, poslage paid or by espress, expense (provided ihe freigbt does not xceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for eaeh volume, suitable lor linuing will sent by mail, postpaid, on reeelptot $l.i0 each. , Ileinittanee should be made by Post-offioe Money Order or Draft. to avold chance of loss. AT wapdpers nr ot to copy tliis advertisement oithou' the txpress order of Harper & BkothVddress: HARPER S BROTHERS, New York. 1891. Harp er 's Magazine. ILLTJ8TRAÏED. The important series of papers on South America by TÜKoDOKE Cllll-o. wlll be conttnued in Harpkk's iluring the reater part of the year 1891. The articles on i$outbrn Californl by Charles Dudlky V kskk, will also be contluued. Araoug otüer Doteworthy attractions wtll be a novel by Cu Eobekt Ckaddock; a collectlou of original drawings by W. M. Thaxkehay, imw publish.e4 tor the fust time; a novel wrillen and iüustrated by George du Maurikr; a novelette hy Wir.LiAM Düis ' Howií and a serles of papers on London by Waltkk Bksaxt. Iu the nutnb'-r and varlety of lllustrated papers and oiberarticles on surjects ol timely interest as well as in the unrivalled cbaracterofits short stories, poema, etc, Harper's Magazine will continue to maintain ttiai sta dard of excellence fur whicil il has been so long distingulshed. IIARPER'STËRJODICALS. PER YEAU: HAHgER'S MAGAZINE S4 OC HAKPKB'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HAKPER'S YOUKG PEOPLE 2 00 Ponlage Fret to all subscriberê in the United States, Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin wltli the Nurabers for June and December of eah year When no time Is Bpecifled, subscriptlons will begin with tlie Number current at time of recelpt of order. Bound Volumes of HARPER'sMAGAZINE.for three years back, in neal. cloth binding, wlll be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3.00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents eacli- by mail, postpaid. Index to Habpek's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classifled, for Volumes 1 to70, inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 18S5, one vol., Svo, Cloth, SJ.OO. Remittunccs should be made by Post-Offlce Mouey Order or Draft, to avoid chauce of loss. Jfewspapcrs are not to copy this advertisemenl without the express order of Habkek& BrothKUS. Address: HARPER & BROTHEKS, New York. Bflflml lf ni,l.llv and lionorably, by thosc of Ml! I ownlocalit'e,wherever the live. Anjr II V I 1 ■ I one can do lliè work. Eaay to lom,. We fut.ii.h tTCTVthing. We start you. No ri.k. You can devot.vour spare munifliit, or all jour time to the work. 1 tu i n intlrelr new ]cud.and brillas wonderM succci to every wotker. BMlniMl tarning fiom 25 to 50 pvwaakud ua,Ü!, and more afir a litilo experienoe. W CM tamUh you the jni,,!„. ment a.u! teach you I KKK. No yiace lo eipUtn hm. FuU ■VIIIA RBRPB maybo fonnd on I illV BTnikli itowELi. A Cos ïicn-spaper Advertislng Bureau (10 Spruca Streot),wheroadvcr. kff tffinif tising contracta may MblM VI IKK


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