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The Farmers' Si Ueckics' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLÏÏS $10,000. AiitioialLialtiesofStocBioliers $50,000. Report of the condtüon of the FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close ol business Dec. 19, 1890. BE80CRCES. Loans and dlscounts $ 230,401 0 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 74,421 56 Overdrafts...; 4.188 80 Due from banks in reserve citing.... 8.695 77 Due from other banks and bankers 5.S59 04 Due from Washtenaw County 28,225 60 Furnlture and flxtures 3.5K) 00 Current expenses and laxes paid... 1,807 59 Interest paid 3,110 48 Checks aud cash iteius 969 39 Nickels and pennies Í58 !ö Gold 6.762 .50 Silver 1,720 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes 5,(i00 00 Total $ 375,517 70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid iD t 50.000 00 Surplus fuud _ 10 000 00 Undivided proflts 9.917 51 Commercial deposits 25S.S05 14 Savings deposits 4926 71 Due to banksand bankers 4B9 64 Total f375.517 70 STATE OK MICHIGAN,) County of Washiennw. f I, F. H. BELSER, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do solt-mnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledgeand belief. F. H. BKLSER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of December. 1898. W-M. VV. WHEDON, Notary Public. Cobkect- Attest : Chas E. Greene, Reuben Kempf, D. F. Schairer, Diiectors. Tlie Farmers' & Meciianics' Bant havlngnled thelr certiflcate with the State Banking Department are now authorized to do business asa Savings Bank, and in pursuance thereof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings department on all deposits of il and upwards, interest pald June lst and Deo. lst. of each year. The savings department Is open Saturday nights from 7 until 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan in surns of $25 to $5,000 secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securities. DIRECTOKS- Kenben Kempf. Chaw. R. (ircciif, E. Dufly, Ambrose Kearne, Win. '. stcvei'x, W. F. Breukey, J. K. Hiiil, John Burg, D. F. Schairer. R. KEMPF, Prr8. E. DÜFFÏ, Vce-P-e. F. 11. BELsER, nliter MM Í6000.0ÍI a jear i beinp marie by John R. LÊk iVuk tioodwin,Troy.N.Y.,at work for u's. Ueader, Hifcfc you may not mnke aa much, but we can Wat "■' ■ teach you quickly how to esrn from Ï5 to ■nMtlO a day at the start, and move as you po MW ?oth sxes, all ages. In any part of HF PHAraerica, you can commence at home, pivK Aiine a11 yr time,or spare momenta onlv to mBB6FF'Üti: All 6 new. Great pay SIKt'ftr BVIaW tlfry ivurktr. We Start you, "furnishins ■JF evcrythinfr. EASILY, Si'EHDILÏ leamed TIBaVk. rAKIICLLAKS FIÍEE. Address at once i. li3BF.ams"sl''1 '■. H)BTLi.D, 3lAl.,r. Eoo3ss Cotton. Eoot f ü COMPOUND B 'öyComposed of Cotton Root. Tansy and y y3 l'ennyroyal - a recent discovery by an monüiiy- Safe, Effectual. Price 81, by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your drUKgist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed partioulars. Address POND LILY COMPANT, No. 3 Fisher Biook, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. KIIKKK.Uil A SOV4, V ARBOR SKI.I. Itl I.OW PILI.S. T A "rkTTC! TRY DR. I.ADUES "PBl_lixJJXIllÖ HIjDICAL" PILLS fn.m Paris. France. Ksublisheil in in 1839, Canada in 1878. For Suppreeeione, ïrregalaritiee, anri Montbly Derangements. A reliablf monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any drngeist. t2. Ameriran Pili Co., Propnetors. Spencer, ïowa. Robert StepheriBon & Co., waolesale asenta, and all other draggists in ADn rbor Tbese pille are warrantedfohrincnn thp'Vhanff.1' Fargtfs Shoes !■■ the ramrly } 5tl f "Box Tip" School Shoes 5%!V for Boys and Girls. : Heeled or Wedge Heel. SÍHSN Slzes-8tolO!4 1.8S Í GOf+ÏoF} ntoizx ÍITf" Tlrfeè ito;j 1.73 WKmr&aí?11 s'2to sm 8-oo 5MV $2-50 Calf Shoe Javv fo" Gentlemen, . O Agg-yCnequaled by any ehoe wJ F grr f 'Vin America at the samo EywfayMOty Drice. In Congres, But"■ii.iJ ■ && ton and Lace. Men'saud Boy's sizes. rrfl FARCO'S f!$2.50 LADIES' BOOT f %& ' . Dongola or Goat, Button, ƒ jXvSp v Opera, or Common Sense. f ACÁ íg . Tackless and Flexible. ídUirjH IVarranted the most XA sSjDayMade in Ladiee and Missi-s OÜR NAME IS ON THE BOTTONI OF EVERY SHOE. Ak jour dealer for Farco's Shoo. It he does not teep them send to us and wlU iurnlsh vou a pair on nccltt of pnoe. Send postal for Jtscriptive list. O. H. FABQO & CO., Chicago. I1L DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - AXX ARBOR. Michigan(Tbntral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect Nov. 30. 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. ""' 1 l3 g Lí ffi U g A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P. M. P.M. A.K. Chicago Lv.. 7 05 9 00 12 21) 310 9 25 10 10 . Kala'oo 1145 217 3 58 7 00 3 30 7 15 JackB'n 300 4 25 5 35 8 47 4 4P 6 15 9 40 Chelsea 359 530 7 13 10 31 Dexter 4 14 5 45 7 28 10 43 P. M.P. M. P.M. P. M. A.M. A.M. A.H AnnA'r 4 42 1 5 29 30 9 45 60S 7 50 11 OU Ypsil'ti 603 543 956 6 23 808 1113 W'eJc 527 647 835 118ÍJ De't Ar 615 6 45 7 30 10 45 7 8 9 20 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. -ÜTÜL 1 ?í Jí! tê. Sllf È. A.M. A.M P. M.IP.M. A M.-P.M. p.M. Detroit.. ..Lv 830 750 120 7 45 925 9 15 443 Wayne June. 9 08 8 23 . . . 9 54 5 21 Ypeilami.... 928 841 2 05 845 10 15 5 43 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P M. P.M. AnnArbor... 9 43 8 57 219 858 1019 1030 555 Dezter 110 0 915 608 Chelsea ! 10 13 93(1 . .. 6 19 Jackson 'U0O10O0 3 17 10 20 1115 1145 655 Kalamazoo.. 9 '5 12 12 503 1248 1266 2 17 9 30 Cbicago...Ar 735 4 359 0ti40 4508O5 O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HA YES, G. P. & T. Agent, Chicaeo. At., Aun Arbor. ToleIo, Aun Arbor & Sorth Michigan Kaihvaf. TIMK SCHEDÜLB. Taking effect Oetober 12th, 1890. Tratas ran by Standard Time. Qoing North hú úL 11 5B STATIONS. Jg. S W j wi) o A. M P. M. P.M. P.M. 6 00 3 30 Lv Toledo Ar 110 1115 6 47 4 lü Dundee 12 16 10 32 7 03 4 31 Milan 11 57 10 02 7 20 4 45 Urania 1145 9 48 7 27 4 55 Pittefleld 1137 9 40 7 4i 5 07 Ann Arbor 1125 9 2 7 55 5 25 LeJand 1112 9 10 8(16 5 39 Whitmore Lake 1100 8 55 8 55 6 32 Howell 10 25 8 20 9 40 7 35 Durand 9 40 7 20 11 03 8 45 East Saginaw S 10 5 50 Ï0 20 8 10 ....... ..OwossO.. ........ 8 55 ff 30 1130 9 12 Ithaca 7 45 5 18 1 25 !0 13 Mt. Pleaeant 6 45 4 15 3 35 Cadillac 10:35 5 20 Coptmieh 8 55 6 35 ....Ar FruEklurt Lv 6 55 P. M.P. II. i. M. A. M. Go Ing South. H. W. ASHLEY. Genera] Manage-. A. J. PAISLBY, GEO. H. HAZLKWOOD, Gen'l. Pass. & Ticket Aifent. Local Aüent The Forum The Foremost Periodieal for Tliouglitful Readers. lts range is fairly indlcated by the followlng Table of Contents of the DECEMBER NUMBER: THE GOVERNMENT OF AMERICAN CITIES. By Andrew D. White- Wherein Europeau Cilies are better goverued than ours; the dauger place lu our politlcal system, and the remedy. CITY QROWTH AND PARTY POLITICS. By Willlam E. Springer.- The iuerease of ui bun over rural popalation as bhown by the census; how this decrease is advantageous to the Demócrata. STABIL1TYOFTHE FRENCH REPUBLIC. By Julius Simon, of the French Sennte. A review of domestic and forelen influenees favorable and unfavorable to the Republic; a hopeful outlook. FAMILY STOCKS IN A DEMOCRACY. By President C. W. Ellot. of Harvard.- Democratie Society favorable to the perpetuation of families; a study of American conditlons therelor. DOES CHINA MENACE THE WORLP? By PresldentW. A. P. Martin, of the Imperial Tung Weng College, China, - Wliy the tendency of Chinese life rorbids fear of competltion. THE HUMANITIE3. By Major J.W. Powell. The flrst of a series of anieles to stiow that the theory of biologicai; evolutioa falls when applled to sociolugy. FüRMATIVE INFLUENCES. By Archdeacon K. W. Farrar.- An autoblographleal essay, following similar ones by Prof. John TyDdall, W. E. H. Lecky, F'reüerio Harrlson ao olher noted men. SPEED IN RAILWAY TKAVF.L. By Prof. R. H. Thurston. The possibillty of 200 miles an hour by steum; why electrieity Is llkely to supe: sede steam. ARMOR FOR WAR SHIPS. By Commnnder F. M. Barber of tlie U. S. Navy. NOTES ON GHOSTS. Andrew Lang. PITY, GENUINE AND SPURIOUS. By Francés Power Cobbe. Amongthe rpTTP PfiTSTTlUT FOR 1891 features of 1 XlXj Í Wit U 1V1 will be BiSULTS OF THE CENSUS. A serles of anieles by Gen. F rancie A. Walker; Resulta of the LATEST HESKAKt H and oftbe most RECENT ACHIEVEMENTÖ in all IMPORTANT LINES ui' WORK, In 8CIENCEand In ' INDUSTRY, by speciallats; POLITICA L 1)18CUS8ION8, by the leaders of opinión in the United States, and by forelan statesmen: SHIBBOIjETHS OF THE TIME, a series of critical examinatlons of popular oplnions. by W. S. Lilly, the Britfsh essayist; AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS, a serles to whlch some of the most noted men of the time, American and Britlsb, have already contrlbuted; DISCUSSIONS OF SOCIAL AND BELIG1OUS PROBLEMS IN THE UNITED STATES; LIFERARY ARTICLKS, dlscussing the tendencles of literary work along all uirections of actlvlty, by the foremost critics.


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Ann Arbor Courier